ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2002-2021 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
3 */
5 /***************************************************************************
6  AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.cxx - Description in header file
7  ***************************************************************************/
10 //
15 // xAOD Includes
16 #include "xAODTracking/Vertex.h"
17 //
18 // STL
19 #include <algorithm> //std::find
20 #include <limits>
21 #include <numeric> //accumulate, reduce etc
23 namespace Trk {
26  const std::string& n,
27  const IInterface* p)
28  : AthAlgTool(t, n, p)
29  , m_maxIterations(30)
30  , m_maxDistToLinPoint(0.5)
31  , m_initialError(0.0001)
32  , m_doSmoothing(false)
33  , m_minweight(0.001)
34  , m_maxRelativeShift(0.01)
35 {
36  declareProperty("MaxIterations", m_maxIterations);
37  declareProperty("MaxDistToLinPoint", m_maxDistToLinPoint);
38  declareProperty("InitialError", m_initialError);
39  declareProperty("DoSmoothing", m_doSmoothing);
40  declareProperty("MinWeight", m_minweight);
41  declareProperty("MaxRelativeShift", m_maxRelativeShift);
42  declareInterface<AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter>(this);
43 }
49 {
53  ATH_CHECK(m_VertexUpdator.retrieve());
54  // loading smoother in case required
55  if (m_doSmoothing)
56  ATH_CHECK(m_VertexSmoother.retrieve());
57  ATH_CHECK(m_AnnealingMaker.retrieve());
58  ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Initialize successful");
59  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
60 }
64 {
65  ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Finalize successful");
66  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
67 }
69 void
70 AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter::fit(std::vector<xAOD::Vertex*>& allVertices) const
71 {
72  // TODO: put this in a better place
73  // Prepare objects needed to add MVF auxdata to the xAOD::Vertex
74  // For optimization of access speed
75  static const xAOD::Vertex::Accessor<MvfFitInfo*> MvfFitInfo("MvfFitInfo");
76  static const xAOD::Vertex::Accessor<bool> isInitialized("isInitialized");
78  "VTAV");
79  ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" Now fitting all vertices ");
80  // create a vector of vertices, to store the old position...
81  std::map<xAOD::Vertex*, Amg::Vector3D> oldpositions;
82  std::map<xAOD::Vertex*, bool> relinearizations;
83  // count number of steps
84  int num_steps(0);
85  // reset the annealing
87  m_AnnealingMaker->reset(astate);
88  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Entering cycle of AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter");
89  bool shiftIsSmall(true);
90  // now start to iterate
91  do {
92  for (auto* pThisVertex : allVertices) {
93  // now store all the "old positions"; if vertex is added for the first
94  // time this corresponds to the seed (at the same time fitted vertex will
95  // be updated with the constraint information) check if you need to
96  // reestimate compatibility + linearization
97  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Now considering candidate with ptr " << pThisVertex);
98  relinearizations[pThisVertex] = false;
99  if (isInitialized(*pThisVertex)) {
100  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("vertex position z: " << (*pThisVertex).position()[2]);
101  oldpositions[pThisVertex] = pThisVertex->position();
102  } else {
103  isInitialized(*pThisVertex) = true;
104  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Candidate has no position so far: using as old position "
105  "the seedVertex");
106  if (MvfFitInfo(*pThisVertex)->seedVertex() ==
107  nullptr) { // TODO: Is there a way of checking whether a decoration
108  // exists on an object?
109  ATH_MSG_ERROR("Candidate has no seed...CRASHING now!!!");
110  }
111  oldpositions[pThisVertex] = *(MvfFitInfo(*pThisVertex)->seedVertex());
112  }
113  if (MvfFitInfo(*pThisVertex)->linearizationVertex() ==
114  nullptr) { // TODO: Is there a way of checking whether a decoration
115  // exists on an object?
