ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
32 std::move(localParams),
33 std::move(localCovariance),
43 log << MSG::WARNING<<
"Unable to reset DetEl for this RIO_OnTrack, "
44 <<
"probably because of a problem with the Identifier/IdentifierHash : ("
Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > MatrixX
Dynamic Matrix - dynamic allocation.
void transToPers(const Muon ::CscClusterOnTrack *transObj, Muon ::CscClusterOnTrack_p2 *persObj, MsgStream &log)
Identifier32 get_identifier32() const
Get the 32-bit version Identifier, will be invalid if >32 bits needed.
ElementLinkInt_p3 m_prdLink
Link to PRD.
virtual IdentifierHash idDE() const override
Returns an invalid hash.
value_type get_compact() const
Get the compact id.
void fillTransFromPStore(CNV **cnv, const TPObjRef &ref, TRANS_T *trans, MsgStream &log) const
Convert persistent object, stored in the the top-level persistent object and referenced by the TP Ref...
virtual const MuonGM::CscReadoutElement * detectorElement() const override final
Returns the detector element, associated with the PRD of this class.
static void vectorToEigenMatrix(VECTOR &vec, COVARIANCE &cov, const char *)
Helper fn to fill the covariance from the raw data (vec<float>)
CscTimeStatus timeStatus() const
Returns Csc time measurement status flag.
LocalParametersCnv_p1 * m_localParCnv
ToolHandle< Trk::IEventCnvSuperTool > m_eventCnvTool
float m_positionAlongStrip
position along strip (double in transient world)
unsigned int m_status
Corresponds to CscClusterStatus in transient class.
static void eigenMatrixToVector(VECTOR &vec, COVARIANCE &cov, const char *)
Helper fn to get raw data (vec<float>) from the covariance.
const Amg::MatrixX & localCovariance() const
Interface method to get the localError.
float time() const
Return the time(ns)
TPObjRef toPersistent(CNV **cnv, const typename CNV::TransBase_t *transObj, MsgStream &log) const
Persistify an object and store the persistent represenation in the storage vector of the top-level pe...
void persToTrans(const Muon ::CscClusterOnTrack_p2 *persObj, Muon ::CscClusterOnTrack *transObj, MsgStream &log)
Version 1 of the persistent class representing the transient class Muon::CscClusterOnTrack.
ErrorMatrixCnv_p1 * m_errorMxCnv
std::vector< float > values
const LocalParameters & localParameters() const
Interface method to get the LocalParameters.
ElementLinkCnv_p3< ElementLinkToIDC_CSC_Container > m_elCnv
Class to represent the calibrated clusters created from CSC strips.
Identifier identify() const
return the identifier -extends MeasurementBase
CscClusterStatus status() const
Returns Csc position measurement status flag.
virtual double positionAlongStrip() const
Identifier32::value_type m_id
base RIO_OnTrack_p1 info
Enum to represent the cluster status - see the specific enum values for more details.
Enum to represent the cluster time measurement status - see the specific enum values for more details...