const unsigned int | egammaPID::EgPidUndefined = UINT_MAX |
const unsigned int | egammaPID::HADLEAKETA_ELECTRON |
| cuts of hadronic leakage More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::CALOSTRIPS_ELECTRON |
| cuts in strips (with ClusterStripsDEmaxs1) More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::CALOSTRIPS_LOOSE_ELECTRON |
const unsigned int | egammaPID::CALOMIDDLE_ELECTRON |
| cuts in middle sampling More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::CALOBACK_ELECTRON |
const unsigned int | egammaPID::CALORIMETRICISOLATION_ELECTRON |
| calorimeter isolation More...
| all cuts in calorimeter (except isolation) More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::TRACKINGNOBLAYER_ELECTRON |
| Track quality cuts except b-layer for electrons. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::TRACKINGLOOSE_ELECTRON |
| Track quality cuts except b-layer for electrons. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::TRACKING_ELECTRON |
| Track quality cuts for electrons. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::TRACKMATCHDETA_ELECTRON |
| Track cluster matching in eta for electrons. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::TRACKMATCHNOEOVERP_ELECTRON |
| Track cluster matching in eta, phi for electrons. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::TRACKMATCH_ELECTRON |
| Track cluster matching in eta, phi, E/p for electrons. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::TRACKMATCHTIGHT_ELECTRON |
| Tight Track cluster matching. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::TRACKMATCHDETATIGHT_ELECTRON |
| Track cluster matching in eta tight for electrons. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::CONVMATCH_ELECTRON |
| Tight conversion matching. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::TRT_ELECTRON |
| TRT hits and TR ratio and TR Probability for electrons. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::TRT_RATIO_ELECTRON |
| TR ratio for electrons. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::TRT_EPROB_ELECTRON |
| TR PID tool cut for electrons. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::TRACKINGISOLATION_ELECTRON |
| isolation by tracker More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ISOLATION_ELECTRON |
| isolation for electrons is combination of calo and tracker More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::CALOTRACKISOLATION_ELECTRON |
| isolation for electrons is combination of calo and tracker More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ALLNOTRT_ELECTRON |
| all cuts except TRT for electrons More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ALL_ELECTRON |
| all cuts for electrons More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ElectronLoosePP |
| Loose++ electron selection. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ElectronLoosePPIso |
| Loose++ electron selecton with isolation. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ElectronMediumPP |
| Medium++ electron selecton. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ElectronMediumPPIso |
| Medium++ electron selecton with isolation. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ElectronTightPP |
| Tight++ electron selecton. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ElectronTightPPIso |
| Tight++ electron selecton with isolation. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ElectronLoose |
| Loose electron selection. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ElectronLooseIso |
| Loose electron selecton with isolation. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ElectronMedium_WithoutTrackMatch |
| Medium electron selection with the delta eta cut has been removed. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ElectronMediumIso_WithoutTrackMatch |
| Medium electron selection without deta match with isolation requirement. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ElectronMedium_WithTrackMatch |
| Medium electron selection with deta match (was ElectronMedium in 15.X) More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ElectronMediumIso_WithTrackMatch |
| MediumIso electron selection with deta match (was ElectronMediumIso in 15.X) More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ElectronMedium = ElectronMedium_WithTrackMatch |
| Medium electron selecton. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ElectronMediumIso = ElectronMediumIso_WithTrackMatch |
| MediumIso electron selecton. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ElectronTight_WithoutTrackMatch |
| Tight electron without track match (corresponds to RobusterTight in 15.6.X but without the deltaEta bits TrackMatchEta_Electron and TrackMatchEtaTight_Electron) More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ElectronTight_WithoutTrackMatch_NoConvCut |
| Tight without conversion requirement or track match. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ElectronTightIso_WithoutTrackMatch |
| Tight_WithTrackMatch electron selection with isolation requirement. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ElectronTight_WithTrackMatch |
| Tight electron selection with track match. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ElectronTight_WithTrackMatch_NoConvCut |
| Tight with track match without conversion requirement. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ElectronTightIso_WithTrackMatch |
| Tight_WithTrackMatch electron selection with isolation requirement. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ElectronTight = ElectronTight_WithTrackMatch |
| Tight electron selection. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ElectronTight_NoConvCut = ElectronTight_WithTrackMatch_NoConvCut |
| Tight without conversion requirement. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ElectronTightIso = ElectronTightIso_WithTrackMatch |
