ATLAS Offline Software
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const REFCONTAINER * m_reference
Pointer to container with reference values.
unsigned m_nSamplesToCheck
Number of elements of the Covariance vector that should be checked.
Conditions-Data class holding LAr Bad Channel or Bad Feb information.
unsigned m_nEntriesGlobal
CaloCellGroupList m_covTolerance
DataPerFEB(const HWIdentifier cid, const HWIdentifier fid, int g)
bool validateChannel(const LArCondObj &ref, const LArCondObj &val, const HWIdentifier chid, const int gain, const LArOnOffIdMapping *cabling, const LArBadChannelCont *bcCont) override final
Method to validate readout channels.
::StatusCode StatusCode
StatusCode definition for legacy code.
LArCondObj getRefObj(const HWIdentifier chid, const int gain) const override final
Method implmented in derived class to get the reference object from ref-container.
virtual StatusCode preLoop() override
Executed before the loop over all channels to reset global sums.
LArCalibValidationAlg< LArAutoCorrComplete, LArAutoCorrComplete > LArAutoCorrValidationBase
std::vector< std::string > m_covToleranceFEBInit
Covariace tolerance of one FEB (job-Property)
LArAutoCorrValidationAlg(const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator)
Regular algorithm constructor.
CaloCellGroupList m_covToleranceFEB
const boost::regex ref(r_ef)
Algorithm to validate LAr Autocorr;.
std::vector< std::string > m_covToleranceInit
Covariance tolerance (job-Property)
virtual StatusCode summary(const LArOnOffIdMapping *cabling, const LArBadChannelCont *bcCont) override
Summary method executed after the loop over all channels.
std::vector< DataPerFEB > m_vDataPerFEB
bool febSummary(const LArOnOffIdMapping *cabling, const LArBadChannelCont *bcCont)
Method to compare FEB averages.