117  " Candidate has no linearization point...CRASHING now!!! ");
118  }
119  if ((oldpositions[pThisVertex] -
120  *MvfFitInfo(*pThisVertex)->linearizationVertex())
121  .perp() > m_maxDistToLinPoint) {
122  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Candidate has to be relinearized ");
123  relinearizations[pThisVertex] = true;
124  prepareCompatibility(pThisVertex);
125  }
126  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Setting the Vertex to the initial constraint");
127  // reput everything to the constraint level
128  pThisVertex->setPosition(
129  MvfFitInfo(*pThisVertex)->constraintVertex()->position());
130  pThisVertex->setCovariancePosition(
131  MvfFitInfo(*pThisVertex)->constraintVertex()->covariancePosition());
132  pThisVertex->setFitQuality(
133  MvfFitInfo(*pThisVertex)->constraintVertex()->chiSquared(),
134  MvfFitInfo(*pThisVertex)->constraintVertex()->numberDoF());
135  pThisVertex->setCovariancePosition(
136  pThisVertex->covariancePosition() * 1. /
137  float(m_AnnealingMaker->getWeight(astate, 1.)));
138  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Running TrackCompatibilityEstimator on each track");
139  // prepare the iterators for the tracks
140  const auto& theseTrackPointersAtVtx = VTAV(*pThisVertex);
141  // iterate and update the vertex with the track information
142  for (const auto& pThisTrack : theseTrackPointersAtVtx) {
143  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Adding compatibility info to a track of "
144  << theseTrackPointersAtVtx.size());
145  // now recover from cases where the linearization position is !=0, but
146  // you added more tracks later on...
147  if (not pThisTrack->ImpactPoint3dAtaPlane()) {
148  const bool success = m_ImpactPoint3dEstimator->addIP3dAtaPlane(
149  *pThisTrack, *MvfFitInfo(*pThisVertex)->linearizationVertex());
150  if (!success) {
152  "Adding compatibility to vertex information failed. Newton "
153  "distance finder didn't converge...");
154  }
155  }
156  // first -> estimate the compatibility of the track to the vertex
157  m_TrackCompatibilityEstimator->estimate(*pThisTrack,
158  oldpositions[pThisVertex]);
159  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("End of compatibility for a track");
160  }
161  }
162  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Finished first candidates cycle");
163  // after having estimated the compatibility of all the vertices, you have to
164  // run again on all vertices, to compute the weights
165  for (auto* pThisVertex : allVertices) {
166  // TODO: crude and quite possibly time consuming, but best solution I
167  // could think of...
168  // updated VxTrackAtVertices are stored in VTAV decoration:
169  // so each time a vertex is to be updated with its tracks in this
170  // loop, delete VxTrackAtVertex vector and add correctly updated
171  // VxTrackAtVertex (from VTAV) to the vector just before calling
172  // the vertex updator
173  std::vector<Trk::VxTrackAtVertex>* tracksOfVertex =
174  &(pThisVertex->vxTrackAtVertex());
175  tracksOfVertex->clear();
176  // prepare the iterators for the tracks
177  const auto& theseTrackPointersAtVtx = VTAV(*pThisVertex);
179  "Beginning lin&update of vertex with pointer: " << pThisVertex);
180  for (const auto& pThisTrack : theseTrackPointersAtVtx) {
181  // set the weight according to all other track's weight
182  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Calling collect weight for track " << pThisTrack);
183  const std::vector<double>& allweights(
184  collectWeights(*(static_cast<Trk::MVFVxTrackAtVertex*>(pThisTrack))
185  ->linkToVertices()));
186  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("The vtxcompatibility for the track is: "
187  << pThisTrack->vtxCompatibility());
188  pThisTrack->setWeight(m_AnnealingMaker->getWeight(
189  astate, pThisTrack->vtxCompatibility(), allweights));
190  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("The resulting weight for the track is "
191  << m_AnnealingMaker->getWeight(
192  astate, pThisTrack->vtxCompatibility(), allweights));
193  if (pThisTrack->weight() > m_minweight) {
194  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("check passed");
195  // now take care if linearization has been done at least once
196  if (not pThisTrack->linState()) {
197  // linearization never done so far: do it now!
