Loading [MathJax]/extensions/tex2jax.js
ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
21 #include "Gaudi/Interfaces/IOptionsSvc.h"
59 this,
60 "Key of the output HLTResultMT object"
64 this,
65 "Key of the output with additional runtime metadata" };
68 this,
69 "Key of the ByteStreamMetadataContainer to retrieve the detector mask"
73 this,
74 "Tool creating stream tags (defines if event is accepted)"
78 this,
"MakerTools", {},
79 "Set of additional tools that fill content of the HLTResultMT"
88 this,
89 "Job options service to retrieve DataFlowConfig"
93 this,
"ExtraEnabledROBs", {},
94 "Extra ROBs which can be requested in a stream tag, but are not part of the ROS-ROB map"
98 this,
"ExtraROBs", {},
99 "Same as ExtraEnabledROBs but checked against detector mask and dropped if SubDet is masked out"
103 this,
"ExtraEnabledSubDets", {},
104 "Extra SubDets which can be requested in a stream tag, but are not part of the ROS-ROB map"
108 this,
"ExtraSubDets", {},
109 "Same as ExtraEnabledSubDets but checked against detector mask and dropped if SubDet is masked out"
std::set< eformat::SubDetector > m_enabledSubDets
List of enabled SubDets retrieved during initialisation.
bool m_skipValidatePEBInfo
If true, don't call validatePEBInfo.
ToolHandle< GenericMonitoringTool > m_monTool
Monitoring tool.
Gaudi::Property< std::vector< uint32_t > > m_extraEnabledROBs
Extra enabled ROBs.
std::set< uint32_t > m_enabledROBs
List of enabled ROBs retrieved during initialisation.
virtual StatusCode finalize() override
Gaudi::Property< std::vector< uint32_t > > m_extraROBs
Extra enabled ROBs checked against detector mask.
const std::string & resultName() const
Return name of the HLTResultMT.
A container class for data required to build online output from HLT.
const std::string & key() const
Return the StoreGate ID for the referenced object.
ServiceHandle< Gaudi::Interfaces::IOptionsSvc > m_jobOptionsSvc
Handle to JobOptionsSvc used to retrieve the DataFlowConfig property.
virtual ~HLTResultMTMaker() override=default
Standard destructor.
Tool to create the HLTResultMT at the end of each event.
ToolHandle< HLTResultMTMakerTool > m_streamTagMaker
Tool creating stream tags (defines if event is accepted)
Handle class for recording to StoreGate.
SG::WriteHandleKey< HLT::HLTResultMT > m_hltResultWHKey
StoreGate key for the HLTResultMT.
::StatusCode StatusCode
StatusCode definition for legacy code.
SG::ReadHandleKey< ByteStreamMetadataContainer > m_bsMetaDataContRHKey
StoreGate key for the ByteStreamMetadata container to retrieve detector mask.
Gaudi::Property< std::vector< uint32_t > > m_extraSubDets
Extra enabled SubDets checked against detector mask.
StatusCode makeResult(const EventContext &eventContext) const
Create and fill a new HLTResultMT, and record it in the event store.
virtual StatusCode initialize() override
void validatePEBInfo(HLT::HLTResultMT &hltResult) const
Check ROB and SubDet lists in StreamTags and remove those which are disabled.
SG::WriteHandleKey< xAOD::TrigCompositeContainer > m_runtimeMetadataWHKey
StoreGate key for HLT Runtime Metadata container.
Gaudi::Property< std::vector< uint32_t > > m_extraEnabledSubDets
Extra enabled SubDets.
ToolHandleArray< HLTResultMTMakerTool > m_makerTools
Tools filling the HLTResultMT object.
HLTResultMTMaker(const std::string &type, const std::string &name, const IInterface *parent)
Standard constructor.
virtual StatusCode start() override
Handle class for reading from StoreGate.
std::atomic_bool m_emptyPEBInfoErrorPrinted
Flag if empty PEB list error was already printed.
StatusCode fillResult(HLT::HLTResultMT &hltResult, const EventContext &eventContext) const
Fill an existing HLTResultMT with event information.
StatusCode validateExtraROBsAndSubDets()
Check ExtraROBs and ExtraSubDets against the detector mask and drop the masked out IDs.