ATLAS Offline Software
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1 # Copyright (C) 2002-2023 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
3 from AthenaMonitoringKernel.GenericMonitoringTool import GenericMonitoringTool
5 def TrigMufastHypoMonitoring(flags, histPath):
6  montool = GenericMonitoringTool(flags, HistPath = histPath)
7  montool.defineHistogram('Pt', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="P_{T} reconstruction from #muFast; P_{T} (GeV)",
8  xbins=200, xmin=-100, xmax=100)
9  montool.defineHistogram('PtFL', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="P_{T} of not selected muons from #muFast; p_{T} (GeV)",
10  xbins=200, xmin=-100, xmax=100)
11  montool.defineHistogram('Eta , Phi', type='TH2F', path='EXPERT', title="Eta vs Phi reconstruction of #muFast; Eta; Phi",
12  xbins=50, xmin=-3.2, xmax=3.2, ybins=25, ymin=-3.15, ymax=3.15)
13  montool.defineHistogram('Eta', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Eta reconstruction from #muFast; Eta",
14  xbins=100, xmin=-3.2, xmax=3.2)
15  montool.defineHistogram('Phi', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Phi reconstruction from #muFast; Phi",
16  xbins=100, xmin=-3.15, xmax=3.15)
17  montool.defineHistogram('ZatSt, Phi', type='TH2F', path='EXPERT', title="Z vs Phi reconstructed in MIDDLE station; Z (cm); Phi (rad)",
18  xbins=50, xmin=-1200., xmax=1200., ybins=25, ymin=-3.2, ymax=3.2)
19  montool.defineHistogram('XatSt , YatSt', type='TH2F', path='EXPERT', title="Y vs X reconstructed in MIDDLE station; X (cm); Y(cm)",
20  xbins=50, xmin=-1200., xmax=1200., ybins=50, ymin=-1200., ymax=1200.)
21  montool.defineHistogram('ZatBe', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="DCA along Z; Z (cm)",
22  xbins=100, xmin=-2100, xmax=2100)
23  montool.defineHistogram('XatBe', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="DCA along X; X (cm)",
24  xbins=100, xmin=-1000, xmax=1000)
25  return montool
29  montool = TrigMufastHypoMonitoring(flags, histPath)
30  montool.defineHistogram('MufastError', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="error in #muFast based overlap removal; error code",
31  xbins=10, xmin=0, xmax=10)
32  montool.defineHistogram('DR', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="#muFast objects dR; dR",
33  xbins=108, xmin=-0.1, xmax=3.5)
34  montool.defineHistogram('Mass',type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="#muFast objects invMass; Mass (GeV)",
35  xbins=202, xmin=-1, xmax=100)
36  montool.defineHistogram('DRLog10', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="#muFast objects Log10(dR); Log10(dR)",
37  xbins=102, xmin=-4.1, xmax=1.0)
38  montool.defineHistogram('MassLog10',type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="#muFast objects Log10(invMass); Log10(Mass (GeV))",
39  xbins=142, xmin=-4.1, xmax=3.0)
40  montool.defineHistogram('Mass , DR', type='TH2F', path='EXPERT', title="#muFast objects Mass vs DR; Mass; dR",
41  xbins=54, xmin=-0.1, xmax=3.5, ybins=101, ymin=-1, ymax=100)
42  montool.defineHistogram('NrAllEVs',type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="nr of all EVs received for #muFast removal; nr",
43  xbins=10, xmin=0, xmax=10)
44  montool.defineHistogram('NrActiveEVs',type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="nr of active EVs after #muFast removal ; nr",
45  xbins=10, xmin=0, xmax=10)
46  montool.defineHistogram('NrOverlapped',type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="nr of #muFast overlapped; nr",
47  xbins=10, xmin=0, xmax=10)
48  montool.defineHistogram('OverlappedEta , OverlappedPhi', type='TH2F', path='EXPERT', title="#muFast overlapped Eta vs Phi; Eta; Phi",
49  xbins=50, xmin=-3.2, xmax=3.2, ybins=25, ymin=-3.15, ymax=3.15)
50  montool.defineHistogram('OverlappedPt', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="#muFast overlapped P_{T}; P_{T} (GeV)",
51  xbins=200, xmin=-100, xmax=100)
52  return montool
55 def TrigmuCombHypoMonitoring(flags, histPath):
56  montool = GenericMonitoringTool(flags, HistPath = histPath)
57  montool.defineHistogram('Pt', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="p_{T} reconstruction from #muComb; p_{T} (GeV)",
58  xbins=210, xmin=-105, xmax=105)
59  montool.defineHistogram('PtFL', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="p_{T} of not selected muons from #muComb; p_{T} (GeV)",
60  xbins=210, xmin=-105., xmax=105.)
