ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
5 #ifndef Trk_BasicValTrkParticleNtupleTool_h
6 #define Trk_BasicValTrkParticleNtupleTool_h
10 #include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
20 class TrackParticleBase;
58 const int iterationIndex,
59 const unsigned int fitStatCode );
69 const int iterationIndex,
70 const unsigned int fitStatCode );
81 const int iterationIndex );
103 const int truthIndex = -1 );
168 #endif // BasicsValTrkParticleNtupleTool_h
Property holding a SG store/key/clid from which a ReadHandle is made.
float m_chi2
chi sqared of the track fit normalized to DOF
virtual StatusCode writeRecord(TTree *tree)
write the filled data into the ntuple
unsigned char m_TrackID
number of the track within the current event
virtual StatusCode writeTrackParticleData(const Trk::TrackParticleBase &)
fill AND write ntuple data of a given track particle
float m_errortheta0
error on angle theta at perigee UNIT:rad
unsigned char m_numberOfSCTHoles
number of SCT holes
static const float s_errorEntry
error entry costant
unsigned char m_numberOfPixelDeadSensors
number of dead pixel sensors crossed
virtual StatusCode fillMeasurementData(const Trk::MeasurementBase *, const Trk::TrackParameters *)
fill ntuple data of given measurement and track parameters without writing the record
float m_Rec_qOverP
reconstructed track params: curvature q/p UNIT:1/MeV
int m_eventNumber
event number the track belongs to
float m_errorphi0
error on angle phi at perigee UNIT:rad
virtual StatusCode fillTrackParameter(const Trk::TrackParameters *, const int iterationIndex)
fill ntuple data of a given track without writing the record.
Dummy class used to allow special convertors to be called for surfaces owned by a detector element.
unsigned char m_numberOfPixelHoles
number of pixel layers on track with absence of hits
StatusCode fillTrkParticleSummary(const Trk::TrackSummary *summary)
fill the perigee in ntuple
unsigned char m_numberOfSCTHits
number of measurements in the SCT
StatusCode finalize()
virtual StatusCode fillHoleData(const Trk::TrackStateOnSurface &)
fill ntuple data of holes on track without writing the record
unsigned char m_numberOfTRTHits
number of TRT hits
int m_runNumber
run number the track belongs to
float m_errord0
error on local d0 at perigee UNIT:mm
BasicValTrkParticleNtupleTool(const std::string &, const std::string &, const IInterface *)
unsigned char m_numberOfSCTDeadSensors
number of dead SCT sensors crossed
unsigned char m_numberOfTRTDeadStraws
number of dead TRT straws crossed
virtual StatusCode fillTrackTruthData(const TrackParameters *&, const TrackTruth &, const int truthIndex=-1)
fill ntuple data of holes on track without writing the record
int m_TrackIDcounter
help variable to link with event property tree
::StatusCode StatusCode
StatusCode definition for legacy code.
float m_Rec_d0
reconstructed track params: local d0 at perigee UNIT:mm
std::string m_ntupleDirName
jobOption: Ntuple directory name
SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::EventInfo > m_evt
This validation tool writes basic information about Trk::TrackParticleBase into an ntuple;.
std::string m_ntupleFileName
jobOption: Ntuple file name
Class to represent and store fit qualities from track reconstruction in terms of and number of degre...
unsigned char m_numberOfPixelHits
number of measurements in the Pixels
float m_Rec_eta
reconstructed track params: pseudorapidity UNIT:1
float m_Rec_phi0
reconstructed track params: angle phi at perigee UNIT:rad
unsigned int m_lastEventNumber
help variable to link with event property tree
virtual StatusCode fillTrackData(const Trk::Track &, const int iterationIndex, const unsigned int fitStatCode)
fill ntuple data of a given track without writing the record.
Ensure that the ATLAS eigen extensions are properly loaded.
unsigned long m_idHitPattern
bit word carrying information about hit layers
unsigned char m_numberOfContribPixelLayers
number of contributing layers of the pixel detector
float m_errorqoverp
error on curvature q/p UNIT:1/MeV
represents the track state (measurement, material, fit parameters and quality) at a surface.
unsigned char m_numberOfTRTHighThresholdHits
number of TRT hits which pass the high threshold
A summary of the information contained by a track.
FitQualityOnSurface fitQuality(const MultiComponentState &, const MeasurementBase &)
Method for determining the chi2 of the multi-component state and the number of degrees of freedom.
virtual StatusCode fillOutlierData(const Trk::MeasurementBase *, const Trk::TrackParameters *, const Trk::FitQualityOnSurface *)
fill ntuple data of an outlier measurement (without writing the record yet).
MC particle associated with a reco track + the quality of match.
std::string m_ntupleTreeName
jobOption: Ntuple tree name
virtual StatusCode addNtupleItems(TTree *tree)
add branches to the tree Should be called once (per track collection and tree) dunring the initialisa...
unsigned char m_numberOfTRTHoles
number of TRT holes
float m_errorz0
error on local z0 at perigee UNIT:mm
StatusCode fillFitQualityData(const Trk::FitQuality *fitQuality)
float m_Rec_z0
reconstructed track params: local z0 at perigee UNIT:mm
bool m_bookNewNtuple
jobOption: book new ntuple?
StatusCode fillTrkParticlePerigee(const Trk::Perigee *perigee)
fill the perigee in ntuple
TTree * m_nt
Pointer to the NTuple tree.
TrackSummary_v1 TrackSummary
virtual StatusCode writeTrackData(const Trk::Track &, const int iterationIndex, const unsigned int fitStatCode)
fill AND write ntuple data of a given track
virtual StatusCode fillTrackParticleData(const Trk::TrackParticleBase &)
fill ntuple data of a given track particle without writing the record.