ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
9 #include "GaudiKernel/IAlgTool.h"
19 static const InterfaceID IID_IgFEXSysSim(
"LVL1::IgFEXSysSim", 1, 0);
60 return IID_IgFEXSysSim;
virtual StatusCode fillgScalarERmsEDM(uint32_t tobWord, int scale1, int scale2)=0
virtual int calcTowerID(int eta, int phi, int nphi, int mod) const =0
virtual StatusCode fillgBlockEDM(uint32_t tobWord, int scale)=0
virtual StatusCode fillgJetEDM(uint32_t tobWord, int scale)=0
virtual StatusCode execute(gFEXOutputCollection *gFEXOutputs)=0
eFexTowerBuilder creates xAOD::eFexTowerContainer from supercells (LATOME) and triggerTowers (TREX) i...
virtual StatusCode fillgMETComponentsRmsEDM(uint32_t tobWord, int scale1, int scale2)=0
virtual StatusCode fillgScalarEJwojEDM(uint32_t tobWord, int scale1, int scale2)=0
virtual StatusCode fillgScalarENoiseCutEDM(uint32_t tobWord, int scale1, int scale2)=0
::StatusCode StatusCode
StatusCode definition for legacy code.
virtual StatusCode fillgMETComponentsJwojEDM(uint32_t tobWord, int scale1, int scale2)=0
virtual StatusCode fillgMSTComponentsJwojEDM(uint32_t tobWord, int scale1, int scale2)=0
virtual StatusCode fillgRhoEDM(uint32_t tobWord, int scale)=0
virtual StatusCode fillgMETComponentsNoiseCutEDM(uint32_t tobWord, int scale1, int scale2)=0
static const InterfaceID & interfaceID()
virtual StatusCode fillgMHTComponentsJwojEDM(uint32_t tobWord, int scale1, int scale2)=0