ATLAS Offline Software
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@ etcone30_ptcorrected
pT-leakage corrections applied to ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.30
@ refittedVertex_Covzz
refitted vertex covariance item (z,z)
@ refittedVertex_track2_phi
refitted track global momentum after vertex fit
@ EMConvertedPhoton_z0
the z value of the converted photon
@ bremRadius
estimated brem radius from EMBremFit (mm) [x-y plane]
@ EMConvertedPhoton_Covd0phi
converted photon covariance matrix item ( )
@ refittedVertex_Covphi1y
@ PhiRescaled0
PhiRescaled to the presampler.
@ EMPhoton_Covphiphi
covariance matrix photon (phi, phi)
@ EMTrack_CovthetaEclus
track perigee covariance matrix item (theta,E)
@ etcone15_ptcorrected
pT-leakage corrections applied to ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.15
@ EMTrack_Combined_CovetaP
track combined covariance matrix item (eta,P)
@ convAngleMatch
from EMConvert, true if a conversion is matched within an angle of 0,05 to the cluster
@ refittedTrack_z0
the z value at the point of closest approach after Track Refit
@ trackd0sigma_pv
transverse impact parameter with respect to primary vertex
@ refittedVertex_chi2
refitted vertex fit quality variables
@ EMTrack_Covthetatheta
track perigee covariance matrix item (theta,theta)
@ deltaPhiRescaled
difference between the cluster phi (sampling 2) and the phi of the track extrapolated from the perige...
@ refittedVertex_Covphi1phi2
@ refittedTrackLastM_loc2
Last Measurment Surface Local Position 2 after Track Refit.
@ refittedTrack_CovqOverPqOverP
Refitted track perigee covariance matrix item (q/P,q/P)
@ refittedVertex_track2_author
refitted track author
@ emaxs1
energy of strip with maximal energy deposit
@ etconoisedR04SigAbs3
ET in a ring of dR<40 cell abs (ET) above 3 sigma from noise.
@ etringnoisedR03SigAbs3
all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.3) with abs(energy) > 3 sigma above noise
@ bremNZ
number of Z hits included in the EMBremFit
@ depth
pointing depth of the shower as calculated in egammaqgcld
@ EMPhoton_CovphiEclus
covariance matrix photon (phi, E)
@ bremNR
number of R hits included in the EMBremFit
@ refittedVertex_Covd01qOverP1
@ bremErrorFlag
Flag to tell why the EMBremFit was not called.
@ etcone30_corrected
pT-leakage + ED corrections applied to ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.30
@ e337
uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the third sampling in a rectangle of size 3x7
@ etcone20_corrected
pT-leakage + ED corrections applied to ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.20
@ refittedVertex_Covtheta2z
@ EMConvertedPhoton_d0
From EMErrorDetail
@ e333
uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the third sampling in a rectangle of size 3x3
@ EMConvertedPhoton_Covz0theta
converted photon covariance matrix item (z0,theta)
@ refittedVertex_Covz01qOverP1
@ EMTrack_Covd0phi
track perigee covariance matrix item ( )
@ PhiRescaled3
PhiRescaled to the 3rd sampling.
@ hasBrem
The Number of brems identified by the track fitter.
@ etcone20_ptcorrected
pT-leakage corrections applied to ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.20
@ refittedVertex_Covz01z01
@ refittedVertex_Covz02theta2
@ bremTrackAuthor
The author of the Refitted track.
@ refittedVertex_Covz02z02
@ convTrackMatch
from EMConvert, true if a conversion is matched to the track associated to the cluster
@ EMTrack_theta
theta of the track
@ refittedVertex_Covd02phi2
@ topoetcone40_corrected
Topo cluster pT-leakage + ED corrections applied to ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0....
@ refittedVertex_Covtheta1y
@ topoetcone40
Topo cluster ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.30.
const unsigned int AuthorSofte
Electron reconstructed by the track-based algorithm.
