ATLAS Offline Software
This package provides Event Data Model of egamma objects.
Each egamma (or Electron, Photon) is made of
The class is made by several algorithms located in Reconstruction/egamma/egammaRec : egammaBuilder, a cluster-based reconstruction algorithm of (isolated) electrons and photons, softeBuilder, a track-based reconstruction algorithm of (low-pT or non-isolated) electrons, frwdBuilder, a cluster-based alorithm of forward electrons and egammaAODBuilder, an algorithm at AOD level which creates several collections based on the ESD collections build by the previous algorithms.
The properties class are made by tools located in Reconstruction/egamma/egammaTools.
EMShower property class data class is made by EMShowerBuilder. This class contains information about quantities usedful for electron/photon identification such as shower shape variables and leakage of showers into the hadronic calorimeters.
EMTrackMatch is the track-cluster matching property data class. It is made by EMTrackMatchBuilder, which is an algorithm responsible for the match of a calo cluster with the best matched track in front of the shower.
EMBremFit is made by EMBremsstrahlungBuilder. It is responsible for bremsstrahlung recovery using electromagnetic calorimeter. It re-calculates track pT accounting for energy of the photons emmitted in a hard bremsstrahlung.
EMTrackFit is made by EMTrkRefitter. It is responsible for bremsstrahlung recovery using inner detector track refitting. It re-calculates track pT accounting for energy of the photons emmitted in a hard bremsstrahlung.
EMShowerMinimal is minimal EM shower property data class, as needed by LVL2. It is used in the Trigger/TrigT2Calo package. This class contains information about quantities useful for e/g identification in LVL2, such as shower shape variables.
EMErrorDetail gives error matrix associate to the 4-momentum
ElectronAssociation : for association of electron with jet
ElectronConstituent : implementation of the ElectronConstituent class for ParticleJet
ElectronContainer : class to define the container of electrons
Electron : class to define the Electron object
PhotonAssociation : for association of photon wih jet
PhotonContainer : class to define the container of photons
Photon : class to define the Photon object
egDetailContainer : container for detailed egamma information egDetail : base class for detailed egamma information
egammaContainer : container of egamma objects egamma : elec/gamma data class. It contains the different egDetails
egammaParamDefs : this file defines enums for egammaParameters. egammaPIDdefs.h : This file defines the bit-occupation of the PID and OQ flags of egamma and the enum definition of the identification and object quality variables egPID.h : class to hold PID vars egamma information.