ATLAS Offline Software
Classes | Typedefs
PlotBase.h File Reference
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "TH1F.h"
#include "TH2F.h"
#include "TH3F.h"
#include "TProfile.h"
#include "TProfile2D.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TEfficiency.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  PlotBase


typedef std::pair< TH1 *, std::string > HistData
typedef std::pair< TTree *, std::string > TreeData
typedef std::pair< TEfficiency *, std::string > EfficiencyData

Typedef Documentation

◆ EfficiencyData

typedef std::pair<TEfficiency*, std::string> EfficiencyData

Definition at line 31 of file PlotBase.h.

◆ HistData

typedef std::pair<TH1*, std::string> HistData

Definition at line 29 of file PlotBase.h.

◆ TreeData

typedef std::pair<TTree*, std::string> TreeData

Definition at line 30 of file PlotBase.h.