ATLAS Offline Software
std::vector< THnSparse * > m_linear_uncert
Holds all histograms for uncertainties.
THnSparse * GetUncertHistogram(APReweightBase *weighter)
Returns THnSparse holding the uncertainties for given APReweightBase instance.
double GetSumW2() const
Returns sum of (weights^2).
void FinishEvt(double ext_weight=1.0)
Finishes the current event and calculates the event weight.
double GetSysUncert() const
Returns the systematic uncertainty (from systematics assigned to weights).
virtual ~APWeightSum()
Default destructor.
double GetVarianceFullCorr()
Returns the variance, assuming full correlation amongst objects.
unsigned long int m_k_evt_orig
Holds the original amount of unweighted counts ("sum of 1's").
double m_variance_fullcorr
Holds the variance, assuming full correlation amongst objects.
double m_k_evt_weight
Holds the sum of weights.
double GetSumWExternal() const
Returns the sum of weights without taking into account the trigger weighting (external weights only) ...
double m_variance
Holds the variance.
double GetVariance()
Returns the variance.
double GetSumW() const
Returns the sum of weights.
const std::vector< THnSparse * > & GetAllUncertHistograms()
Returns vector of THnSparses holding the uncertainties for all APReweight IDs.
unsigned long GetKUnweighted() const
Returns the unweighted sum of entries.
double m_variance_sys
Holds the systematic variance (from systematics assigned to weights).
ClassDef(APWeightSum, 1) protected std::vector< APWeightEntry * > m_current_evt_weights
< Calculates the final uncertainties including correlations.
Default constructor.
double m_k_evt_weight2
Holds the sum of squared weights.
double m_variance_nocorr
Holds the variance, assuming no correlations.
double GetStdDev()
Returns the standard deviation.
double GetVarianceNoCorr()
Returns the variance, assuming no correlations.
void AddWeightToEvt(APWeightEntry *weight)
Adds a weight to the sum of weights.
double m_k_evt_weight_external
Holds the sum of external weights (no trigger weighting).
void AddEvt(APEvtWeight *evt_weight, double ext_weight=1.0)
Adds an event with an externally calculated EvtWeight object.