198  ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Linearizing track for the first time");
199  m_LinearizedTrackFactory->linearize(*pThisTrack,
200  oldpositions[pThisVertex]);
201  } else if (relinearizations[pThisVertex]) {
202  ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Relinearizing track ");
203  m_LinearizedTrackFactory->linearize(*pThisTrack,
204  oldpositions[pThisVertex]);
205  MvfFitInfo(*pThisVertex)
206  ->setLinearizationVertex(
207  new Amg::Vector3D(oldpositions[pThisVertex]));
208  }
209  // now you can proceed with the update
210  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Update of the track "
211  << pThisTrack << " to the vertex " << pThisVertex);
212  // TODO: obviously not ideal that I have to do this
213  tracksOfVertex->push_back(*pThisTrack);
214  // TODO: add() returns an xAOD::Vertex* - is it really ok to just
215  // have this line without *iter = m_VertexUpdator->add() ? Must
216  // be...
217  m_VertexUpdator->add(*pThisVertex, *pThisTrack);
218  }
219  } // iterator on tracks
220  // show some info about the position
221  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Vertex pointer " << pThisVertex << " New position x: "
222  << pThisVertex->position().x()
223  << " y: " << pThisVertex->position().y()
224  << " z: " << pThisVertex->position().z());
225  } // iterator on Vertices
226  // call now one more step of annealing
227  if (!(m_AnnealingMaker->isEquilibrium(astate))) {
228  m_AnnealingMaker->anneal(astate);
229  }
230  // August 2009: sometimes the fitter has not converged when the annealing
231  // has finished iterate on all vertex candidates and check whether they moved
232  // significantly from last iteration
233  shiftIsSmall = true;
234  Amg::Vector3D vrtpos;
235  for (const auto& pThisVertex : allVertices) {
236  vrtpos[0] = oldpositions[pThisVertex][0] - pThisVertex->position()[0];
237  vrtpos[1] = oldpositions[pThisVertex][1] - pThisVertex->position()[1];
238  vrtpos[2] = oldpositions[pThisVertex][2] - pThisVertex->position()[2];
239  AmgSymMatrix(3) weightMatrixVertex;
240  weightMatrixVertex = pThisVertex->covariancePosition().inverse();
241  double relativeShift = * vrtpos);
242  if (relativeShift > m_maxRelativeShift) {
243  shiftIsSmall = false;
244  break;
245  }
246  }
247  num_steps += 1;
248  } while (num_steps < m_maxIterations &&
249  (!(m_AnnealingMaker->isEquilibrium(astate)) || !shiftIsSmall));
251  if (num_steps >= m_maxIterations) {
252  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Didn't converge fully after " << num_steps);
253  }
255  "In principle the big multivertex fit step is finished now...");
256  // TODO: I don't think that I need to fiddle with updating
257  // MVFVxTracksAtVertex - vector of VxTrackAtVertex should be available in
258  // the usual way now and be enough
259  if (m_doSmoothing) {
260  auto trackAvailable = [](const xAOD::Vertex* pV) {
261  return pV->vxTrackAtVertexAvailable() and
262  not(pV->vxTrackAtVertex()).empty();
263  };
264  for (const auto& pThisVertex : allVertices) {
265  if (trackAvailable(pThisVertex)) {
266  m_VertexSmoother->smooth(*pThisVertex);
267  }
268  }
269  } else { // TODO: I added this during xAOD migration
270  for (auto* pThisVertex : allVertices) {
271  const auto& theseTrackPointersAtVtx = VTAV(*pThisVertex);
272  for (const auto& pTrack : theseTrackPointersAtVtx) {
273  if (pTrack->initialPerigee())
274  pTrack->setPerigeeAtVertex((pTrack->initialPerigee())->clone());
275  }
276  }
277  }
278 }
280 std::vector<double>
282  Trk::TrackToVtxLink& tracklink) const
283 {
284  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Collecting weights for tracklink " << &tracklink);
285  // TODO: put this in a better place
286  // Prepare objects holding the decoration of xAOD::Vertex with MVF auxdata
287  // For optimization of access speed
289  "VTAV");
290  const auto& theseVertices = *(tracklink.vertices());
291  std::vector<double> myvector;
292  myvector.reserve(theseVertices.size());
293  for (const auto& pThisVertex : theseVertices) {
294  // really stupid, now you have still to find the weight value (right track
295  // in this vertex) but if you later remove tracks from candidate, you cannot
296  // do much better (maybe update on demand...)
