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ATLAS Offline Software
const TrkDetElementBase * associatedDetectorElement() const
return associated Detector Element
void messageVerbose(const QString &) const
static bool isSafe(const Trk::TrackStateOnSurface *)
Identifier associatedDetectorElementIdentifier() const
return Identifier of the associated Detector Element
bool is_valid() const
Check if id is in a valid state.
static void ensureInit(IVP1System *)
Identifier identify() const
return the identifier
represents the track state (measurement, material, fit parameters and quality) at a surface.
virtual const Surface & associatedSurface() const =0
Interface method to get the associated Surface.
static bool isUnsafe(const Identifier &)
Identifier identify() const
return the identifier -extends MeasurementBase
virtual const TrkDetElementBase * detectorElement() const =0
returns the detector element, assoicated with the PRD of this class
virtual ~VP1TrackSanity()
VP1TrackSanity(IVP1System *sys=0)