3 from AthenaMonitoringKernel.GenericMonitoringTool
import GenericMonitoringTool
7 montool.defineHistogram(
'Pt', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"P_{T} reconstruction from #muFast; P_{T} (GeV)",
8 xbins=200, xmin=-100, xmax=100)
9 montool.defineHistogram(
'PtFL', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"P_{T} of not selected muons from #muFast; p_{T} (GeV)",
10 xbins=200, xmin=-100, xmax=100)
11 montool.defineHistogram(
'Eta , Phi', type=
'TH2F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"Eta vs Phi reconstruction of #muFast; Eta; Phi",
12 xbins=50, xmin=-3.2, xmax=3.2, ybins=25, ymin=-3.15, ymax=3.15)
13 montool.defineHistogram(
'Eta', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"Eta reconstruction from #muFast; Eta",
14 xbins=100, xmin=-3.2, xmax=3.2)
15 montool.defineHistogram(
'Phi', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"Phi reconstruction from #muFast; Phi",
16 xbins=100, xmin=-3.15, xmax=3.15)
17 montool.defineHistogram(
'ZatSt, Phi', type=
'TH2F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"Z vs Phi reconstructed in MIDDLE station; Z (cm); Phi (rad)",
18 xbins=50, xmin=-1200., xmax=1200., ybins=25, ymin=-3.2, ymax=3.2)
19 montool.defineHistogram(
'XatSt , YatSt', type=
'TH2F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"Y vs X reconstructed in MIDDLE station; X (cm); Y(cm)",
20 xbins=50, xmin=-1200., xmax=1200., ybins=50, ymin=-1200., ymax=1200.)
21 montool.defineHistogram(
'ZatBe', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"DCA along Z; Z (cm)",
22 xbins=100, xmin=-2100, xmax=2100)
23 montool.defineHistogram(
'XatBe', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"DCA along X; X (cm)",
24 xbins=100, xmin=-1000, xmax=1000)
30 montool.defineHistogram(
'MufastError', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"error in #muFast based overlap removal; error code",
31 xbins=10, xmin=0, xmax=10)
32 montool.defineHistogram(
'DR', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"#muFast objects dR; dR",
33 xbins=108, xmin=-0.1, xmax=3.5)
34 montool.defineHistogram(
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"#muFast objects invMass; Mass (GeV)",
35 xbins=202, xmin=-1, xmax=100)
36 montool.defineHistogram(
'DRLog10', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"#muFast objects Log10(dR); Log10(dR)",
37 xbins=102, xmin=-4.1, xmax=1.0)
38 montool.defineHistogram(
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"#muFast objects Log10(invMass); Log10(Mass (GeV))",
39 xbins=142, xmin=-4.1, xmax=3.0)
40 montool.defineHistogram(
'Mass , DR', type=
'TH2F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"#muFast objects Mass vs DR; Mass; dR",
41 xbins=54, xmin=-0.1, xmax=3.5, ybins=101, ymin=-1, ymax=100)
42 montool.defineHistogram(
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"nr of all EVs received for #muFast removal; nr",
43 xbins=10, xmin=0, xmax=10)
44 montool.defineHistogram(
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"nr of active EVs after #muFast removal ; nr",
45 xbins=10, xmin=0, xmax=10)
46 montool.defineHistogram(
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"nr of #muFast overlapped; nr",
47 xbins=10, xmin=0, xmax=10)
48 montool.defineHistogram(
'OverlappedEta , OverlappedPhi', type=
'TH2F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"#muFast overlapped Eta vs Phi; Eta; Phi",
49 xbins=50, xmin=-3.2, xmax=3.2, ybins=25, ymin=-3.15, ymax=3.15)
50 montool.defineHistogram(
'OverlappedPt', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"#muFast overlapped P_{T}; P_{T} (GeV)",
51 xbins=200, xmin=-100, xmax=100)
57 montool.defineHistogram(
'Pt', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"p_{T} reconstruction from #muComb; p_{T} (GeV)",
58 xbins=210, xmin=-105, xmax=105)
59 montool.defineHistogram(
'PtFL', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"p_{T} of not selected muons from #muComb; p_{T} (GeV)",
60 xbins=210, xmin=-105., xmax=105.)
