ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
22 namespace InDetDD {
class TRT_DetectorManager; }
23 namespace InDetDD {
class PixelDetectorManager; }
24 namespace InDetDD {
class SCT_DetectorManager; }
25 namespace MuonGM {
class MuonDetectorManager; }
Ensure that the Athena extensions are properly loaded.
A manager class providing access to readout geometry information for the forward calorimeter.
static const MmIdHelper * mmIDHelper()
static const TileDetDescrManager * tileDetMgr()
A manager class providing access to readout geometry information for the electromagnetic endcap calor...
static const InDetDD::PixelDetectorManager * pixelDetMgr()
static const PixelID * pixelIDHelper()
static const CaloIdManager * caloIDMgr()
static const EMBDetectorManager * embDetMgr()
static const sTgcIdHelper * stgcIDHelper()
static const AtlasDetectorID * atlasIDHelper()
static const HECDetectorManager * hecDetMgr()
static const FCALDetectorManager * fcalDetMgr()
static const TgcIdHelper * tgcIDHelper()
A manager class providing access to readout geometry information for the electromagnetic barrel calor...
The Athena Transient Store API.
static const EMECDetectorManager * emecDetMgr()
static void ensureInit(IVP1System *)
This class initializes the Calo (LAr and Tile) offline identifiers.
static const LArDetectorManager * larDetMgr()
static const RpcIdHelper * rpcIDHelper()
Stored in storegate. Provides access to EMB, EMEC, HEC and FCAL Detector Managers....
A manager class providing access to readout geometry information for the hadronic endcap calorimeter.
static bool isUnsafe(const Identifier &)
static const SCT_ID * sctIDHelper()
static const MdtIdHelper * mdtIDHelper()
static const MuonGM::MuonDetectorManager * muonDetMgr()
The Detector Manager for all TRT Detector elements, it acts as the interface to the detector elements...
static const TRT_ID * trtIDHelper()
The MuonDetectorManager stores the transient representation of the Muon Spectrometer geometry and pro...
static const InDetDD::TRT_DetectorManager * trtDetMgr()
static void ensureInit(StoreGateSvc *)
static const CscIdHelper * cscIDHelper()
This class provides an interface to generate or decode an identifier for the upper levels of the dete...
static const InDetDD::SCT_DetectorManager * sctDetMgr()