file | FPGATrackSimDataFlowTool.cxx [code] |
file | FPGATrackSimDataFlowTool.h [code] |
file | FPGATrackSimDataPrepAlg.cxx [code] |
file | FPGATrackSimDataPrepAlg.h [code] |
file | FPGATrackSimLogicalHitsProcessAlg.cxx [code] |
file | FPGATrackSimLogicalHitsProcessAlg.h [code] |
file | FPGATrackSimMapMakerAlg.cxx [code] |
file | FPGATrackSimMapMakerAlg.h [code] |
file | FPGATrackSimNNPathfinderExtensionTool.cxx [code] |
| Default track extension algorithm to produce "second stage" roads. Much of this code originally written by Alec, ported/adapted to FPGATrackSim.
file | FPGATrackSimNNTrackTool.cxx [code] |
| Does NN tracking.
file | FPGATrackSimOverlapRemovalTool.cxx [code] |
file | FPGATrackSimSecondStageAlg.cxx [code] |
file | FPGATrackSimSecondStageAlg.h [code] |
file | FPGATrackSimTrackFitterTool.cxx [code] |
file | FPGATrackSimTrackingToolBase.cxx [code] |
file | FPGATrackSimWindowExtensionTool.cxx [code] |
| Default track extension algorithm to produce "second stage" roads. Much of this code originally written by Alec, ported/adapted to FPGATrackSim.
file | OnnxRuntimeBase.cxx [code] |
file | TrackFitter.cxx [code] |