ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
30 float energyX,
float energyY,
float energyT,
float m_energyT
Total deposited transverse energy.
unsigned int m_overflows
Overflow flags: bit 0 = Ex, bit 1 = Ey, bit 2 = ETsum.
Energy-Sum RoI class for analysis.
uint32_t m_roiWord2
Third 32bit encoded ROI word.
const thresholds_type & getThresholds() const
Return the names of the passed threshodlds.
float m_energyY
Total energy deposited in the Y direction.
EnergySum_ROI(uint32_t roiWord0, uint32_t roiWord1, uint32_t roiWord2, float energyX, float energyY, float energyT, uint32_t thrPatSummET, uint32_t thrPatMissET, uint32_t thrPatMETSig, unsigned int overflows)
Constructor used when creating the object from RoIBResult data.
bool getOverflowT() const
Return the overflow flag for the ET calculation.
uint32_t m_thrPatMETSig
threshold bit pattern for Missing ET Significance
bool getOverflowX() const
Return the overflow flag for the EX calculation.
float getEnergyT() const
Return the deposited total transverse energy.
std::vector< std::string > thresholds_type
Type storing the names of the passed thresholds.
uint32_t getThrPatSummET() const
Return the bit-pattern describing the passed sum-ET thresholds.
float getEnergyY() const
Return the total energy deposited in the Y direction.
uint32_t m_roiWord0
First 32bit encoded ROI word.
float getEyMiss() const
Return the missing energy in the Y direction.
thresholds_type m_thresholds
Names of the passed thresholds.
uint32_t getThrPatMissET() const
Return the bit-pattern describing the passed missing-ET thresholds.
uint32_t m_roiWord1
Second 32bit encoded ROI word.
uint32_t getROIWord1() const
Return the second RoI word produced by the L1Calo hardware.
uint32_t getROIWord0() const
Return the first RoI word produced by the L1Calo hardware.
virtual ~EnergySum_ROI()
bool getOverflowY() const
Return the overflow flag for the EY calculation.
float getEnergyX() const
Return the total energy deposited in the X direction.
uint32_t getROIWord2() const
Return the third RoI word produced by the L1Calo hardware.
uint32_t getThrPatMETSig() const
Return the bit-pattern describing the passed missing-ET significance thresholds.
uint32_t m_thrPatSummET
threshold bit pattern for Summed ET
void addThreshold(thresholds_type::value_type thr)
Add the name of a threshold that this RoI passed.
Default constructor (for persistency purposes)
uint32_t m_thrPatMissET
threshold bit pattern for Missing ET
float m_energyX
Total energy deposited in the X direction.
float getExMiss() const
Return the missing energy in the X direction.
unsigned int getOverflows() const
Return the overflow bit-pattern.