int m_endVtx
Barcode of the decay vertex of this particle.
double m_pz
z-component of the 4-momentum of this particle
double m_py
y-component of the 4-momentum of this particle
double m_px
x-component of the 4-momentum of this particle
double m_ene
e-component of the 4-momentum of this particle
int m_pdgId
identity of this particle, according to the Particle Data Group notation
std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > m_flow
Flow for this particle.
int m_prodVtx
Barcode of the production vertex of this particle.
float m_thetaPolarization
int m_status
Status of this particle, as defined for HEPEVT.
int m_barcode
barcode of this particles (uniquely identifying this particle within a given GenEvent)