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| MuonValR4 |
| Lightweight algorithm to read xAOD MDT sim hits and (fast-digitised) drift circles from SG and fill a validation NTuple with identifier and drift circle info.
std::unique_ptr< TEllipse > | MuonValR4::drawDriftCircle (const Amg::Vector3D ¢er, const double radius, const int color=kViolet, const int fillStyle=hollowFilling) |
| Create a TEllipse for drawing a drift circle. More...
std::unique_ptr< TLatex > | MuonValR4::drawLabel (const std::string &text, const double xPos, const double yPos, const unsigned int fontSize=18) |
| Create a TLatex label,. More...
std::unique_ptr< TBox > | MuonValR4::drawBox (const Amg::Vector3D &boxCenter, const double boxWidth, const double boxHeight, const int color=kGreen+2, const int fillStyle=hollowFilling, const int view=objViewEta) |
| Creates a box for drawing, e.g strip measurements. More...
std::unique_ptr< TLine > | MuonValR4::drawLine (const MuonR4::SegmentFit::Parameters &pars, const double lowEnd, const double highEnd, const int color=kRed+1, const int lineStyle=kDashed, const int view=objViewEta) |