@ bremNTRT
number of TRT hits included in the EMBremFit
@ EMTrack_Combined_Covd0z0
track combined covariance matrix item (d0,z0)
@ EMTrack_Combined_CovPP
track combined covariance matrix item (P,P)
@ refittedVertex_Covphi1qOverP2
@ PhiExtraps0
phi of the track extrapolated to the presampler
@ refittedVertex_Covyz
refitted vertex covariance item (y,z)
@ bremPhi0
azimuth angle of the momentum at the point of closest approach after EMBremFit
@ bremZ0
the z value at the point of closest approach after EMBremFit
@ EMTrack_Eclus
Cluster energy
@ refittedVertex_CovqOverP2x
@ zvertex
pointing z at vertex reconstructed from the cluster
@ etringnoisedR04SigAbs3
all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.4) with abs(energy) > 3 sigma above noise
@ refittedVertex_Covphi1qOverP1
@ EMPhoton_CovetaEclus
covariance matrix photon (eta, E)
@ refittedVertex_CovqOverP1qOverP1
@ refittedVertex_CovqOverP2z
@ EMConvertedPhoton_Covd0z0
converted photon covariance matrix item ( )
@ refittedVertex_Covphi1z
@ e233
uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the middle sampling in a rectangle of size 3x3 (in cell units e...
@ etcone
ET in a cone of R=0.45 in calo, with exclusion of a window of size 7x5 in electromagnetic calorimeter...
@ e033
uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) in presampler in a 3x3 window in cells in eta X phi
@ refittedVertex_Covz01phi1
@ EMTrack_z0
the z value at the point of closest approach
const unsigned int AuthorTrigElectron
trigger Electrons
@ refittedVertex_Covphi1x
@ etconoisedR04Sig3
ET in a ring of dR0,40 above 3 sigma from noise.
@ emins1
energy reconstructed in the strip with the minimal value between the first and second maximum
@ etringnoisedR04Sig3
all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.4) with energy > 3 sigma above noise
@ EMPhoton_Covetaeta
covariance matrix photon (eta, eta)
@ etconoisedR03SigAbs2
ET in a ring of dR<30, cell abs(ET) above 2 sigma from noise.
@ convMatchDeltaPhi2_refit
@ refittedTrack_Covphiphi
Refitted track perigee covariance matrix item (phi,phi)
@ refittedVertex_CovqOverP1y
@ EMTrack_eta
the eta of the track
@ PhiRescaled2
PhiRescaled to the 2nd sampling.
@ EMPhoton_Covetaphi
covariance matrix photon (eta, phi)
@ deltaEta2
difference between the cluster eta (second sampling) and the eta of the track extrapolated to the sec...
@ refittedVertex_Covd02theta2
@ topoetcone40_ptcorrected
Topo cluster pT-leakage corrections applied to ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0....
const double EgParamUndefined
@ refittedVertex_track2_theta
@ f3
fraction of energy reconstructed in 3rd sampling
@ EMConvertedPhoton_eta
the eta of the converted photon
@ e2ts1
2nd max in strips calc by summing 3 strips
@ EMConvertedPhoton_CovthetaEclus
converted photon covariance matrix item (theta,E)
@ convMatchDeltaEta2_refit
@ EMConvertedPhoton_Covphitheta
converted photon covariance matrix item (phi,theta)
@ deltaPhiRot
rotation of the track in the magnetic field: difference between the phi direction of the track at the...
@ refittedTrack_Covz0theta
Refitted track perigee covariance matrix item (z0,theta)
@ extrapMethod
enum to indicate which track extrapolation method was used for track match
@ refittedTrack_Covd0phi
Refitted track perigee covariance matrix item ( )
@ deltaPhi3
difference between the cluster eta (3rd sampling) and the eta of the track extrapolated to the 3rd sa...
@ etringnoisedR03Sig2
all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.3) with energy > 2 sigma above noise
@ EMTrack_Combined_Covphieta
track combined covariance matrix item (phi,eta)
@ EMTrack_Combined_CovphiP
track combined covariance matrix item (phi,P)
@ refittedVertex_Covphi1theta2
@ deltaPhi1
difference between the cluster eta (1st sampling) and the eta of the track extrapolated to the 1st sa...
@ deltaEta3
difference between the cluster eta (3rd sampling) and the eta of the track extrapolated to the 3rd sa...
@ EMConvertedPhoton_phi0
azimuth angle of the momentum at the point of closest approach
@ etcone40_ptcorrected
pT-leakage corrections applied to ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.40
@ EMTrack_Combined_Covz0phi
track combined covariance matrix item (z0,phi)
@ ethad
ET leakage into hadronic calorimeter with exclusion of energy in CaloSampling::TileGap3.
