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ATLAS Offline Software
void setDistanceToReadout(float dist)
sets the distance to read out
float signedDistanceToTrack
signed distance from track to wire
void setBackgroundTime(float bkgr)
sets the time correction due to background signal
float signedDistanceToTrack() const
retrieve the distance of the track to the wire
const Amg::Vector3D & globalPointOfClosestApproach() const
retrieve the point of closest approach in global coordinates
float bFieldPara() const
retrieve the Bfield parallel to the tube
float timeOfFlight
time correction due to the time of flight in ns
float slewingTime
time correction due to slewing (electronics)
void setTubeRadius(float r)
sets tube inner radius
float radialResidual() const
retrieve difference between driftcircle and distance to track (unsigned)
float projSag
projective sag
float WiresagTime() const
retrieve the timing correction due to wiresag
float sigmaXTwin
twin position error
void setTimeFromTrackDistance(float t, float sigmaT)
sets the time of the distance to the fitted track (and its error)
void setSegmentT0Applied(bool flag)
sets flag if Segment T0 has been applied to hit
MuonFixedId id
Identifier of the hit (not an ATLAS ID, rather a MuonFixedId)
void setTimeOfFlight(float tof)
sets the time correction due to the muon time of flight
unsigned short tdcCount() const
retrieve the tdc counts
float backgroundTime
extra time due to background
Amg::Vector3D globalPosition
position of the hit in global coordinates
float sigma2TimeFromTrackDistance() const
retrieve the error squared of the time corresponding to distance to track
float projSag() const
retrieve the projected sag
void setTemperatureTime(float temp)
sets the time correction due to temperature effects
void setDriftRadius(float r, float sigmaR)
sets drift radius and drift radius error
float sigmaXtwin() const
retrieve the local twin position error
float xtwin() const
retrieve the local twin position
void setWiresagTime(float wsag)
sets the time correction due to wire sag
void setPropagationTime(float prop)
sets the time correction due to the propagation of the signal over the wire
float wiresagTime
extra time due to wiresag
float driftRadius
drift radius
float timeOfFlight() const
retrieve the timing correction due to time of flight of the muon
void setTubeT0(float t0)
sets the tube t0
void setDriftTime(float t)
sets drift time
void setGlobalPointOfClosestApproach(const Amg::Vector3D &point)
sets point of closest approach in global coordinates
const Amg::Vector3D & globalPosition() const
retrieve the position given in global coordinates
void setLocalPos(const Amg::Vector3D &localPos)
sets the position in the station coordinates
float tubeAdcCal() const
retrieve the tube mean ADC
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const MuonCalib::MdtCalibHitBase &hit)
float tubeT0() const
retrieve the tube T0
float tubeRadius() const
retrieve the inner radius of the drift tube
float temperature() const
retrieve the temperature
float sigmaDriftRadius() const
retrieve the error on the radius of the drift circle
float bFieldTime() const
retrieve the timing correction due to the magnetic field (lorentz angle)
float sigmaDistanceToTrack() const
retrieve the error on the distance of the track to the wire
void setDistanceToTrack(float dist, float sigmaDist)
sets the distance to the fitted track and its error
float propagationTime() const
retrieve the timing correction due to the propagation of the signal
float temperatureTime
extra time due to temperature
CscCalcPed - algorithm that finds the Cathode Strip Chamber pedestals from an RDO.
float timeFromTrackDistance() const
retrieve the time corresponding to the distance to track
void setProjSag(float sag)
sets the projected wire sag
float trackResidual() const
retrieve difference between driftcircle and distance to track (signed)
Amg::Vector3D localPointOfClosestApproach
point of closest approach of track to wire in local coordinates
float tube_adccal
tube mean ADC (calibration)
float sigma2DriftRadius
error squared on the drift radius
default constructor
const Amg::Vector3D & localPosition() const
retrieve the position expressed in local (station) coordinates
bool segmentT0Applied
true if segment t0 is substr.
float driftTime
drift time after all corrections
float slewingTime() const
retrieve the timing correction due to slewing
float distanceToReadout() const
retrieve the distance to readout
void setBFieldPerp(float bfperp)
sets the B field perpendicular to the tube
unsigned short adcCount() const
retrieve the adc counts
void setAdc(unsigned short adc)
sets the adc counts
void setBFieldPara(float bfpara)
sets the B field parallel to the tube
void setTdc(unsigned short tdc)
sets the tdc counts
float timeResidual() const
retrieve difference between drifttime and timeFromTrackDistance
const Amg::Vector3D & localPointOfClosestApproach() const
retrieve the point of closest approach in local coordinates
void setSigmaLocXtwin(float xtwin)
sets the local twin position error
Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 1 > Vector3D
void setLocalPointOfClosestApproach(const Amg::Vector3D &point)
sets point of closest approach in local coordinates
float bFieldTime
time correction due to magnetic field
float sigma2DistanceToTrack() const
retrieve the error squared on the distance of the track to the wire
float bFieldPerp
local bfield perpendicular to the wire
float TemperatureTime() const
retrieve the timing correction due to temperature
float sigma2TimeFromTrackDistance
(square of) sigma on timeFromTrackDistance
float tube_t0
tube t0 time offset
float driftTime() const
retrieve the drift time
void setGlobalPos(const Amg::Vector3D &globalPos)
sets the position in ATLAS coordinates
bool segmentT0Applied() const
retrieve the segment T0 applied flag
float sigma2DriftRadius() const
retrieve the error squared on the radius of the drift circle
Amg::Vector3D globalPointOfClosestApproach
point of closest approach of track to wire in global coordinates
float temperature
local temperature
float sigmaTimeFromTrackDistance() const
retrieve the error of the time corresponding to the distance to track
float bFieldPerp() const
retrieve the Bfield perpendicular to the tube
float distanceToReadout
from hit to read-out side of tube
void setIdentifier(const MuonFixedId &id)
sets the MuonFixedIdentifier of the hit
void setSlewingTime(float slew)
sets the time correction due to slewing
void setBFieldTime(float lor)
sets the time correction due to the magnetic field
void setLocXtwin(float xtwin)
sets the local twin position
float propagationTime
time correction due to signal propagation along the wire
const MuonFixedId & identify() const
retrieve the MuonFixedId of the hit
Amg::Vector3D localPosition
position of the hit in local (station) coordinates
void setTubeAdcCal(float adccal)
sets the tube mean ADC
float timeFromTrackDistance
time calculated from 'distance to track', for calibration or trackfit in time-domain
float tubeRadius
inner tube radius
void setTemperature(float temp)
sets the temperature
std::ostream & dump(std::ostream &stream) const
dump to be used for operator<<() to dump the MdtCalibHitBase
float bFieldPara
local bfield parallel to the wire
float driftRadius() const
retrieve the radius of the drift circle
float sigma2DistanceToTrack
square of sigma on signedDistanceToTrack