ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
21 #include "G4VSensitiveDetector.hh"
34 #include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h"
42 #include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
45 #define doHitsTXT false
46 #define doHitsNTup true
47 #define IDcalc 0 //1-6, 0-all
53 class G4HCofThisEvent;
66 class TileGeoG4LookupBuilder;
69 class TileGeoG4Section;
77 class G4TouchableHistory;
78 class G4VPhysicalVolume;
84 typedef std::vector<double>
99 G4bool
ProcessHits(G4Step*, G4TouchableHistory*)
override final;
124 void HitsInfoPrint (
170 ToolHandle<TileCalibHitNtuple> m_ntuple;
171 ToolHandle<TileCalibHitCntNtup> m_ntupleCnt;
JetConstituentVector::iterator iterator
This class creates ntuple with calibration hits info.
void Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent *) override final
Identifier DM_ID_Maker(int det, int type, int sample, int region, int tower, int module)
void DefaultHitIDCalculator()
const G4TouchableHistory * m_stepTouchable
bool operator()(CaloCalibrationHit *const &p, CaloCalibrationHit *const &q) const
This class is attached to G4Event objects as UserInformation. It holds a pointer to the HepMC::GenEve...
void InvokeUserTrackingAction()
const CaloDM_ID * m_caloDM_ID
bool m_isNegative
set to true if hit is in negative side
Scalar phi() const
phi method
void DefaultHitIDCalculatorTB(int sample=0, int region=0, int eta=0, int phi=0)
Scalar eta() const
pseudorapidity method
void CellNumCorrectToHit(int, int)
void EnergiesSimpleCounter()
ServiceHandle< IRDBAccessSvc > m_rdbSvc
ServiceHandle< IGeoModelSvc > m_geoModSvc
m_calibrationHits_t m_deadCalibrationHits
bool m_doCalibHitParticleID
Variables to identify Hit objects.
bool m_addToCell
set to true if DM hit in front plate is added to a real cell (currently equal to _plateToCell)
void GirderCellIDCalculator()
TileGeoG4DMLookupBuilder * m_lookupDM
void PlateCellIDCalculator()
double GetVisibleEnergy()
SG::WriteHandle< CaloCalibrationHitContainer > m_tileDeadMaterialCalibHits
void InvokeUserRunAction()
std::set< CaloCalibrationHit *, LessHit > m_calibrationHits_t
const CaloCell_ID * m_caloCell_ID
TileGeoG4GirderCell * m_gCell
Handle class for recording to StoreGate.
The Athena Transient Store API.
Definition of the abstract IRDBAccessSvc interface.
bool m_addToGirder
set to true if DM hit in absorber at outer radius is added to girder (currently inverse of _plateToCe...
CaloG4::SimulationEnergies::ClassifyResult_t GetEnergiesOnStep()
void DebugDMCellIDFields(int)
AtlasG4EventUserInfo * m_atlasG4EvtUserInfo
variable used for producing calibration hits signed with primary particle ID
bool FindTileCalibSection()
TileEscapedEnergyProcessing * m_tile_eep
TileGeoG4CalibSection * m_cSection
Helper class for offline cell identifiers.
void ResetSectSideFlags()
SG::WriteHandle< TileHitVector > m_tileHits
std::vector< double > E_4
Class to store calorimeter calibration hit.
m_calibrationHits_t::iterator m_calibrationHits_ptr_t
G4bool ProcessHits(G4Step *, G4TouchableHistory *) override final
bool m_plateToCell
set to true if DM hit in end/front plate is added to a real cell (taken from DB or from JO)
double GetInvisibleEnergy()
TileGeoG4PlateCell * m_pCell
This defines the results returned by the energy classification; these detailed results are mostly use...
m_calibrationHits_t m_inactiveCalibrationHits
std::map< eEnergyCategory, G4double > energy
SG::WriteHandle< CaloCalibrationHitContainer > m_tileInactiveCellCalibHits
TileGeoG4CalibSD(const G4String &name, const std::vector< std::string > &m_outputCollectionNames, ITileCalculator *tileCalculator, const ServiceHandle< StoreGateSvc > &detStore)
void SetEscapedEnergy(double escapedEnergy)
SG::WriteHandle< CaloCalibrationHitContainer > m_tileActiveCellCalibHits
CaloG4::SimulationEnergies * m_simEn
void ScintIDCalculator(TileHitData &hitData)
Helper class for Calo Dead Material offline identifiers.
TileGeoG4CalibSD & operator=(const TileGeoG4CalibSD &)
void InvokeUserSteppingAction()
Identifier GetCellIDOnStep()
bool m_isExtended
set to true if hit is in extended barrel
TileGeoG4CalibSD(const TileGeoG4CalibSD &)
CaloG4::SimulationEnergies::ClassifyResult_t m_result
m_calibrationHits_t m_activeCalibrationHits
void InvokeUserEventAction()
void ResetDMCellIDFields()
TileGeoG4LookupBuilder * m_lookup
bool AreClassifiedEnergiesAllZero()
This class creates ntuple with calibration hits container info.
G4VPhysicalVolume * m_stepPhysVol