ATLAS Offline Software
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std::vector< const Trk::Perigee * > m_perigeeVector
Retrieves all Trk::VxCandidate objects.
VertexRetriever(const std::string &t, const std::string &n, const IInterface *p)
Standard constructor.
std::string m_conversionVertexKey
StoreGate key for conversion candidate collection.
float m_chi2Cut
Chi^2 over NumberOfDegreesOfFreedom cut.
::StatusCode StatusCode
StatusCode definition for legacy code.
virtual std::string dataTypeName() const
Return the name of the data type.
Interface for all DataRetriever classes, that extract event data from StoreGate and pass them on to a...
This header is shared inbetween the C-style server thread and the C++ Athena ServerSvc.
std::string m_trackCollection
StoreGate key for track collection for association.
const std::string m_typeName
The data type that is generated by this retriever.
std::string m_primaryVertexKey
StoreGate key for primary vertex candidate collection.
virtual StatusCode retrieve(ToolHandle< IFormatTool > &FormatTool)
Retrieve all the data.
virtual StatusCode fillPerigeeList()
Retrieve measured perigee, automatically switch between Trk::Track and Rec::TrackParticle depending o...
std::string m_secondaryVertexKey
StoreGate key for secondary vertex candidate collection.
bool m_doWriteHLT
wether to write HLTAutoKey objects
bool m_doWritePrimAndSecVertexOnly
write primary and secondary vertizes only - placeholder, to be removed