ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
14 #include "AthLinks/ElementLink.h"
79 virtual double pt()
81 virtual double eta()
83 virtual double phi()
85 virtual double m()
87 virtual double e()
193 const std::vector< ElementLink< IParticleContainer > >&
const ;
331 template<
const fastjet::PseudoJet * getPseudoJet() const
FastJetLinkBase * m_fastJetLink
Pointer to the fastjet object this jet is build from.
Default constructor.
std::vector< const T * > getAssociatedObjects(AssoParticlesID type) const
const T * getAssociatedObject(const std::string &name) const
get a single associated object this compact form throws an exception if the object is not existing
Jet_v1 & operator=(const Jet_v1 &other)
JetFourMom_t jetP4() const
The full 4-momentum of the particle : internal jet type.
virtual double phi() const
The azimuthal angle ( ) of the particle.
ICaloAffectedTool is abstract interface for tools checking if 4 mom is in calo affected region.
std::vector< size_t > vec
JetAlgorithmType::ID getAlgorithmType() const
JetConstituentVector getConstituents() const
Return a vector of consituents. The object behaves like vector<const IParticle*>. See JetConstituentV...
This file defines helper classes to deal with jet constituents.
Class providing the definition of the 4-vector interface.
JetInput::Type getInputType() const
void setAssociatedObjects(AssoParticlesID type, const std::vector< const T * > &vec)
bool getAttribute(AttributeID type, T &value) const
Retrieve attribute moment by enum.
bool getAssociatedObject(AssoParticlesID type, const T *&vec) const
void setAssociatedObject(const std::string &name, const T *vec)
set a single associated object T must inherit AuxElement (if T inherits IParticle,...
void setAttribute(AttributeID type, const T &value)
Set number by enum.
T getAttribute(const std::string &name) const
short form : more convenient and compact. Throws an exception if the moment is missing.
void setJetP4(const JetFourMom_t &p4)
TLorentzVector FourMom_t
Definition of the 4-momentum type.
void setAssociatedObject(AssoParticlesID type, const T *vec)
std::vector< const T * > getAssociatedObjects(const std::string &name) const
get associated objects as a vector<object> this compact form throws an exception if the object is not...
void setNumConstituents(size_t n)
JetAttribute::AssoParticlesID AssoParticlesID
float pz() const
The z-component of the jet's momentum.
virtual Type::ObjectType type() const
The type of the object as a simple enumeration.
void setSizeParameter(float p)
void reset()
Function making sure that the object is ready for persistification.
float getSizeParameter() const
JetAttribute::AttributeID AttributeID
JetConstitScale getConstituentsSignalState() const
The state at which constituents were when this jet was found.
void setConstituentsSignalState(JetConstitScale t)
Set the state at which constituents were when this jet was found. This function is called by jet buil...
bool getAssociatedObject(const std::string &name, const T *&vec) const
get a single associated object returns false if the object is not existing
bool getAssociatedObjects(AssoParticlesID type, std::vector< const T * > &vec) const
IParticle::FourMom_t FourMom_t
Definition of the 4-momentum type.
//////////////////////////////////////// JetAlgorithmType::ID defines most common physics jet finding...
float py() const
The y-component of the jet's momentum.
void addConstituent(const ElementLink< IParticleContainer > &link, float weight=1.0)
Add a constituent directly in the ElementLink format.
virtual double rapidity() const
The true rapidity (y) of the particle.
void setAttribute(const std::string &name, const T &v)
virtual double eta() const
The pseudorapidity ( ) of the particle.
const std::vector< ElementLink< IParticleContainer > > & constituentLinks() const
Direct access to constituents. WARNING expert use only.
ROOT::Math::LorentzVector< ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiM4D< double > > JetFourMom_t
Base 4 Momentum type for Jet.
float px() const
The x-component of the jet's momentum.
bool getAssociatedObjects(const std::string &name, std::vector< const T * > &vec) const
get associated objects as a vector<object> returns false if the object is not existing If internal li...
const IParticle * rawConstituent(size_t i) const
Direct access to constituents. WARNING expert use only.
void setAssociatedObjects(const std::string &name, const std::vector< const T * > &vec)
set associated objects from a vector of arbitrary object.
void setInputType(JetInput::Type t)
T getAttribute(AttributeID type) const
virtual FourMom_t p4() const
The full 4-momentum of the particle.
virtual double m() const
The invariant mass of the particle.
virtual double e() const
The total energy of the particle.
const T * getAssociatedObject(AssoParticlesID type) const
bool getAttribute(const std::string &name, T &value) const
Retrieve attribute by string.
JetFourMom_t genvecP4() const
The full 4-momentum of the particle : internal jet type (same).
A vector of jet constituents at the scale used during jet finding.
Type of objects that have a representation in the xAOD EDM.
JetFourMom_t GenVecFourMom_t
define enum ot follow naming conventions
size_t numConstituents() const
Number of constituents in this jets (this is valid even when reading a file where the constituents ha...
void setPseudoJet(const PSEUDOJET *fj)
Set the fast jet pointer.
virtual double pt() const
The transverse momentum ( ) of the particle.
void setAlgorithmType(JetAlgorithmType::ID a)