61 montool.defineHistogram(
'StrategyFlag', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"Combination Strategy from #muComb; Strategy Code",
62 xbins=12, xmin=-1.5, xmax=10.5)
63 montool.defineHistogram(
'Eta', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"Eta reconstruction from #muComb; Eta",
64 xbins=108, xmin=-2.7, xmax=2.7)
65 montool.defineHistogram(
'Phi', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"Phi reconstruction from #muComb; Phi (rad)",
66 xbins=96, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416)
67 montool.defineHistogram(
'Z0', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"PCA along Z from ID track from #muComb; PCA(Z0) (mm)",
68 xbins=100, xmin=-200, xmax=200)
69 montool.defineHistogram(
'A0', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"PCA along x-y from ID track from #muComb; PCA(A0) (mm)",
70 xbins=100, xmin=-0.6, xmax=0.6)
76 montool.defineHistogram(
'MucombError', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"error in #muComb based overlap removal; error code",
77 xbins=10, xmin=0, xmax=10)
78 montool.defineHistogram(
'DR', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"#muComb objects dR; dR",
79 xbins=108, xmin=-0.1, xmax=3.5)
80 montool.defineHistogram(
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"#muComb objects invMass; Mass (GeV)",
81 xbins=202, xmin=-1, xmax=100)
82 montool.defineHistogram(
'DRLog10', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"#muFast objects Log10(dR); Log10(dR)",
83 xbins=102, xmin=-4.1, xmax=1.0)
84 montool.defineHistogram(
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"#muFast objects Log10(invMass); Log10(Mass (GeV))",
85 xbins=142, xmin=-4.1, xmax=3.0)
86 montool.defineHistogram(
'Mass , DR', type=
'TH2F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"#muComb objects Mass vs DR; Mass; dR",
87 xbins=54, xmin=-0.1, xmax=3.5, ybins=101, ymin=-1, ymax=100)
88 montool.defineHistogram(
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"nr of all EVs received for #muComb removal; nr",
89 xbins=10, xmin=0, xmax=10)
90 montool.defineHistogram(
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"nr of active EVs after #muComb removal ; nr",
91 xbins=10, xmin=0, xmax=10)
92 montool.defineHistogram(
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"nr of #muComb overlapped; nr",
93 xbins=10, xmin=0, xmax=10)
94 montool.defineHistogram(
'OverlappedEta , OverlappedPhi', type=
'TH2F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"#muComb overlapped Eta vs Phi; Eta; Phi",
95 xbins=50, xmin=-3.2, xmax=3.2, ybins=25, ymin=-3.15, ymax=3.15)
96 montool.defineHistogram(
'OverlappedPt', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"#muComb overlapped P_{T}; P_{T} (GeV)",
97 xbins=200, xmin=-100, xmax=100)
103 montool.defineHistogram(
'Pt', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"P_{T} reconstruction from #TrigMuonEFHypo; P_{T} (GeV)",
104 xbins=200, xmin=-100, xmax=100)
105 montool.defineHistogram(
'Eta', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"Eta reconstruction from #TrigMuonEFHypo; Eta",
106 xbins=100, xmin=-3.2, xmax=3.2)
107 montool.defineHistogram(
'Phi', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"Phi reconstruction from #TrigMuonEFHypo; Phi",
108 xbins=100, xmin=-3.15, xmax=3.15)
109 montool.defineHistogram(
'Pt_sel', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"Selected P_{T} reconstruction from #TrigMuonEFHypo; P_{T} (GeV)",
110 xbins=200, xmin=-100, xmax=100)
111 montool.defineHistogram(
'Eta_sel', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"Selected Eta reconstruction from #TrigMuonEFHypo; Eta",
112 xbins=100, xmin=-3.2, xmax=3.2)
113 montool.defineHistogram(
'Phi_sel', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"Selected Phi reconstruction from #TrigMuonEFHypo; Phi",
114 xbins=100, xmin=-3.15, xmax=3.15)
120 montool.defineHistogram(