297  const auto& trackPointersForThisVertex = VTAV(*pThisVertex);
298  for (const auto& pThisTrack : trackPointersForThisVertex) {
299  if ((static_cast<Trk::MVFVxTrackAtVertex*>(pThisTrack))
300  ->linkToVertices() == &tracklink) {
301  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("found one weight: it's : "
302  << pThisTrack->vtxCompatibility() << " for track "
303  << pThisTrack);
304  myvector.push_back(pThisTrack->vtxCompatibility());
305  break; // gain time in avoiding to look for other tracks if you already
306  // found the right one
307  }
308  }
309  }
310  return myvector;
311 }
313 void
315 {
316  ATH_MSG_VERBOSE(" Now entered addVtxToFit ");
317  // TODO: put this in a better place
318  // Prepare objects holding the decoration of xAOD::Vertex with MVF auxdata
319  // For optimization of access speed
321  "VTAV");
323  if (VTAV(*newvertex).empty()) {
325  "The candidate you're adding has no tracks: please fix the problem");
326  }
327  std::vector<xAOD::Vertex*>
328  allVerticesToFit; // how many vertices do you expect?
329  allVerticesToFit.reserve(10); // try 10
330  prepareCompatibility(newvertex);
331  //
332  ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Iterating on tracks");
333  std::vector<xAOD::Vertex*> addedVerticesLastIteration;
334  std::vector<xAOD::Vertex*> addedVerticesNewIteration;
335  addedVerticesLastIteration.push_back(newvertex);
336  do {
337  for (const auto& vertexIterator : addedVerticesLastIteration) {
338  // now you have to check what are the other vertices which still have to
339  // do with your new one
340  const auto& vertexTracksAtVertex = VTAV(*vertexIterator);
341  for (const auto& thisTrack : vertexTracksAtVertex) {
342  const auto& pTheseVertices =
343  (static_cast<Trk::MVFVxTrackAtVertex*>(thisTrack))
344  ->linkToVertices()
345  ->vertices();
346  for (const auto& thisVertex : *pTheseVertices) {
347  // add the vertex if it's still not there
348  if (not findAmongVertices(thisVertex, allVerticesToFit)) {
349  allVerticesToFit.push_back(thisVertex);
350  if (thisVertex != vertexIterator) {
351  addedVerticesNewIteration.push_back(thisVertex);
352  }
353  }
354  }
355  } // iterate on tracks at considered vertex
356  } // end iteration on addedVerticesLastIteration
358  addedVerticesLastIteration = addedVerticesNewIteration;
359  addedVerticesNewIteration.clear();
360  } while (not addedVerticesLastIteration.empty());
361  //
362  // now fitting everything together
363  fit(allVerticesToFit);
364 }
366 void
368 {
369  ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Entered prepareCompatibility() ");
370  // TODO: put this in a better place
371  // Prepare objects holding the decoration of xAOD::Vertex with MVF auxdata
372  // For optimization of access speed
373  static const xAOD::Vertex::Accessor<MvfFitInfo*> MvfFitInfo("MvfFitInfo");
375  "VTAV");
376  const Amg::Vector3D* seedPoint = MvfFitInfo(*newvertex)->seedVertex();
377  ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Now adding compatibility info to the track");
378  // lambda adds impact point and 'ANDs' with previous success result
379  auto addImpactPoint = [this, seedPoint](const auto& thisVxTrack) {
380  return this->m_ImpactPoint3dEstimator->addIP3dAtaPlane(*thisVxTrack,
381  *seedPoint);
382  };
383  const auto& vertexTracksAtVertex = VTAV(*newvertex);
384  // std::reduce might be quicker, if compiler implemented it
385  const bool success = std::all_of(
386  vertexTracksAtVertex.begin(), vertexTracksAtVertex.end(), addImpactPoint);
387  if (not success) {
388  ATH_MSG_WARNING("Adding compatibility to vertex information failed. Newton "
389  "distance finder didn't converge...");
390  }
391 }
393 bool
395  const xAOD::Vertex* vertex,
396  const std::vector<xAOD::Vertex*>& previousVertices)
397 {
398  return (std::find(previousVertices.begin(), previousVertices.end(), vertex) !=
399  previousVertices.end());
400 }
401 }
StatusCode finalize()
Definition: AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.cxx:65
double m_initialError
Initial error in form of diagonal elements of the inverse of the covariance matrix (name is misleadin...
