ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
15 #include "GeoModelKernel/GeoDefinitions.h"
19 #include "CLHEP/Geometry/Vector3D.h"
29 class SiDiodesParameters;
45 const double zShift=0.0);
66 double &phiDist)
const override;
75 virtual std::pair<SiLocalPosition, SiLocalPosition>
84 virtual double phiPitch()
const override;
104 virtual int row(
int stripId1Dim)
const override;
105 virtual int strip(
int stripId1Dim)
const override;
109 std::vector<SiCellId> &neighbours)
const override;
SiLocalPosition positionFromStrip(const SiCellId &cellId) const
Trk::RectangleBounds m_bounds
virtual double scaledDistanceToNearestDiode(const SiLocalPosition &chargePos) const override
give distance to the nearest diode in units of pitch, from 0.0 to 0.5, this method should be fast as ...
StripBoxDesign(const StripBoxDesign &design)
virtual SiDiodesParameters parameters(const SiCellId &cellId) const override
Return strip width, centre, length etc. Hard to find if this is used or not.
double thickness() const
Method which returns thickness of the silicon wafer.
virtual SiCellId cellIdOfPosition(const SiLocalPosition &localPos) const override
position -> id
virtual SiReadoutCellId readoutIdOfCell(const SiCellId &cellId) const override
diode id -> readout id
virtual double length() const override
Method to calculate length of a module.
virtual bool swapHitEtaReadoutDirection() const override
virtual double minWidth() const override
Method to calculate minimum width of a module.
virtual SiLocalPosition localPositionOfCell(const SiCellId &cellId) const override
id -> position
int readoutSide() const
int phiIndex() const
Get phi index. Equivalent to strip().
bool const RAWDATA *ch2 const
virtual int diodesInRow(const int row) const override
virtual double width() const override
Method to calculate average width of a module.
virtual double etaPitch() const override
int etaIndex() const
Get eta index.
virtual bool swapHitPhiReadoutDirection() const override
Return true if hit local direction is the same as readout direction.
InDetDD::DetectorType m_detectorType
virtual InDetDD::DetectorType type() const override final
Type of element.
virtual HepGeom::Vector3D< double > phiMeasureSegment(const SiLocalPosition &position) const override
Helper method for stereo angle computation, DEPRECATED.
Eigen::Affine3d Transform3D
virtual double deadAreaUpperBoundary() const override
DEPRECATED for StripBoxDesign; no dead area.
virtual double phiPitch() const override
Pitch in phi direction.
std::pair< int, int > getStripRow(SiCellId id) const final
Get the strip and row number of the cell.
virtual int row(int stripId1Dim) const override
virtual void distanceToDetectorEdge(const SiLocalPosition &localPosition, double &etaDist, double &phiDist) const override
DEPRECATED: Unused (2014)
double stripLength(const SiCellId &cellId) const
int nStrips(const MuonGM::TgcReadoutElement &readoutEle, int layer)
virtual const Trk::SurfaceBounds & bounds() const override
Element boundary.
Ensure that the ATLAS eigen extensions are properly loaded.
StripBoxDesign & operator=(const StripBoxDesign &design)
virtual SiLocalPosition localPositionOfCluster(const SiCellId &cellId, int clusterSize) const override
Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 1 > Vector3D
virtual SiCellId cellIdInRange(const SiCellId &) const override
DEPRECATED: only used in a stupid example (2014) Check if cell is in range.
double pitch(const SiCellId &cellId) const
virtual void neighboursOfCell(const SiCellId &cellId, std::vector< SiCellId > &neighbours) const override
Get the neighbouring diodes of a given diode: Cell for which the neighbours must be found List of cel...
virtual double maxWidth() const override
Method to calculate maximum width of a module.
virtual bool inActiveArea(const SiLocalPosition &chargePos, bool checkBondGap=true) const override
check if the position is in active area
virtual bool nearBondGap(const SiLocalPosition &, double) const override
Test if near bond gap within tolerances, only relevant for SCT.
virtual double deadAreaLowerBoundary() const override
give lower boundary of dead area
virtual int strip(int stripId1Dim) const override
virtual double deadAreaLength() const override
give length of dead area
virtual const Amg::Transform3D moduleShift() const override final
unsigned constexpr int nRows
virtual int strip1Dim(int strip, int row) const override
only relevant for SCT.
virtual std::pair< SiLocalPosition, SiLocalPosition > endsOfStrip(const SiLocalPosition &position) const override
Give end points of the strip that covers the given position.
virtual double stripPitch() const override
give the strip pitch (For Forward returns pitch at center)