'Mass', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"Dimuon mass from #TrigMuonEFInvMHypo; Mass (GeV)",
121 xbins=200, xmin=0, xmax=200)
122 montool.defineHistogram(
'Mass_sel', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"Dimuon mass for selected events from #TrigMuonEFInvMHypo; Mass (GeV)",
123 xbins=200, xmin=0, xmax=200)
129 montool.defineHistogram(
'SA_pt', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"SA p_{T} at EFIdperfHypo; SA p_{T} (GeV); N entries",
130 xbins=50, xmin=0, xmax=100)
131 montool.defineHistogram(
'SA_eta', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"SA #eta at EFIdperfHypo; SA #eta; N entries",
132 xbins=50, xmin=-3.2, xmax=3.2)
133 montool.defineHistogram(
'SA_phi', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"SA #phi at EFIdperfHypo; SA #phi; N entries",
134 xbins=50, xmin=-3.15, xmax=3.15)
135 montool.defineHistogram(
'SA_pt_sel', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"Selected SA p_{T} at EFIdperfHypo; p_{T} (GeV); N entries",
136 xbins=50, xmin=0, xmax=100)
137 montool.defineHistogram(
'SA_eta_sel', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"Selected SA #eta at EFIdperfHypo; #eta; N entries",
138 xbins=50, xmin=-3.2, xmax=3.2)
139 montool.defineHistogram(
'SA_phi_sel', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"Selected SA #phi at EFIdperfHypo; #phi; N entries",
140 xbins=50, xmin=-3.15, xmax=3.15)
146 montool.defineHistogram(
'Mass', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"Dimuon mass from IdperfInvMassHypo; Mass (GeV); N entries",
147 xbins=198, xmin=2, xmax=200)
149 montool.defineHistogram(
'probe_pt', type=
"Probe p_{T}; Probe p_{T} (GeV); N entries",
150 xbins=25, xmin=0, xmax=100)
151 montool.defineHistogram(
'probe_eta', type=
"Probe #eta; Probe #eta; N entries",
152 xbins=30, xmin=-3.0, xmax=3.0)
154 montool.defineHistogram(
'PT_dr', type=
"#Delta R (PT track and ME track); #Delta R; N entries",
155 xbins=25, xmin=0, xmax=0.5)
156 montool.defineHistogram(
'PT_qovp', type=
"Q/R difference significance (PT track and ME track); Q/R diff sig; N entries",
157 xbins=25, xmin=0, xmax=5.0)
158 montool.defineHistogram(
'FTF_dr', type=
"#Delta R (FTF track and ME track); #Delta R; N entries",
159 xbins=25, xmin=0, xmax=0.5)
160 montool.defineHistogram(
"Q/R difference significance (FTF track and ME track); Q/R diff sig; N entries",
161 xbins=25, xmin=0, xmax=5.0)
163 montool.defineHistogram(
'PT_effi_pt0_eta0', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"PT track efficiency for p_{T} < 20 GeV, |#eta|<1; PT found wrt MStrack; N entries",
164 xbins=2, xmin=0, xmax=2)
165 montool.defineHistogram(
'PT_effi_pt0_eta1', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"PT track efficiency for p_{T} < 20 GeV, 1<|#eta|<2; PT found wrt MStrack; N entries",
166 xbins=2, xmin=0, xmax=2)
167 montool.defineHistogram(
'PT_effi_pt0_eta2', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"PT track efficiency for p_{T} < 20 GeV, |#eta|>2; PT found wrt MStrack; N entries",
168 xbins=2, xmin=0, xmax=2)
169 montool.defineHistogram(
'PT_effi_pt1_eta0', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"PT track efficiency for p_{T} > 20 GeV, |#eta|<1; PT found wrt MStrack; N entries",
170 xbins=2, xmin=0, xmax=2)
171 montool.defineHistogram(
'PT_effi_pt1_eta1', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"PT track efficiency for p_{T} > 20 GeV, 1<|#eta|<2; PT found wrt MStrack; N entries",
172 xbins=2, xmin=0, xmax=2)
173 montool.defineHistogram(
'PT_effi_pt1_eta2', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"PT track efficiency for p_{T} > 20 GeV, |#eta|>2; PT found wrt MStrack; N entries",
174 xbins=2, xmin=0, xmax=2)
176 montool.defineHistogram(
'FTF_effi_pt0_eta0', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"FTF track efficiency for p_{T} < 20 GeV, |#eta|<1; PT found wrt MStrack; N entries",
177 xbins=2, xmin=0, xmax=2)
