ATLAS Offline Software
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bool unpairedBCIDsBeam2Available() const
Check if the beam2 unpaired BCIDs are available.
const std::vector< int > & unpairedBCIDsBeam1() const
Get the BCIDs of the unpaired bunches in beam1.
bool unpairedIntensitiesBeam2Available() const
Check if the unpaired beam2 intensities are available.
Base class for elements of a container that can have aux data.
bool unpairedBCIDsBeam1Available() const
Check if the beam1 unpaired BCIDs are available.
ICaloAffectedTool is abstract interface for tools checking if 4 mom is in calo affected region.
bool intensitiesBeam2Available() const
Check if the beam2 intensities are available.
uint32_t configID() const
Get the configuration ID that this object describes.
bool unpairedIntensitiesBeam1Available() const
Check if the unpaired beam1 intensities are available.
const std::vector< float > & intensitiesBeam2() const
Get the intensities of the beam2 bunches.
void setUnpairedIntensitiesBeam1(const std::vector< float > &value)
Set the intensities of the unpaired bunches in beam1.
void setCollidingBCIDs(const std::vector< int > &value)
Set the BCIDs of the colliding bunches.
void setUnpairedIntensitiesBeam2(const std::vector< float > &value)
Set the intensities of the unpaired bunches in beam2.
Class holding one particular bunch configuration.
bool intensitiesBeam1Available() const
Check if the beam1 intensities are available.
const std::vector< int > & unpairedBCIDsBeam2() const
Get the BCIDs of the unpaired bunches in beam2.
const std::vector< float > & unpairedIntensisitesBeam1() const
Get the intensities of the unpaired bunches in beam1.
void setIntensitiesBeam1(const std::vector< float > &value)
Set the intensities of the beam1 bunches.
void setConfigID(uint32_t value)
Set the configuration ID that this object describes.
const std::vector< float > & intensitiesBeam1() const
Get the intensities of the beam1 bunches.
void setUnpairedBCIDsBeam1(const std::vector< int > &value)
Set the BCIDs of the unpaired bunches in beam1.
Default constructor.
const std::vector< float > & unpairedIntensisitesBeam2() const
Get the intensities of the unpaired bunches in beam2.
const std::vector< int > & collidingBCIDs() const
Get the BCIDs of the colliding bunches.
void setIntensitiesBeam2(const std::vector< float > &value)
Set the intensities of the beam2 bunches.
Base class for elements of a container that can have aux data.
void setUnpairedBCIDsBeam2(const std::vector< int > &value)
Set the BCIDs of the unpaired bunches in beam2.