@ refittedVertex_Covz01theta1
@ refittedVertex_track2_chi2
refitted track chi2 after vertex fit
@ etap
pointing eta reconstructed from the cluster (first and second sampling)
@ etringnoisedR02SigAbs3
all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.2) with abs(energy) > 3 sigma above noise
@ trackd0_pv
transverse impact parameter with respect to primary vertex
@ EMConvertedPhoton_Covd0theta
converted photon covariance matrix item (d0,theta)
@ EMTrack_CovEclusEclus
track perigee covariance matrix item (E,E)
@ refittedTrack_CovphiqOverP
Refitted track perigee covariance matrix item (phi,q/P)
@ deltaPhiFromLastMeasurement
difference between the cluster phi (sampling 2) and the eta of the track extrapolated from the last m...
@ EMTrack_Covd0d0
track perigee covariance matrix item ( )
@ fracs1
shower shape in the shower core : [E(+/-3)-E(+/-1)]/E(+/-1), where E(+/-n) is the energy in +- n stri...
@ refittedVertex_Covtheta2x
@ trackNumber
index number in TrackContainer (counting starts at 1 for sake of CBNT)
@ refittedVertex_track1_theta
@ refittedTrack_CovthetaqOverP
Refitted track perigee covariance matrix item (theta,q/P)
@ refittedVertex_Covd02qOverP2
@ EtaExtraps3
eta of the track extrapolated to the 3rd sampling
@ EMTrack_Covd0theta
track perigee covariance matrix item (d0,theta)
@ refittedVertex_Covd01phi1
@ EMTrack_Covz0theta
track perigee covariance matrix item (z0,theta)
@ ecore
core energy in em calo E(core) = E0(3x3) + E1(15x2) + E2(5x5) + E3(3x5)
@ EMTrack_Covphitheta
track perigee covariance matrix item (phi,theta)
@ EMConvertedPhoton_Covd0d0
converted photon covariance matrix item ( )
@ etcone25
ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.25, with exclusion of a window of size 7x5 in electromagnetic ...
@ EMTrack_d0
transverse impact parameter (distance of closest approach)
@ e2tsts1
energy of the cell corresponding to second energy maximum in the first sampling
@ EMTrack_Combined_Covz0z0
track combined covariance matrix item (z0,z0)
@ EMTrack_Covphiphi
track perigee covariance matrix item (phi,phi)
@ refittedVertex_Covphi1phi1
refitted track covariance matrix and correlations with vertex position
@ etringnoisedR03SigAbs2
all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.3) with abs(energy) > 2 sigma above noise
@ refittedTrack_Covz0phi
Refitted track perigee covariance matrix item (z0,phi)
@ bremFitChi2
chi2 of EMBremFit
@ refittedVertex_CovqOverP1z
@ refittedVertex_Covxy
refitted vertex covariance item (x,y)
const unsigned int AuthorPhoton
Photon reconstructed by standard cluster-based algorithm.
@ etcone20
ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2, with exclusion of a window of size 7x5 in electromagnetic c...
@ refittedVertex_Covphi2x
@ PhiRescaled1
PhiRescaled to the 1st sampling (strips)
@ EMTrack_Combined_Covphiphi
track combined covariance matrix item (phi,phi)
@ EMTrack_phi0
azimuth angle of the momentum at the point of closest approach
@ refittedVertex_Covtheta2theta2
@ refittedTrack_phi0
azimuth angle of the momentum at the point of closest approach after Track Refit
@ etconoisedR04SigAbs2
ET in a ring of dR<40, cell abs(ET) above 2 sigma from noise.
const unsigned int AuthorRConv
Photon that is duplicated with electron.
@ bremD0
transverse impact parameter (distance of closest approach) after EMBremFit
@ trackd0_physics
transverse impact parameter with respect beam spot
@ refittedVertex_CovqOverP1theta2
@ refittedVertex_Covz02phi2
@ EMPhoton_phi0
photon phi
@ refittedVertex_CovqOverP1qOverP2
@ refittedVertex_CovqOverP2y
@ tracksInBroadWindow
number of tracks in isolation window (taken at sampling 2): (# primary tracks if matched track is pri...
