virtual void persToTrans(const Rec ::TrackParticle_p1 *persObj, Rec ::TrackParticle *transObj, MsgStream &log)
void fillTransFromPStore(CNV **cnv, const TPObjRef &ref, TRANS_T *trans, MsgStream &log) const
Convert persistent object, stored in the the top-level persistent object and referenced by the TP Ref...
ITPConverterFor< Trk::TrackParticleBase > * m_trackParticleBaseCnv
constexpr double mass[PARTICLEHYPOTHESES]
the array of masses
TPObjRef baseToPersistent(CNV **cnv, const typename CNV::Trans_t *transObj, MsgStream &log) const
Persistify bass class of a given object and store the persistent represenation in the storage vector ...
virtual void transToPers(const Rec ::TrackParticle *transObj, Rec ::TrackParticle_p1 *persObj, MsgStream &log)
const TrackParameters & definingParameters() const
Returns the 'defining' parameter of this TrackParticle.
TPObjRef m_trackParticleBase