ATLAS Offline Software
src Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for src:


directory  components
directory  plots


file  DeltaRMatchingTool.cxx [code]
file  DeltaRMatchingTool.h [code]
 Tool to perform matching of tracks and/or truth particles based on their ditance in DeltaR or in their pT reslution.
file  DeltaRMatchingTool.icc [code]
file  InDetTrackPerfMonTool.cxx [code]
file  InDetTrackPerfMonTool.h [code]
file  IPlotsDefReadTool.h [code]
 Interface for plots definition reading tools in this package.
file  ITrackMatchingLookup.h [code]
 Interace for TrackMatchingLookup objects (templated)
file  InnerDetector/InDetValidation/InDetTrackPerfMon/src/ITrackMatchingTool.h [code]
 interface for track matching tools in this package
file  JsonPlotsDefReadTool.cxx [code]
file  JsonPlotsDefReadTool.h [code]
 Tool to read/parse plots definitions from Json input format.
file  OfflineElectronDecoratorAlg.cxx [code]
file  OfflineElectronDecoratorAlg.h [code]
 Algorithm to decorate offline tracks with the corresponding offline electron object (if required for trigger analysis)
file  OfflineMuonDecoratorAlg.cxx [code]
file  OfflineMuonDecoratorAlg.h [code]
 Algorithm to decorate offline tracks with the corresponding offline muon object (if required for trigger analysis)
file  OfflineObjectDecorHelper.cxx [code]
file  OfflineObjectDecorHelper.h [code]
 Utility methods to access offline object decorations.
file  OfflineTauDecoratorAlg.cxx [code]
file  OfflineTauDecoratorAlg.h [code]
 Algorithm to decorate offline tracks with the corresponding offline tau object (if required for trigger analysis)
file  OfflineTrackQualitySelectionTool.cxx [code]
file  OfflineTrackQualitySelectionTool.h [code]
file  PlotMgr.cxx [code]
file  PlotMgr.h [code]
 Derived class to give extra capabilities to TrkValHistUtils/PlotBase.h such as ATH_MSG and an easier booking interface, as well as access to the PlotsDefinitionSvc.
file  PlotsDefinitionSvc.cxx [code]
file  PlotsDefinitionSvc.h [code]
 Service interface to hold (and propagate) the definition of the monitoring plots in this package (based on IHistogramDefinitionSvc.h of the IDPVM package)
file  RoiSelectionTool.cxx [code]
file  RoiSelectionTool.h [code]
 Athena includes.
file  SafeDecorator.h [code]
 Helper functions to perform safe decoration of xAOD objects in this package.
file  SinglePlotDefinition.cxx [code]
file  SinglePlotDefinition.h [code]
 Class to store (internally) each plot definition in this package (originally based on the SingleHistogramDefinition class of IDPVM)
file  TrackAnalysisCollections.cxx [code]
file  TrackAnalysisCollections.h [code]
 Class to hold for each event collections needed in the TrkAnalsis.
file  TrackAnalysisDefinitionSvc.cxx [code]
file  TrackAnalysisDefinitionSvc.h [code]
file  TrackAnalysisPlotsMgr.cxx [code]
file  TrackAnalysisPlotsMgr.h [code]
 class to manage (book, fill) all the plots for the processed TrackAnalysis for tracking performance validation
file  TrackMatchingLookup.h [code]
 Look-up table (templated) class to store (internally to IDTPM) all the matches between test and reference tracks and vice versa.
file  TrackMatchingLookup.icc [code]
file  TrackObjectSelectionTool.cxx [code]
file  TrackObjectSelectionTool.h [code]
 Tool to select offline ID tracks which asociated with fully-reconstructed object with specific quality criteria.
file  TrackParametersHelper.h [code]
 Utility methods to access track/truth particles parmeters in a consitent way in this package.
file  TrackQualitySelectionTool.cxx [code]
file  TrackQualitySelectionTool.h [code]
 Tool to handle all required tracks and truth particle quality selections in this package.
file  TrackRoiSelectionTool.cxx [code]
file  TrackRoiSelectionTool.h [code]
file  TrackTruthMatchingTool.cxx [code]
file  TrackTruthMatchingTool.h [code]
 Tool to perform matching of tracks and truth particles via truthParticleLink decorations.
file  TruthHitDecoratorAlg.cxx [code]
file  TruthHitDecoratorAlg.h [code]
 Algorithm to decorate xAOD::TruthParticles with additional information regarding the corresponding track hits required for validation.
file  TruthTrackMatchingTool.cxx [code]
file  TruthTrackMatchingTool.h [code]
 Tool to perform matching of truth particles and tracks via their truthParticleLink decorations. The track with the highest truthMatchProbability is chosen.
file  TruthTrackQualitySelectionTool.cxx [code]
file  TruthTrackQualitySelectionTool.h [code]