61  montool.defineHistogram('StrategyFlag', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Combination Strategy from #muComb; Strategy Code",
62  xbins=12, xmin=-1.5, xmax=10.5)
63  montool.defineHistogram('Eta', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Eta reconstruction from #muComb; Eta",
64  xbins=108, xmin=-2.7, xmax=2.7)
65  montool.defineHistogram('Phi', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Phi reconstruction from #muComb; Phi (rad)",
66  xbins=96, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416)
67  montool.defineHistogram('Z0', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="PCA along Z from ID track from #muComb; PCA(Z0) (mm)",
68  xbins=100, xmin=-200, xmax=200)
69  montool.defineHistogram('A0', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="PCA along x-y from ID track from #muComb; PCA(A0) (mm)",
70  xbins=100, xmin=-0.6, xmax=0.6)
71  return montool
75  montool = TrigmuCombHypoMonitoring(flags, histPath)
76  montool.defineHistogram('MucombError', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="error in #muComb based overlap removal; error code",
77  xbins=10, xmin=0, xmax=10)
78  montool.defineHistogram('DR', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="#muComb objects dR; dR",
79  xbins=108, xmin=-0.1, xmax=3.5)
80  montool.defineHistogram('Mass',type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="#muComb objects invMass; Mass (GeV)",
81  xbins=202, xmin=-1, xmax=100)
82  montool.defineHistogram('DRLog10', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="#muFast objects Log10(dR); Log10(dR)",
83  xbins=102, xmin=-4.1, xmax=1.0)
84  montool.defineHistogram('MassLog10',type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="#muFast objects Log10(invMass); Log10(Mass (GeV))",
85  xbins=142, xmin=-4.1, xmax=3.0)
86  montool.defineHistogram('Mass , DR', type='TH2F', path='EXPERT', title="#muComb objects Mass vs DR; Mass; dR",
87  xbins=54, xmin=-0.1, xmax=3.5, ybins=101, ymin=-1, ymax=100)
88  montool.defineHistogram('NrAllEVs',type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="nr of all EVs received for #muComb removal; nr",
89  xbins=10, xmin=0, xmax=10)
90  montool.defineHistogram('NrActiveEVs',type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="nr of active EVs after #muComb removal ; nr",
91  xbins=10, xmin=0, xmax=10)
92  montool.defineHistogram('NrOverlapped',type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="nr of #muComb overlapped; nr",
93  xbins=10, xmin=0, xmax=10)
94  montool.defineHistogram('OverlappedEta , OverlappedPhi', type='TH2F', path='EXPERT', title="#muComb overlapped Eta vs Phi; Eta; Phi",
95  xbins=50, xmin=-3.2, xmax=3.2, ybins=25, ymin=-3.15, ymax=3.15)
96  montool.defineHistogram('OverlappedPt', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="#muComb overlapped P_{T}; P_{T} (GeV)",
97  xbins=200, xmin=-100, xmax=100)
98  return montool
101 def TrigMuonEFHypoMonitoring(flags, histPath):
102  montool = GenericMonitoringTool(flags, HistPath = histPath)
103  montool.defineHistogram('Pt', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="P_{T} reconstruction from #TrigMuonEFHypo; P_{T} (GeV)",
104  xbins=200, xmin=-100, xmax=100)
