ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
11 #ifndef TRT_BarrelElement_h
12 #define TRT_BarrelElement_h 1
29 class TRT_BarrelConditions;
52 unsigned int modIndex,
54 unsigned int strawLayIndex,
146 #include "TRT_BarrelElement.icc"
double strawXPos(unsigned int i) const
Get X Position: DEPRECATED.
const TRT_BarrelElement * m_nextInPhi
void setPreviousInR(const TRT_BarrelElement *element)
Sets the previous-in-r detector.
virtual void createSurfaceCache() const override
create the cache for the element
const TRT_BarrelElement * previousInPhi() const
Returns the previous-in-phi detector element, or zero if none (forseeing gaps, in other words).
virtual HepGeom::Transform3D calculateStrawTransform(int straw) const override
These transforms are effectively to the local coord system of a straw derived from GeoModel -> hence ...
virtual TRT_BaseElement::Type type() const override final
Type information.
const TRT_BarrelElement * m_nextInR
virtual const Trk::SurfaceBounds & strawBounds() const override final
Surface bounds.
const TRT_BarrelDescriptor * m_descriptor
bool const RAWDATA *ch2 const
void setNextInPhi(const TRT_BarrelElement *element)
Sets the next-in-phi detector.
void setNextInR(const TRT_BarrelElement *element)
Sets the next-in-r detector.
const TRT_BarrelElement * m_previousInPhi
const TRT_BarrelElement * nextInPhi() const
Returns the next-in-phi detector element, or zero if none (forseeing gaps, in other words).
static const TRT_BarrelConditions * getConditionsData()
Returns a pointer to conditions data.
virtual ~TRT_BarrelElement()=default
SurfaceCache createSurfaceCacheHelper() const
const TRT_BarrelDescriptor * getDescriptor() const
Returns a pointer to a descriptor, giving common information on module construction:
virtual const double & strawLength() const override final
Get the length of the straws (active length):
Eigen::Affine3d Transform3D
TRT_BarrelElement(const GeoVFullPhysVol *volume, const TRT_BarrelDescriptor *descriptor, bool isPositive, unsigned int modIndex, unsigned int phiIndex, unsigned int strawLayIndex, const TRT_ID *idHelper, const TRT_Conditions *conditions)
const TRT_BarrelElement * nextInR() const
Returns the next-in-R detector element, or zero if none.
const TRT_Conditions * conditions() const
Return the TRT_Conditions object associated to this Detector element.
const TRT_BarrelElement * m_previousInR
HepGeom::Transform3D calculateLocalStrawTransform(int straw) const
const TRT_BarrelCode & getCode() const
Doomed (?):
Ensure that the ATLAS eigen extensions are properly loaded.
virtual int strawDirection() const override final
unsigned int phiIndex(float phi, float binsize)
calculate phi index for a given phi
virtual const Trk::Surface & elementSurface() const override
return the surface of the element
double strawZPos(unsigned int i) const
Get Z Position: (active center) DEPRECATED.
const TRT_BarrelElement * previousInR() const
Returns the next-in-R detector element, or zero if none.
void setPreviousInPhi(const TRT_BarrelElement *element)
Sets the previous-in-phi detector.
double strawYPos(unsigned int i) const
Get Y Position: DEPRECATED.