ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
17 :
name, svcLoc)
27 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
"At least one trigger needs to be provided in the list");
33 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
49 return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
69 float dR =
"HLT_tau")? 0.2:0.1;
75 return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
SysListHandle m_systematicsList
the systematics list we run
constexpr ParticleHypothesis particle[PARTICLEHYPOTHESES]
the array of masses
TrigMatchingAlg(const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator)
the standard constructor
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase & declareProperty(Gaudi::Property< T > &t)
const std::vector< CP::SystematicSet > & systematicsVector() const
the list of systematics to loop over
SysReadHandle< xAOD::IParticleContainer > m_particlesHandle
input particle collection
Class providing the definition of the 4-vector interface.
Select isolated Photons, Electrons and Muons.
SysReadSelectionHandle m_particleSelection
input particle selection
Gaudi::Property< std::vector< std::string > > m_trigSingleMatchingList
list of triggers
::StatusCode initialize()
intialize this property
::StatusCode StatusCode
StatusCode definition for legacy code.
This module defines the arguments passed from the BATCH driver to the BATCH worker.
virtual StatusCode execute() final override
Gaudi::Property< std::string > m_matchingDecoration
the decoration for trigger matching
ToolHandle< Trig::IMatchingTool > m_trigMatchingTool
trigger decision tool handle
virtual StatusCode initialize() final override
std::string substitute(const std::string &str, const std::string &pattern, const std::string &with)
effects: substitute all occurences of "pattern" with "with" in the string "str" returns: the substitu...
StatusCode initialize(SysListHandle &sysListHandle, const ISysHandleBase &objectHandle)
initialize the accessor
std::unordered_map< std::string, SG::AuxElement::Decorator< char > > m_matchingDecorators
the decorators for m_matchingDecoration and triggers combination