Definition: AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.h:234
static bool findAmongVertices(const xAOD::Vertex *vertex, const std::vector< xAOD::Vertex * > &previousVertices)
Internal method to find a VxCandidate among a vector of VxCandidates.
Definition: AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.cxx:396
void prepareCompatibility(xAOD::Vertex *newvertex) const
Internal function to prepare the compatibility information of all the tracks of the new vertex (an IP...
Definition: AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.cxx:369
def p
Definition: MVFVxTrackAtVertex.h:31
std::string find(const std::string &s)
return a remapped string
Definition: hcg.cxx:135
Helper class to provide type-safe access to aux data.
Definition: Control/AthContainers/AthContainers/Accessor.h:66
AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::declareProperty
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase & declareProperty(Gaudi::Property< T > &t)
Definition: AthCommonDataStore.h:145
double m_minweight
Minimum weight a track as to have in order to be considered in the fit of one of the vertices.
Definition: AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.h:250
#define ATH_MSG_VERBOSE(x)
Definition: AthMsgStreamMacros.h:28
ToolHandle< Trk::IImpactPoint3dEstimator > m_ImpactPoint3dEstimator
Definition: AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.h:269
unsigned int AnnealingState
Definition: IVertexAnnealingMaker.h:35
double m_maxDistToLinPoint
Maximum distance of linearization point of track to actual fitted vertex before needing to relineariz...
Definition: AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.h:226
AmgSymMatrix(5) &GXFTrackState
Definition: GXFTrackState.h:156
const Amg::Vector3D * seedVertex(void) const
Const access to the seed vertex.
Definition: MvfFitInfo.h:133
virtual ~AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter()
StatusCode initialize()
Definition: AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.cxx:50
#define ATH_MSG_ERROR(x)
Definition: AthMsgStreamMacros.h:33
ToolHandle< Trk::IVertexUpdator > m_VertexUpdator
Definition: AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.h:275
::StatusCode StatusCode
StatusCode definition for legacy code.
Definition: PhysicsAnalysis/D3PDTools/EventLoop/EventLoop/StatusCode.h:22
#define ATH_MSG_DEBUG(x)
Definition: AthMsgStreamMacros.h:29
#define ATH_CHECK
Definition: AthCheckMacros.h:40
ToolHandle< Trk::IVertexTrackCompatibilityEstimator > m_TrackCompatibilityEstimator
Definition: AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.h:266
std::vector< double > collectWeights(TrackToVtxLink &tracklink) const
Internal function to collect the weights of the tracks partecipating to all the possible vertices (ne...
Definition: AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.cxx:283
long int m_maxIterations
Max number of iterations.
Definition: AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.h:217
double m_maxRelativeShift
Maximum shift allowed for last iteration...
Definition: AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.h:258
ToolHandle< Trk::IVertexAnnealingMaker > m_AnnealingMaker
Definition: AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.h:285
Ensure that the ATLAS eigen extensions are properly loaded.
Definition: FakeTrackBuilder.h:9
void addVtxToFit(xAOD::Vertex *pVtx) const
Adds a new MVFVxCandidate to a previous multi-vertex fit and fits everything together.
Definition: AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.cxx:316
ToolHandle< Trk::IVertexLinearizedTrackFactory > m_LinearizedTrackFactory
Definition: AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.h:260
Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 1 > Vector3D
Definition: GeoPrimitives.h:47
@ vertex
Definition: MeasurementType.h:21
void fit(std::vector< xAOD::Vertex * > &allVertices) const
fit all the provided MVFVxCandidate, which have to be already properly initialized.
Definition: AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.cxx:72
Class describing a Vertex.
Definition: Vertex_v1.h:42
#define ATH_MSG_WARNING(x)
Definition: AthMsgStreamMacros.h:32
Definition: LArRodBlockPhysicsV0.cxx:569
Definition: AthAlgTool.h:26
bool m_doSmoothing
True if smoothing after fit iterations has to be performed: otherwise the Smoother AlgoTool provided ...
Definition: AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.h:242
AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter(const std::string &t, const std::string &n, const IInterface *p)
default constructor due to Athena interface
Definition: AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.cxx:27
ToolHandle< Trk::IVertexSmoother > m_VertexSmoother
Definition: AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.h:280
Definition: MvfFitInfo.h:40