105  montool.defineHistogram('Eta', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Eta reconstruction from #TrigMuonEFHypo; Eta",
106  xbins=100, xmin=-3.2, xmax=3.2)
107  montool.defineHistogram('Phi', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Phi reconstruction from #TrigMuonEFHypo; Phi",
108  xbins=100, xmin=-3.15, xmax=3.15)
109  montool.defineHistogram('Pt_sel', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Selected P_{T} reconstruction from #TrigMuonEFHypo; P_{T} (GeV)",
110  xbins=200, xmin=-100, xmax=100)
111  montool.defineHistogram('Eta_sel', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Selected Eta reconstruction from #TrigMuonEFHypo; Eta",
112  xbins=100, xmin=-3.2, xmax=3.2)
113  montool.defineHistogram('Phi_sel', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Selected Phi reconstruction from #TrigMuonEFHypo; Phi",
114  xbins=100, xmin=-3.15, xmax=3.15)
115  return montool
118 def TrigMuonEFInvMassHypoMonitoring(flags, histPath):
119  montool = GenericMonitoringTool(flags, HistPath = histPath)
120  montool.defineHistogram('Mass', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Dimuon mass from #TrigMuonEFInvMHypo; Mass (GeV)",
121  xbins=200, xmin=0, xmax=200)
122  montool.defineHistogram('Mass_sel', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Dimuon mass for selected events from #TrigMuonEFInvMHypo; Mass (GeV)",
123  xbins=200, xmin=0, xmax=200)
124  return montool
127 def TrigMuonEFIdtpHypoMonitoring(flags, histPath):
128  montool = GenericMonitoringTool(flags, HistPath = histPath)
129  montool.defineHistogram('SA_pt', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="SA p_{T} at EFIdperfHypo; SA p_{T} (GeV); N entries",
130  xbins=50, xmin=0, xmax=100)
131  montool.defineHistogram('SA_eta', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="SA #eta at EFIdperfHypo; SA #eta; N entries",
132  xbins=50, xmin=-3.2, xmax=3.2)
133  montool.defineHistogram('SA_phi', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="SA #phi at EFIdperfHypo; SA #phi; N entries",
134  xbins=50, xmin=-3.15, xmax=3.15)
135  montool.defineHistogram('SA_pt_sel', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Selected SA p_{T} at EFIdperfHypo; p_{T} (GeV); N entries",
136  xbins=50, xmin=0, xmax=100)
137  montool.defineHistogram('SA_eta_sel', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Selected SA #eta at EFIdperfHypo; #eta; N entries",
138  xbins=50, xmin=-3.2, xmax=3.2)
139  montool.defineHistogram('SA_phi_sel', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Selected SA #phi at EFIdperfHypo; #phi; N entries",
140  xbins=50, xmin=-3.15, xmax=3.15)
141  return montool
145  montool = GenericMonitoringTool(flags, HistPath = histPath)
146  montool.defineHistogram('Mass', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Dimuon mass from IdperfInvMassHypo; Mass (GeV); N entries",
147  xbins=198, xmin=2, xmax=200)
149  montool.defineHistogram('probe_pt', type='TH1F',path='EXPERT',title="Probe p_{T}; Probe p_{T} (GeV); N entries",
150  xbins=25, xmin=0, xmax=100)
151  montool.defineHistogram('probe_eta', type='TH1F',path='EXPERT',title="Probe #eta; Probe #eta; N entries",
152  xbins=30, xmin=-3.0, xmax=3.0)
154  montool.defineHistogram('PT_dr', type='TH1F',path='EXPERT',title="#Delta R (PT track and ME track); #Delta R; N entries",
