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ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
84 double getCaloCalEt(
double et,
int decayModeIndex,
int etaIndex)
87 double getPanTauCalEt(
double panTauEt,
int decayModeIndex,
int etaIndex)
90 double getWeight(
double caloSigma,
double panTauSigma,
double correlatioon)
93 double getCombinedSigma(
double caloSigma,
double panTauSigma,
double correlation)
110 const std::array<std::string, DecayModeBinning>
m_decayModeNames = {
113 const std::array<std::string, EtaBinning>
m_etaBinNames = {
double getCaloCalEt(double et, int decayModeIndex, int etaIndex) const
Get the Et at the calo TES after calibration correction.
double getMvaEnergyResolution(const xAOD::TauJet &tau) const
Get MVA Et resolution, invoked by METSignificance.
std::array< std::array< double, EtaBinning >, DecayModeBinning > m_mvaResMaxEt
Maximum Et of m_mvaRes.
bool getTESCompatibility(const xAOD::TauJet &tau) const
Check if MVA TES and CaloTES are compatible, invoked by TauSmearing tool.
Extra patterns decribing particle interation process.
int getDecayModeIndex(xAOD::TauJetParameters::DecayMode decayMode) const
Get the index of decay mode in the calibration histogram.
Scalar eta() const
pseudorapidity method
bool isValid(const xAOD::TauJet &tau) const
Whether the tau candidate is valid for the calculation.
std::array< std::array< double, EtaBinning >, DecayModeBinning > m_caloRelBiasMaxEt
Maximum Et of m_caloRelBias.
int getEtaIndex(float eta) const
Get the index of eta in the calibration histogram.
virtual StatusCode initialize() override
Tool initializer.
std::array< std::unique_ptr< TF1 >, DecayModeBinning > m_nSigmaCompatibility
Maximum tolerence in unit of combined sigma, as a function of calo Et.
double getCorrelation(int decayModeIndex, int etaIndex) const
Get correlation coefficient between the calo TES and PanTau.
double getCombinedSigma(double caloSigma, double panTauSigma, double correlation) const
Get the combined sigma of calo TES and PanTau.
Binning in the calibraction graph/hist.
double sigma_compatibility
::StatusCode StatusCode
StatusCode definition for legacy code.
const std::array< std::string, DecayModeBinning > m_decayModeNames
Decay mode binning in the calibration graph/hist.
double getCaloResolution(double et, int decayModeIndex, int etaIndex) const
Get the resolution of Et at the calo TES.
Class describing a tau jet.
double getCompatibilitySigma(double caloSigma, double panTauSigma, double correlation) const
Get the compatibility sigma of calo TES and PanTau.
std::array< std::unique_ptr< TH1F >, DecayModeBinning > m_correlationHists
Calibration histogram: correlation coefficient of calo TES and PanTau.
std::array< std::array< std::unique_ptr< TGraph >, EtaBinning >, DecayModeBinning > m_panTauRelBias
Calibration graph: mean of bias/panTauEt as a funtion of panTauEt.
const std::array< std::string, EtaBinning > m_etaBinNames
Eta binning in the calibration graph.
double getWeight(double caloSigma, double panTauSigma, double correlatioon) const
Get the weight of calo TES.
xAOD::TauJetParameters::DecayMode getDecayMode(const xAOD::TauJet &tau) const
Get the decay mode of the tau candidate.
virtual StatusCode execute(xAOD::TauJet &xTau) const override
Execute - called for each tau candidate.
double getPanTauResolution(double et, int decayModeIndex, int etaIndex) const
Get the resolution of Et at PanTau.
std::array< std::array< double, EtaBinning >, DecayModeBinning > m_panTauRelBiasMaxEt
Maximum Et of m_panTauRelBias.
double getPanTauCalEt(double panTauEt, int decayModeIndex, int etaIndex) const
Get the Et at PanTau after calibration correction.
double getNsigmaCompatibility(double caloEt, int decayModeIndex) const
Get the allowed difference between calo TES and PanTau.
std::string m_calFileName
Name of the calibration file.
double pt_tauRecCalibrated
TauCombinedTES(const std::string &name="TauCombinedTES")
std::array< std::array< std::unique_ptr< TGraph >, EtaBinning >, DecayModeBinning > m_caloRelBias
Calibration graph: mean of bias/caloEt as a function of caloEt.
std::array< std::array< double, EtaBinning >, DecayModeBinning > m_caloResMaxEt
Maximum Et of m_caloRes.
std::array< std::array< std::unique_ptr< TGraph >, EtaBinning >, DecayModeBinning > m_caloRes
Calibration graph: resolution at Calo TES as a function of caloEt.
std::array< std::array< double, EtaBinning >, DecayModeBinning > m_panTauResMaxEt
Maximum Et of m_panTauRes.
double getCombinedEt(double caloEt, double et_substructure, xAOD::TauJetParameters::DecayMode decayMode, float eta, Variables &variables) const
Get the combined Et of calo TES and PanTau.
std::array< std::array< std::unique_ptr< TGraph >, EtaBinning >, DecayModeBinning > m_mvaRes
Calibration graph: MVA TES resolution as a function of MVA pt.
bool m_useMvaResolution
Use MVA TES resolution (for MET significance)
TLorentzVector getCombinedP4(const xAOD::TauJet &tau, Variables &variables) const
Get the weighted four momentum of calo TES and PanTau.
std::array< std::array< std::unique_ptr< TGraph >, EtaBinning >, DecayModeBinning > m_panTauRes
Calibration graph: resolution at PanTau as a function of panTauEt.
bool m_addCalibrationResultVariables
Switch for decorating the intermediate results, for combined TES tuning.