@ refittedVertex_track1_qOverP
@ refittedVertex_Covtheta1theta2
@ EMConvertedPhoton_Covd0Eclus
converted photon covariance matrix item (d0,E)
@ refittedVertex_track1_phi
refitted track global momentum after vertex fit
@ EMConvertedPhoton_Covz0z0
converted photon covariance matrix item (z0,z0)
@ EMConvertedPhoton_Eclus
E estimate
@ e237
uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the middle sampling in a rectangle of size 3x7
@ refittedVertex_Covz02qOverP2
@ EMConvertedPhoton_Covphiphi
converted photon covariance matrix item (phi,phi)
@ EMTrack_Combined_Covd0P
fitted track combined covariance matrix item (d0,P)
@ refittedTrackLastM_qOverP
Last Measurment Surface q/pT estimate according to Track Refit.
@ etringnoisedR03Sig4
all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.3) with energy > 4 sigma above noise
@ trackd0sigma_physics
transverse impact parameter with respect beam spot
@ wtots1
shower width is determined in a window detaxdphi = 0,0625 ~0,2, corresponding typically to 20 strips ...
@ EtaExtraps0
eta of the track extrapolated to the presampler
@ nucone40_zpv05
number of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2, |zpv| < 5mm
@ refittedVertex_Covxz
refitted vertex covariance item (x,z)
@ bremClusterRadius
cluster radius (mm) [x-y plane] from EMBremFit (depth)
@ nucone30_zpv05
number of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2, |zpv| < 5mm
@ refittedVertex_Covphi2qOverP2
@ EMConvertedPhoton_momentum
momentum of the converted photon
@ bremMaterialTraversed
The amount of material traversed as seen by the track (in X0)
@ refittedVertex_Covphi2theta2
@ refittedVertex_Covtheta1x
@ refittedTrack_Covd0qOverP
Refitted track perigee covariance matrix item (d0,q/p)
@ refittedVertex_Covtheta2y
@ refittedVertex_Covyy
refitted vertex covariance item (y,y)
const unsigned int AuthorElectron
Electron reconstructed by standard cluster-based algorithm.
@ refittedTrack_Covz0z0
Refitted track perigee covariance matrix item (z0,z0)
@ EMPhoton_Eclus
photon energy
@ refittedTrack_Covthetatheta
Refitted track perigee covariance matrix item (theta,theta)
@ ethad1
transverse energy in the first sampling of the hadronic calorimeters behind the cluster calculated fr...
@ EMTrack_Combined_Covd0eta
track combined covariance matrix item (d0,eta)
const unsigned int AuthorUnknown
for the Authors of the egammas
@ e132
uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) in strips in a 3x2 window in cells in eta X phi
@ nucone20
number of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2
@ f3core
E3(3x3)/E fraction of the energy reconstructed in the third compartment of the electromagnetic calori...
@ etconoisedR02SigAbs3
ET in a ring of dR<20 cell abs (ET) above 3 sigma from noise.
@ etcone40_corrected
pT-leakage + ED corrections applied to ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.40
@ etcone15
ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.15, with exclusion of a window of size 7x5 in electromagnetic ...
@ EMConvertedPhoton_Covz0Eclus
converted photon covariance matrix item (z0,E)
@ refittedVertex_CovqOverP1phi2
@ etringnoisedR04SigAbs2
all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.4) with abs(energy) > 2 sigma above noise
@ refittedVertex_Covd01d01
@ convMatchDeltaEta1_refit
@ deltaPhiLast
deltaPhi from the las point
@ PhiExtraps3
phi of the track extrapolated to the 3rd sampling
@ etringnoisedR04Sig2
all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.4) with energy > 2 sigma above noise
@ EMTrack_Covz0z0
track perigee covariance matrix item (z0,z0)
@ e1152
uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) in strips in a 15x2 window in cells in eta X phi
@ etcone25_ptcorrected
pT-leakage corrections applied to ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.25
@ trackRefit
true if track was refitted to account for brem effects
@ topoetcone20
Topo cluster ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.20.
@ refittedTrack_d0
transverse impact parameter (distance of closest approach) after Track Refit
@ r33over37allcalo
1-ratio of energy in 3x3 over 3x7 cells; E(3x3) = E0(1x1) + E1(3x1) + E2(3x3) + E3(3x3); E(3x7) = E0(...
@ e277
uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the middle sampling in a rectangle of size 7x7
@ weta2
the lateral width is calculated with a window of 3x5 cells using the energy weighted sum over all cel...