155  xbins=25, xmin=0, xmax=0.5)
156  montool.defineHistogram('PT_qovp', type='TH1F',path='EXPERT',title="Q/R difference significance (PT track and ME track); Q/R diff sig; N entries",
157  xbins=25, xmin=0, xmax=5.0)
158  montool.defineHistogram('FTF_dr', type='TH1F',path='EXPERT',title="#Delta R (FTF track and ME track); #Delta R; N entries",
159  xbins=25, xmin=0, xmax=0.5)
160  montool.defineHistogram('FTF_qovp',type='TH1F',path='EXPERT',title="Q/R difference significance (FTF track and ME track); Q/R diff sig; N entries",
161  xbins=25, xmin=0, xmax=5.0)
163  montool.defineHistogram('PT_effi_pt0_eta0', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="PT track efficiency for p_{T} < 20 GeV, |#eta|<1; PT found wrt MStrack; N entries",
164  xbins=2, xmin=0, xmax=2)
165  montool.defineHistogram('PT_effi_pt0_eta1', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="PT track efficiency for p_{T} < 20 GeV, 1<|#eta|<2; PT found wrt MStrack; N entries",
166  xbins=2, xmin=0, xmax=2)
167  montool.defineHistogram('PT_effi_pt0_eta2', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="PT track efficiency for p_{T} < 20 GeV, |#eta|>2; PT found wrt MStrack; N entries",
168  xbins=2, xmin=0, xmax=2)
169  montool.defineHistogram('PT_effi_pt1_eta0', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="PT track efficiency for p_{T} > 20 GeV, |#eta|<1; PT found wrt MStrack; N entries",
170  xbins=2, xmin=0, xmax=2)
171  montool.defineHistogram('PT_effi_pt1_eta1', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="PT track efficiency for p_{T} > 20 GeV, 1<|#eta|<2; PT found wrt MStrack; N entries",
172  xbins=2, xmin=0, xmax=2)
173  montool.defineHistogram('PT_effi_pt1_eta2', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="PT track efficiency for p_{T} > 20 GeV, |#eta|>2; PT found wrt MStrack; N entries",
174  xbins=2, xmin=0, xmax=2)
176  montool.defineHistogram('FTF_effi_pt0_eta0', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="FTF track efficiency for p_{T} < 20 GeV, |#eta|<1; PT found wrt MStrack; N entries",
177  xbins=2, xmin=0, xmax=2)
178  montool.defineHistogram('FTF_effi_pt0_eta1', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="FTF track efficiency for p_{T} < 20 GeV, 1<|#eta|<2; PT found wrt MStrack; N entries",
179  xbins=2, xmin=0, xmax=2)
180  montool.defineHistogram('FTF_effi_pt0_eta2', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="FTF track efficiency for p_{T} < 20 GeV, |#eta|>2; PT found wrt MStrack; N entries",
181  xbins=2, xmin=0, xmax=2)
182  montool.defineHistogram('FTF_effi_pt1_eta0', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="FTF track efficiency for p_{T} > 20 GeV, |#eta|<1; PT found wrt MStrack; N entries",
183  xbins=2, xmin=0, xmax=2)
184  montool.defineHistogram('FTF_effi_pt1_eta1', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="FTF track efficiency for p_{T} > 20 GeV, 1<|#eta|<2; PT found wrt MStrack; N entries",
185  xbins=2, xmin=0, xmax=2)
186  montool.defineHistogram('FTF_effi_pt1_eta2', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="FTF track efficiency for p_{T} > 20 GeV, |#eta|>2; PT found wrt MStrack; N entries",
187  xbins=2, xmin=0, xmax=2)
189  # test
190  montool.defineHistogram('probePhiEfficiency, FTFfound', type='TProfile', path='EXPERT', title="FTF Efficiency Profile wrt Probe SA muon Phi; probe SA muon #phi",