| Tight electron selection with isolation requirement. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ElectronTight_WithLooseEtaTrackMatch |
| Tight electron (corresponds to RobusterTight in 15.6.X with the loose deltaEta bit TrackMatchEta_Electron but with out the tight one TrackMatchEtaTight_Electron) More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ElectronTight_WithTightEtaTrackMatch |
| Tight electron (corresponds to RobusterTight in 15.6.X with the deltaEta bits TrackMatchEta_Electron and TrackMatchEtaTight_Electron) More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ElectronTightIso_WithLooseEtaTrackMatch |
| Tight_WithLooseEtaTrackMatch electron selection with isolation requirement. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ElectronTightIso_WithTightEtaTrackMatch |
| Tight_WithTightEtaTrackMatch electron selection with isolation requirement. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::CALOMIDDLE_ELECTRON_HLT |
| trigger specfic definitions More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::CALO_ELECTRON_HLT |
| all cuts in calorimeter (except isolation) More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::TRACKMATCHTIGHT_ELECTRON_EF = 0x1u << TrackA0Tight_Electron |
| Tight Track cluster matching redefined for EF. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::TRACKMATCH_ELECTRON_EF |
| Track-cluster matching in eta, E/p for electrons redefined for EF. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::TRACKMATCH_ELECTRON_NoEoP_EF = 0x1u << TrackMatchEta_Electron |
| Track-cluster matching in eta for electrons redefined for EF. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ElectronLoose1 |
| Electron trigger PID definitions. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ElectronMedium1 |
| Medium1 tunes electron selecton. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ElectronTight1 |
| Tight1 tunes electron selecton. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ElectronLooseHLT |
| Loose 2014 tunes electron selection. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ElectronMediumHLT |
| Medium 2014 tunes electron selecton. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ElectronTightHLT |
| Tight 2014 tunes electron selecton. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::HADLEAKETA_PHOTON |
| cuts of hadronic leakage More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::CALOMIDDLE_PHOTON |
| cuts in middle sampling More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::CALOSTRIPS_PHOTONTIGHT |
| cuts in strips (with ClusterStripsDEmaxs1) More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::CALOSTRIPS_PHOTONMEDIUM |
| cuts in strips (with ClusterStripsDEmaxs1) More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::CALORIMETRICISOLATION_PHOTON |
| calorimeter isolation More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::TRACKINGISOLATION_PHOTON |
| isolation by tracker More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ISOLATION_PHOTON |
| isolation for photons is combination of calo and tracker More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::CALOTRACKISOLATION_PHOTON |
| isolation for photons is combination of calo and tracker More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::TRACKMATCH_PHOTON |
| Track cluster matching E/p for photons. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::AMBIGUITYRESOLVE_PHOTON |
| Ambigiuty resolve for photons. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::HADLEAKETA_PHOTON_EF |
| bit definitions for Photon triggers More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::CALO_PHOTON_RETA_WETA2_ERATIO |
| cuts of Eratio (for Medium selection) More...
| Loose photon selection. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::PhotonLooseIso = PhotonLoose | ISOLATION_PHOTON |
| Loose photon selection with Isolation. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::PhotonLooseAR = PhotonLoose | AMBIGUITYRESOLVE_PHOTON |
| Loose photon selection with Ambiguity resolver. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::PhotonLooseARIso = PhotonLooseAR | ISOLATION_PHOTON |
| Loose photon selection with Ambiguity resolver and Isolation. More...
| Medium photon selection. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::PhotonMediumIso = PhotonMedium | ISOLATION_PHOTON |
| Medium photon selection with Isolation. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::PhotonMediumAR = PhotonMedium | AMBIGUITYRESOLVE_PHOTON |
| Medium photon selection with Ambiguity revolver. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::PhotonMediumARIso = PhotonMediumAR | ISOLATION_PHOTON |
| Medium photon selection with Ambiguity resolver and Isolation. More...
| Tight photon selection. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::PhotonTightIso = PhotonTight | ISOLATION_PHOTON |
| Tight photon selection with isolation. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::PhotonTightAR = PhotonTight | AMBIGUITYRESOLVE_PHOTON |
| Tight photon selection with Ambiguity resolver. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::PhotonTightARIso = PhotonTightAR | ISOLATION_PHOTON |
| Tight photon selection with isolation and Ambiguity resolver. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::PhotonLooseEF = CALOMIDDLE_PHOTON | HADLEAKETA_PHOTON_EF |
| TrigEgamma Pid Definitions. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::PhotonMediumEF = HADLEAKETA_PHOTON_EF | CALO_PHOTON_RETA_WETA2_ERATIO |
| Medium photon selection for online EF. More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ID_ForwardElectron |
| cuts on all variables More...
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ForwardElectronTight = 126 |
const unsigned int | egammaPID::ForwardElectronLoose = 104 |