ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
47 os <<
"[SourceID,Size(words),History,(Status words)]=["
48 << std::hex << std::setfill(
'0' ) <<
"0x" << std::setw(6) << rhs.
49 << std::dec << std::setfill(
' ')
50 <<
"," << std::setw(8) << rhs.
51 os <<
"," << std::setw(12);
68 os << std::hex << std::setfill(
'0' ) <<
"0x" << std::setw(8) << rhs.
78 requestor_name(req_nam)
82 const std::vector<uint32_t>& req_robs,
83 const std::string& req_nam=
85 requestor_name(req_nam)
99 if (
p.second.isUnclassified()) ++ret;
107 if (
p.second.isHLTCached()) ++ret;
115 if (
p.second.isDCMCached()) ++ret;
123 if (
p.second.isRetrieved()) ++ret;
131 if (
p.second.isIgnored()) ++ret;
139 if (
p.second.isUndefined()) ++ret;
147 if (
p.second.isStatusOk()) ++ret;
161 const std::string
" ");
162 const std::string prefix2(
"-> ");
163 os <<
"ROB Request for L1 ID = " << std::dec << rhs.
lvl1ID <<
" (decimal), L1 ID = 0x"
164 << std::hex << rhs.
lvl1ID <<
" (hex)" << std::dec;
167 const std::time_t s_time(rhs.
start_time /
169 localtime_r(&s_time, &buf);
170 os <<
"\n" <<
prefix <<
"Start time of ROB request = "
171 << std::put_time(&buf,
172 <<
" + " << (rhs.
start_time %
static_cast<int>(1e6)) / 1000.0f <<
" [ms]";
174 const std::time_t e_time(rhs.
end_time /
175 localtime_r(&e_time, &buf);
176 os <<
"\n" <<
prefix <<
"Stop time of ROB request = "
177 << std::put_time(&buf,
178 <<
" + " << (rhs.
end_time %
static_cast<int>(1e6)) / 1000.0f <<
" [ms]";
180 os <<
"\n" <<
prefix <<
"Requested ROBs:";
190 os <<
"\n" <<
prefix << prefix2 << rob;
unsigned retrievedROBs() const
number of retrieved ROBs in structure
The structure which is used to monitor the ROB data request in L2 It is created for every addROBData ...
unsigned ignoredROBs() const
number of ignored ROBs in structure
A structure with data about ROB properties.
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const ROBDataStruct &rhs)
unsigned HLTcachedROBs() const
number of ROBDataProviderSvc cached ROBs in structure
bool isIgnored() const
ROB was ignored.
bool isStatusOk() const
ROB has no status words set.
unsigned DCMcachedROBs() const
number of DCM cached ROBs in structure
float elapsedTime() const
elapsed time for ROB request in [ms]
bool isDCMCached() const
ROB was found in DCM cache.
uint64_t end_time
start time of ROB request (microsec since epoch)
bool isUndefined() const
ROB was not enabled.
unsigned undefinedROBs() const
number of undefined ROBs in structure
default constructor
robmonitor::ROBHistory rob_history
bool isHLTCached() const
ROB was found in ROBDataProviderSvc cache.
default constructor
unsigned statusOkROBs() const
number of ROBs with no status words set in structure
uint64_t start_time
map of ROBs requested
bool isUnclassified() const
ROB is unclassified.
std::string requestor_name
current L1 ID from L1 ROBs
std::map< const uint32_t, robmonitor::ROBDataStruct > requested_ROBs
name of requesting algorithm
unsigned unclassifiedROBs() const
number of unclassified ROBs in structure
bool isRetrieved() const
ROB was retrieved over network.
unsigned allROBs() const
stop time of ROB request (microsec since epoch)