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ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
10 #include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
35 class TrkDetElementBase;
void clearResiduals()
clears vector of residuals
void setCompetingRIOsOnTrack(const CompetingRIOsOnTrack *crio)
sets CompetingRIOsOnTrack
void setUnbiasedTrackPars(const TrackParameters *trkPars)
setter for unbiased track parameters
TrackState::MeasurementType measType() const
returns measurement type enum
std::vector< Residual > m_residuals
void setMeasDir(Trk::ParamDefs dir)
set the measurement direction
const RIO_OnTrack * rio() const
returns RIO_OnTrack or leading RIO of CompetingRIOsOnTrack (assigned by c'tor)
std::vector< Amg::VectorX > * m_derivatives
const std::vector< Residual > & residuals() const
returns vector of Residuals
virtual TrackStateOnSurface::Variety variety() const override final
Use this method to find if this is a Single, Multi or Align TrackStateOnsurface.
Trk::ParamDefs measDir() const
retrieve the measurement direction
bool const RAWDATA *ch2 const
const std::vector< Amg::VectorX > * derivatives() const
returns pointer to vector of derivatives
Trk::ParamDefs m_measDir
direction of measurement (set to Trk::x by default)
const AlignModule * module() const
accessor method for AlignModule to which tsos belongs
std::vector< const TrkDetElementBase * > m_detelements
AlignModule is a grouping of TrkDetElementBase objects, grouped according to the type of alignment,...
std::vector< Amg::VectorX > * m_derivativesVtx
std::string dumpMeasType() const
returns string corresponding to the measurement type
std::string dumpMeasDir() const
returns string corresponding to the measurement direction
int nDetElements() const
method for retrieving number of detector elements
void setDerivativesVtx(std::vector< Amg::VectorX > *derivs)
setter for the derivatives w.r.t.
AlignTSOS & operator=(const AlignTSOS &atsos)
asignment operator
const std::vector< Amg::VectorX > * derivativesVtx() const
returns pointer to vector of derivatives w.r.t.
std::vector< Residual >::const_iterator lastResidual() const
returns last Residual iterator
Base class for all CompetingRIOsOnTack implementations, extends the common MeasurementBase.
enum describing the flavour of MeasurementBase
const TrkDetElementBase * detelement(int i=0) const
method for retrieving detector elements (one if RIO, more if CRIO)
const CompetingRIOsOnTrack * m_crio
const TrackParameters * m_unbiasedTrackPars
const TrackParameters * unbiasedTrackPars() const
returns pointer to unbiased track parameters if present
Ensure that the ATLAS eigen extensions are properly loaded.
TrackState::MeasurementType m_measType
represents the track state (measurement, material, fit parameters and quality) at a surface.
double alphaStrip() const
returns strip angle for fan-out structured modules (SCT endcap)
void setAlphaStrip(double alpha)
returns strip angle for fan-out structured modules (SCT endcap)
const RIO_OnTrack * m_rio
Identifier identify() const
returns Identifier of RIO
virtual ~AlignTSOS()
MsgStream & operator<<(MsgStream &sl, const AlignModule &alignModule)
overload of << operator for MsgStream for debug output
void setDerivatives(std::vector< Amg::VectorX > *derivs)
setter for the derivatives
const CompetingRIOsOnTrack * crio() const
returns CompetingRIOsOnTrack
int nResDim() const
returns number of measurement residual + scatterer residual dimensions
void addResidual(const Residual &residual)
pushes back vector of Residuals to alignTSOS residuals
void setValid(bool isvalid)
set and retrieve flag to indicate whether hit valid for alignment
std::vector< Residual >::const_iterator firstResidual() const
returns first Residual iterator