ATLAS Offline Software
src Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for src:


directory  components


file  ArrayBM.cxx [code]
file  ArrayBM.h [code]
 A IBeamIntensity service configured with an intensity array The Gaudi::Property<std::vector<float>> describes the intensity pattern that is repeated for the entire beam xing range.
file  BkgStreamsCache.cxx [code]
file  BkgStreamsCache.h [code]
 In memory cache for pileup events.
file  DigitizationAlg.cxx [code]
file  DigitizationAlg.h [code]
 an algorithm to run digitization in the original 'algorithm' approach using the common interface of IPileUpTool
file  FixedArrayBM.cxx [code]
file  FixedArrayBM.h [code]
 A IBeamIntensity service configured with an intensity array The Gaudi::Property<std::vector<float>> describes the intensity pattern that is repeated for the entire beam xing range. The T0Offset property specifies the fixed point in this intensity pattern which will be used for the central bunch crossing.
file  FlatBM.cxx [code]
file  FlatBM.h [code]
 dummy (flat beam) implementation of IBeamIntensity service
file  LumiProfileSvc.cxx [code]
file  LumiProfileSvc.h [code]
 A IBeamLuminosity service configured with a run/lumi list.
file  NoPileUpMuWriter.cxx [code]
file  NoPileUpMuWriter.h [code]
file  NoProfileSvc.cxx [code]
file  NoProfileSvc.h [code]
 A IBeamLuminosity service configured flat.
file  PileUpEventLoopMgr.cxx [code]
file  PileUpEventLoopMgr.h [code]
 The ATLAS event loop for pile-up applications.
file  PileUpToolsAlg.cxx [code]
file  PileUpToolsAlg.h [code]
 an algorithm to steer the IPileUpTools
file  PileUpXingFolder.cxx [code]
file  PileUpXingFolder.h [code]
 specify time interval we want to study pileup for a set of data objs
file  StepArrayBM.cxx [code]
file  StepArrayBM.h [code]
 A IBeamIntensity service configured with an intensity array and an optional signal pattern array The Gaudi::Property<std::vector<float>> IntensityPattern describes the intensity pattern that is repeated for the entire beam xing range. The Gaudi::Property<std::vector<float>> SignalPattern describes the positions at which signal events will be placed (and hence which xings are simulated) This BeamIntensity service sequentially steps through the bunch crossings of the provided pattern.
file  TestPileUpTool.cxx [code]
file  TestPileUpTool.h [code]
 a sample implementation of IPileUpTool to test the framework
file  Control/PileUpComps/src/UtilityFuncs.h [code]
 Holds helper functions used by FixedArrayBM and ArrayBM.