@ barys1
barycentre in sampling 1 calculated in 3 strips
@ convMatchDeltaPhi1_refit
@ EMConvertedPhoton_CovEclusEclus
converted photon covariance matrix item (E,E)
@ bremFitStatus
Minuit EMBremFit fit status.
@ poscs2
relative position in eta within cell in 2nd sampling
@ EtaExtraps1
eta of the track extrapolated to the 1st sampling
@ EMTrack_CovphiEclus
track perigee covariance matrix item (phi,E)
@ EMConvertedPhoton_Covz0phi
converted photon covariance matrix item (z0,phi)
@ etcone35_ptcorrected
pT-leakage corrections applied to ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.35
@ ptcone40
summed pt of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.4
@ ambiguityResult
ambiguity resolultion result, electron/photon
@ etconoisedR02SigAbs2
ET in a ring of dR<20, cell abs(ET) above 2 sigma from noise.
@ refittedVertex_Covphi2phi2
@ refittedVertex_track2_qOverP
@ bremX
EMBremFit track impact in 2nd sampling - cluster distance (mm): Delta phi(EMBremFit track impact in 2...
@ refittedVertex_Covd02z02
@ EMTrack_Combined_Covd0phi
track combined covariance matrix item (d0,phi)
@ etcone35
ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.35, with exclusion of a window of size 7x5 in electromagnetic ...
@ refittedVertex_numTracks
@ refittedVertex_Covtheta1z
@ etringnoisedR03Sig3
all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.3) with energy > 3 sigma above noise
@ deltaEta1
difference between the cluster eta (first sampling) and the eta of the track extrapolated to the firs...
@ asy1
uncorr asymmetry in 3 strips in the 1st sampling
@ EtaCorrMag
eta of the track extrapolated to the first sampling (NB : should be equivalent to etaSampling1
@ pos
difference between shower cell and predicted track in +/- 1 cells
@ refittedVertex_Covd01theta1
@ e255
uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the middle sampling in a rectangle of size 5x5
@ EMTrack_Combined_Covetaeta
track combined covariance matrix item (eta,eta)
@ EtaExtraps2
eta of the track extrapolated to the 2nd sampling
@ nucone30
number of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2
@ e235
uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the middle sampling in a rectangle of size 3x5
@ etconoisedR03SigAbs3
ET in a ring of dR<30 cell abs (ET) above 3 sigma from noise.
@ refittedVertex_Covxx
refitted vertex covariance matrix entries (cartesian coordinates)
@ etcone30
ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.3, with exclusion of a window of size 7x5 in electromagnetic c...
const unsigned int AuthorCaloTopo35
Photon reconstructed by SW CaloTopo35 seeded clusters.
@ etconoisedR04Sig2
ET in a ring of dR<0,40 above 2 sigma from noise.
@ refittedTrack_qOverP
1/pT estimate according to Track Refit
@ EMTrack_Covd0z0
track perigee covariance matrix item ( )
@ PhiExtraps1
phi of the track extrapolated to the 1st sampling
@ bremDeltaQoverPErr
Error on the fraction of energy lost.
@ deltaEta0
difference between the cluster eta (presampler) and the eta of the track extrapolated to the presampl...
const unsigned int AuthorFrwd
Electron reconstructed by the Forward cluster-based algorithm.
@ ptcone30_zpv05
summed pt of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2, |zpv| < 5mm
@ refittedVertex_Covtheta1qOverP2
@ f1core
E1(3x1)/E = fraction of the energy reconstructed in the first longitudinal compartment of the electro...
@ ptcone20
summed pt of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2 (no zvx cut photons, 1mm electrons)
@ EMTrack_momentum
track momentum
@ refittedVertex_Covd02d02
@ ptcone30
summed pt of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.3
@ errz
associated error on zvertex
@ refittedTrackLastM_theta
Last Measurment Surface theta after Track Refit.
@ refittedTrack_Covd0d0
Refitted track perigee covariance matrix item ( )
@ refittedVertex_CovqOverP1x
@ refittedTrack_theta
theta of the track after EMTrackFit
@ refittedVertex_Covphi2y
@ e335
uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the third sampling in a rectangle of size 3x5
@ e011
uncorrected energy in presampler in a 1x1 window in cells in eta X phi
@ bremDeltaQoverP
Fraction of the measured perigee momentum lost.