178 montool.defineHistogram(
'FTF_effi_pt0_eta1', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"FTF track efficiency for p_{T} < 20 GeV, 1<|#eta|<2; PT found wrt MStrack; N entries",
179 xbins=2, xmin=0, xmax=2)
180 montool.defineHistogram(
'FTF_effi_pt0_eta2', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"FTF track efficiency for p_{T} < 20 GeV, |#eta|>2; PT found wrt MStrack; N entries",
181 xbins=2, xmin=0, xmax=2)
182 montool.defineHistogram(
'FTF_effi_pt1_eta0', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"FTF track efficiency for p_{T} > 20 GeV, |#eta|<1; PT found wrt MStrack; N entries",
183 xbins=2, xmin=0, xmax=2)
184 montool.defineHistogram(
'FTF_effi_pt1_eta1', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"FTF track efficiency for p_{T} > 20 GeV, 1<|#eta|<2; PT found wrt MStrack; N entries",
185 xbins=2, xmin=0, xmax=2)
186 montool.defineHistogram(
'FTF_effi_pt1_eta2', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"FTF track efficiency for p_{T} > 20 GeV, |#eta|>2; PT found wrt MStrack; N entries",
187 xbins=2, xmin=0, xmax=2)
190 montool.defineHistogram(
'probePhiEfficiency, FTFfound', type=
'TProfile', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"FTF Efficiency Profile wrt Probe SA muon Phi; probe SA muon #phi",
191 xbins=9, xmin=-3.14, xmax=3.14, ymin=-0.1, ymax=1.1)
192 montool.defineHistogram(
'probeEtaEfficiency, FTFfound', type=
'TProfile', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"FTF Efficiency Profile wrt Probe SA muon Eta; probe SA muon #eta",
193 xbins=15, xmin=-3, xmax=3, ymin=-0.1, ymax=1.1)
194 montool.defineHistogram(
'probePhiEfficiency, PTfound', type=
'TProfile', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"PT Efficiency Profile wrt Probe SA muon Phi; probe SA muon #phi",
195 xbins=9, xmin=-3.14, xmax=3.14, ymin=-0.1, ymax=1.1)
196 montool.defineHistogram(
'probeEtaEfficiency, PTfound', type=
'TProfile', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"PT Efficiency Profile wrt Probe SA muon Eta; probe SA muon #eta",
197 xbins=15, xmin=-3, xmax=3, ymin=-0.1, ymax=1.1)
198 montool.defineHistogram(
'PTphi, PTpixelFound', type=
'TProfile', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"Expected && Found hit (IBL) for PT vs phi; #phi",
199 xbins=14, xmin=-3.14, xmax=3.14, ymin=-0.1, ymax=1.1)
200 montool.defineHistogram(
'PTphi, PTpixelNextToFound', type=
'TProfile', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"Next to innermost layer of detector - Expected && Found hit (L0) for PT vs phi; #phi",
201 xbins=22, xmin=-3.14, xmax=3.14, ymin=-0.1, ymax=1.1)
208 montool.defineHistogram(
'Pt', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"P_{T} reconstruction from #TrigMuonTLAHypo; q*P_{T} (GeV)",
209 xbins=200, xmin=-100, xmax=100)
210 montool.defineHistogram(
'Eta', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"Eta reconstruction from #TrigMuonTLAHypo; Eta",
211 xbins=100, xmin=-3.2, xmax=3.2)
212 montool.defineHistogram(
'Phi', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"Phi reconstruction from #TrigMuonTLAHypo; Phi",
213 xbins=100, xmin=-3.15, xmax=3.15)
214 montool.defineHistogram(
'Author', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"Author reconstruction from #TrigMuonTLAHypo; Author",
215 xbins=7, xmin=0, xmax=7)
216 montool.defineHistogram(
'Nmuon', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"Number of copied muons/event in #TrigMuonTLAHypo; N. muons/event",
217 xbins=50, xmin=0, xmax=50)
222 montool.defineHistogram(
'PtCone03', type =
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title =
"PtCone03 from #TrigMuonEFHypo; P_{T} Cone(0.3) [GeV]",
223 xbins=40, xmin=0.0, xmax=20.0)
224 montool.defineHistogram(
'PtConeRel03', type =
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title =
"PtCone03/Pt from #TrigMuonEFHypo; P_{T} Cone(0.3)/P_{T}",
225 xbins=20, xmin=0.0, xmax=0.5)