191  xbins=9, xmin=-3.14, xmax=3.14, ymin=-0.1, ymax=1.1)
192  montool.defineHistogram('probeEtaEfficiency, FTFfound', type='TProfile', path='EXPERT', title="FTF Efficiency Profile wrt Probe SA muon Eta; probe SA muon #eta",
193  xbins=15, xmin=-3, xmax=3, ymin=-0.1, ymax=1.1)
194  montool.defineHistogram('probePhiEfficiency, PTfound', type='TProfile', path='EXPERT', title="PT Efficiency Profile wrt Probe SA muon Phi; probe SA muon #phi",
195  xbins=9, xmin=-3.14, xmax=3.14, ymin=-0.1, ymax=1.1)
196  montool.defineHistogram('probeEtaEfficiency, PTfound', type='TProfile', path='EXPERT', title="PT Efficiency Profile wrt Probe SA muon Eta; probe SA muon #eta",
197  xbins=15, xmin=-3, xmax=3, ymin=-0.1, ymax=1.1)
198  montool.defineHistogram('PTphi, PTpixelFound', type='TProfile', path='EXPERT', title="Expected && Found hit (IBL) for PT vs phi; #phi",
199  xbins=14, xmin=-3.14, xmax=3.14, ymin=-0.1, ymax=1.1)
200  montool.defineHistogram('PTphi, PTpixelNextToFound', type='TProfile', path='EXPERT', title="Next to innermost layer of detector - Expected && Found hit (L0) for PT vs phi; #phi",
201  xbins=22, xmin=-3.14, xmax=3.14, ymin=-0.1, ymax=1.1)
203  return montool
206 def TrigMuonTLAHypoMonitoring(flags, histPath):
207  montool = GenericMonitoringTool(flags, HistPath = histPath)
208  montool.defineHistogram('Pt', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="P_{T} reconstruction from #TrigMuonTLAHypo; q*P_{T} (GeV)",
209  xbins=200, xmin=-100, xmax=100)
210  montool.defineHistogram('Eta', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Eta reconstruction from #TrigMuonTLAHypo; Eta",
211  xbins=100, xmin=-3.2, xmax=3.2)
212  montool.defineHistogram('Phi', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Phi reconstruction from #TrigMuonTLAHypo; Phi",
213  xbins=100, xmin=-3.15, xmax=3.15)
214  montool.defineHistogram('Author', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Author reconstruction from #TrigMuonTLAHypo; Author",
215  xbins=7, xmin=0, xmax=7) # MuidCo(1), MuidSA(5), MuGirl(6)
216  montool.defineHistogram('Nmuon', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="Number of copied muons/event in #TrigMuonTLAHypo; N. muons/event",
217  xbins=50, xmin=0, xmax=50)
218  return montool
221  montool = GenericMonitoringTool(flags, HistPath = histPath)
222  montool.defineHistogram('PtCone03', type = 'TH1F', path='EXPERT', title = "PtCone03 from #TrigMuonEFHypo; P_{T} Cone(0.3) [GeV]",
223  xbins=40, xmin=0.0, xmax=20.0)
224  montool.defineHistogram('PtConeRel03', type = 'TH1F', path='EXPERT', title = "PtCone03/Pt from #TrigMuonEFHypo; P_{T} Cone(0.3)/P_{T}",
225  xbins=20, xmin=0.0, xmax=0.5)
226  return montool
def TrigMuonEFIdtpHypoMonitoring(flags, histPath)
def TrigMuonTLAHypoMonitoring(flags, histPath)
def TrigL2MuonOverlapRemoverMonitoringMucomb(flags, histPath)
def TrigMuonEFHypoMonitoring(flags, histPath)
def TrigL2MuonOverlapRemoverMonitoringMufast(flags, histPath)
def TrigmuCombHypoMonitoring(flags, histPath)
def TrigMuonEFIdtpInvMassHypoMonitoring(flags, histPath)
def TrigMuonEFInvMassHypoMonitoring(flags, histPath)
def TrigMufastHypoMonitoring(flags, histPath)
def TrigMuonEFTrackIsolationMonitoring(flags, histPath)