@ refittedVertex_CovqOverP2qOverP2
@ linkIndex
link index for multiple track and vertex matches
@ EMTrack_Combined_Covz0eta
track combined covariance matrix item (z0,eta)
@ ehad1
E leakage into 1st sampling of had calo (CaloSampling::HEC0 + CaloSampling::TileBar0 + CaloSampling::...
@ poscs1
relative position in eta within cell in 1st sampling
@ EMConvertedPhoton_CovphiEclus
converted photon covariance matrix item (phi,E)
@ refittedVertex_Covtheta2qOverP2
@ etcone40
ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.4, with exclusion of a window of size 7x5 in electromagnetic c...
@ refittedTrackLastM_loc1
Last Measurment Surface Local Position 1 after Track Refit.
@ EMTrack_Combined_Covz0P
track combined covariance matrix item (z0,P)
@ bremDzDr
1/tan(theta) of the track after EMBremFit
@ refittedTrack_Covz0qOverP
Refitted track perigee covariance matrix item (z0,q/p)
@ refittedTrack_Covd0theta
Refitted track perigee covariance matrix item (d0,theta)
@ etaSampling1
eta position at sampling 1 for track extrapolated from the last hit.
@ deltaPhi0
difference between the cluster phi (presampler) and the eta of the track extrapolated to the presampl...
@ topoetcone30
Topo cluster ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.30.
@ PhiExtraps2
phi of the track extrapolated to the 2nd sampling
@ EoverP
ratio of the cluster energy and the track momentum
@ EMConvertedPhoton_Covthetatheta
converted photon covariance matrix item (theta,theta)
@ weta1
shower width using +/-1 strips around the one with the maximal energy deposit: w3 strips = sqrt{sum(E...
@ pos7
Difference between the track and the shower positions: sum_{i=i_m-7}^{i=i_m+7}E_i x (i-i_m) / sum_{i=...
@ refittedVertex_Covtheta1phi2
@ bremInvpT
1/pT estimate according to EMBremFit
@ nucone20_zpv05
number of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2, |zpv| < 5mm
@ refittedVertex_Covd01z01
@ expectHitInBLayer
expectHitInBLayer (set to 1 if true)
@ EMTrack_Covz0phi
track perigee covariance matrix item (z0,phi)
@ refittedTrack_Covphitheta
Refitted track perigee covariance matrix item (phi,theta)
@ EMConvertedPhoton_theta
theta of the converted photon
@ refittedVertex_Covtheta1theta1
@ nucone40
number of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2
@ bremInvpTerr
error associated to 1/pT by EMBremFit
@ EMTrack_Covd0Eclus
fitted track perigee covariance matrix item (d0,E)
@ f1
E1/E = fraction of energy reconstructed in the first sampling, where E1 is energy in all strips belon...
@ refittedVertex_Covphi2z
@ deltaPhi2
difference between the cluster phi (second sampling) and the phi of the track extrapolated to the sec...
@ e377
uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the middle sampling in a rectangle of size 7x7
@ ptcone40_zpv05
summed pt of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2, |zpv| < 5mm
@ refittedVertex_x
refitted vertex position (cartesian coordinates)
@ refittedVertex_Covphi1theta1
@ refittedVertex_Covtheta1qOverP1
@ EMTrack_Covz0Eclus
track perigee covariance matrix item (z0,E)
const unsigned int AuthorTrigPhoton
trigger Photons
@ widths1
same as egammaParameters::weta1 but without corrections on particle impact point inside the cell
@ isPrimary
true if matched track has a hit in first or second pixel layer
@ EMPhoton_CovEclusEclus
covariance matrix photon (E, E)
@ etringnoisedR02SigAbs2
all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.2) with abs(energy) > 2 sigma above noise
@ refittedVertex_track1_author
refitted track author
@ refittedTrack_Covd0z0
Refitted track perigee covariance matrix item ( )
@ refittedVertex_track1_chi2
refitted track chi2 after vertex fit
@ ptcone20_zpv05
summed pt of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2, |zpv| < 5mm
@ refittedTrackLastM_phi
Last Measurment Surface azimuth angle after Track Refit.
@ widths2
same as egammaParameters::weta2 but without corrections on particle impact point inside the cell
@ EMTrack_Combined_Covd0d0
track combined covariance matrix item (do,d0)