ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
36 throw std::runtime_error(
"TgcClusterOnTrackCnv_p1::transToPers is deprecated!");
Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > MatrixX
Dynamic Matrix - dynamic allocation.
Class to represent calibrated clusters formed from TGC strips.
void persToTrans(const Muon ::TgcClusterOnTrack_p1 *persObj, Muon ::TgcClusterOnTrack *transObj, MsgStream &log)
void fillTransFromPStore(CNV **cnv, const TPObjRef &ref, TRANS_T *trans, MsgStream &log) const
Convert persistent object, stored in the the top-level persistent object and referenced by the TP Ref...
Version 1 of the persistent class representing the transient class Muon::TgcClusterOnTrack.
float m_positionAlongStrip
position along strip (double in transient world)
TPObjRef m_RIO
link to base MuonClusterOnTrack_p1, inheriting from RIO_OnTrack_p1
ElementLinkCnv_p1< ElementLinkToIDC_TGC_Container > m_elCnv
ElementLinkInt_p1 m_prdLink
Link to PRD.
RIO_OnTrackCnv_p1 * m_RIOCnv
void transToPers(const Muon ::TgcClusterOnTrack *transObj, Muon ::TgcClusterOnTrack_p1 *persObj, MsgStream &log)