ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
5 #ifndef L1Topo_L1TopoSimulation
6 #define L1Topo_L1TopoSimulation
25 #include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h"
26 #include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
27 #include "GaudiKernel/ITHistSvc.h"
66 std::unique_ptr<LVL1::PeriodicScaler>
m_scaler {
71 ToolHandle<IInputTOBConverter>
m_emtauInputProvider {
"Tool to fill the EMTAU TOBs of the topo input event" };
72 ToolHandle<IInputTOBConverter>
m_jetInputProvider {
"Tool to fill the Jet TOBs of the topo input event" };
73 ToolHandle<IInputTOBConverter>
m_energyInputProvider {
"Tool to fill the energy and MET TOBs of the topo input event"};
74 ToolHandle<IInputTOBConverter>
m_muonInputProvider {
"Tool to fill the muon TOBs of the topo input event" };
76 ToolHandle<IControlHistSvc>
m_ControlHistSvc {
"Tool to change the histogramming service when needed." };
93 Gaudi::Property<bool>
m_isLegacyTopo {
"Simulation of Legacy L1Topo boards" };
94 Gaudi::Property<bool>
m_enableInputDump {
"Enable writing of input data for standalone running" };
95 Gaudi::Property<bool>
m_enableBitwise {
"Boolean to enable the bitwise version of software algorithms"};
96 Gaudi::Property<std::string>
m_inputDumpFile {
"File name for dumping input data" };
102 Gaudi::Property<unsigned int>
m_prescaleForDAQROBAccess {
"PrescaleDAQROBAccess", 4,
"Prescale factor for requests for DAQ ROBs: can be used to avoid overloading ROS. Zero means disabled, 1 means always, N means sample only 1 in N events"};
103 Gaudi::Property<unsigned int>
m_prescale {
"Prescale", 1,
"Internal prescale factor for this algorithm, implemented with a periodic scaler: so 1 means run every time, N means run every 1 in N times it is called; the other times it will exit without doing anything"};
104 Gaudi::Property<std::string>
m_histBaseDir {
"Base directory for monitoring histograms will be /EXPERT/<MonHistBaseDir>"};
Property holding a SG store/key/clid from which a ReadHandle is made.
Gaudi::Property< int > m_topoOutputLevel
SG::WriteHandleKey< LVL1::FrontPanelCTP > m_topoCTPLocation
SG key of decision bits for CTP.
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_fillHistogramsBasedOnHardwareDecision
MsgStream for TrigConf classes.
std::unique_ptr< LVL1::PeriodicScaler > m_scaler
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_isLegacyTopo
ToolHandle< IInputTOBConverter > m_emtauInputProvider
Property holding a SG store/key/clid from which a ReadHandle is made.
eFexTowerBuilder creates xAOD::eFexTowerContainer from supercells (LATOME) and triggerTowers (TREX) i...
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_enableInputDump
Gaudi::Property< int > m_topoSteeringOutputLevel
virtual StatusCode start() override
std::unique_ptr< TCS::TopoSteering > m_topoSteering
the topo steering
SG::WriteHandleKey< xAOD::L1TopoSimResultsContainer > m_l1topoKey
Gaudi::Property< unsigned int > m_prescale
ToolHandle< IInputTOBConverter > m_energyInputProvider
void WriteEDM_Overflow(SG::WriteHandle< xAOD::L1TopoSimResultsContainer > &handle, const std::string &name, unsigned int clock, uint32_t word)
ToolHandle< IInputTOBConverter > m_muonInputProvider
SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::L1TopoRawDataContainer > m_l1topoRawDataKey
ToolHandle< IInputTOBConverter > m_jetInputProvider
::StatusCode StatusCode
StatusCode definition for legacy code.
StatusCode hardwareDecisionPhase1(const EventContext &ctx)
virtual bool isClonable() const override
virtual StatusCode execute() override
SG::WriteHandleKey< LVL1::FrontPanelCTP > m_topoOverflowCTPLocation
SG key of overflow bits for CTP.
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_enableBitwise
void WriteEDM(SG::WriteHandle< xAOD::L1TopoSimResultsContainer > &handle, const std::string &name, unsigned int clock, uint32_t word)
SG::WriteHandleKey< xAOD::L1TopoSimResultsContainer > m_legacyL1topoKey
virtual StatusCode initialize ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE() override
SG::WriteHandleKey< LVL1::FrontPanelCTP > m_legacyTopoOverflowCTPLocation
SG key of overflow bits for CTP.
Gaudi::Property< std::string > m_inputDumpFile
L1TopoSimulation(const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator)
StatusCode hardwareDecisionLegacy()
Gaudi::Property< unsigned int > m_prescaleForDAQROBAccess
ToolHandle< IControlHistSvc > m_ControlHistSvc
SG::WriteHandleKey< LVL1::FrontPanelCTP > m_legacyTopoCTPLocation
SG key of decision bits for CTP.
Gaudi::Property< std::string > m_histBaseDir
ServiceHandle< ITHistSvc > m_histSvc
prescale decision tool
virtual StatusCode finalize() override
Define macros for attributes used to control the static checker.
StatusCode retrieveHardwareDecision(bool isLegacy, const EventContext &ctx)
Retrieve the L1Topo hardware bits from the DAQ RODs.