virtual double py() const
y component of momentum
virtual double px() const
We re-define here extra class routines that will allow direct access to signal state kinematics witho...
const particle_type & particleBase() const
access to underlying base type (IParticle-like)
const momentum_type & momentumBase(state_t s) const
access to underlying base type (I4Momentum-like)
const navigable_type & navigableBase() const
access to underlying base type (INavigable-like)
virtual bool setSignalState(state_t s)
set the current signal state
virtual void persToTrans(const P4ImplPxPyPzE_p1 *persObj, P4ImplPxPyPzE *transObj, MsgStream &msg) const override
Method creating the transient representation of P4ImplPxPyPzE from its persistent representation P4Im...
virtual double pz() const
z component of momentum
virtual void transToPers(const Jet *transObj, Jet_p1 *persObj, MsgStream &msg) const override
Method creating the persistent representation Jet_p1 from its transient representation Jet.
virtual void persToTrans(const Jet_p1 *persObj, Jet *transObj, MsgStream &msg) const override
Method creating the transient representation of Jet from its persistent representation Jet_p1.