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ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
19 #include "AthLinks/ElementLink.h"
49 virtual double pt()
51 virtual double eta()
53 virtual double phi()
55 virtual double m()
57 virtual double e()
Class representing a track reconstructed in AFP.
void setAFPTrackLinks(const std::vector< AFPTrackLink_t > &newTracksVector)
Set vector of links to tracks used for proton reconstruction.
void setChi2(float chi2)
Set the value of function.
ICaloAffectedTool is abstract interface for tools checking if 4 mom is in calo affected region.
ElementLink< AFPTrackContainer > AFPTrackLink_t
Type of the track links.
virtual double m() const
The invariant mass of the particle.
Class providing the definition of the 4-vector interface.
const AFPTrack * track(size_t index) const
Get one of the tracks that was used to reconstruct the proton.
virtual double rapidity() const
The true rapidity (y) of the particle.
TLorentzVector FourMom_t
Definition of the 4-momentum type.
virtual double e() const
The total energy of the particle.
void setSide(int side)
Set the ATLAS side on which the proton was measured.
virtual FourMom_t p4() const
The full 4-momentum of the particle.
void setPx(float px)
Set the x-component of the momentum.
float py() const
Get the y-component of the momentum.
int methodID() const
Get the ID of method used to reconstruct the proton.
SG_BASE(xAOD::AFPProton_v1, xAOD::IParticle)
void setPxPyPzE(float px, float py, float pz, float e)
Set the 4-momentum.
void addAFPTrackLink(const AFPTrackLink_t &newTrack)
Add a link to a tracks used to reconstruct the proton.
ElementLink implementation for ROOT usage.
const std::vector< AFPTrackLink_t > & afpTrackLinks() const
Get vector of links to tracks that were used to reconstruct the proton.
virtual double pt() const
The transverse momentum ( ) of the particle.
void setPy(float py)
Set the y-component of the momentum.
void setPz(float pz)
Set the z-component of the momentum.
virtual double eta() const
The pseudorapidity ( ) of the particle.
An STL vector of pointers that by default owns its pointed-to elements.
int side() const
Get the ATLAS side on which the proton was measured.
IParticle::FourMom_t FourMom_t
Definition of the 4-momentum type.
Default constructor.
DATAVECTOR_BASE(xAOD::AFPProton_v1, xAOD::IParticle)
Class representing a proton reconstructed in AFP.
float chi2() const
Get the value of function.
size_t nTracks() const
Get the number of tracks that were used to reconstruct the proton.
Type of objects that have a representation in the xAOD EDM.
float px() const
Get the x-component of the momentum.
virtual double phi() const
The azimuthal angle ( ) of the particle (has range to .)
virtual Type::ObjectType type() const
The type of the object as a simple enumeration.
void setMethodID(int methodID)
Set the ID of method used to reconstruct the proton.
void setE(float e)
Set the energy.
float pz() const
Get the z-component of the momentum.