Loading [MathJax]/extensions/tex2jax.js
ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
void setScale(int value)
Set the "raw" 32-bit words describing the object candidate.
float phi_gFex() const
retrieves the phi index from the 32-bit word
float phiMax() const
Low value of phi corresponding to phi index (using ATLAS convention, phi in [-pi, pi]).
static const int s_phiMask
void setgFexType(int type)
void setTobEt(int16_t value)
getter for integer ET on TOB scale (3.2 GeV/count)
float eta() const
retrieves the Eta index from the 32-bit word
float etaMax() const
Floating point.
Base class for elements of a container that can have aux data.
SG_BASE(xAOD::gFexJetRoI_v1, SG::AuxElement)
@ gBlockLead
This object is a TOB (32 bit word)
uint8_t saturated() const
retrieves the Status info from the 32-bit word
static const int s_tobIDMask
unsigned int unpackEtaIndex() const
setter for the above
float etaMin() const
Floating point.
void setWord(uint32_t value)
Set the "raw" 32-bit words describing the object candidate.
unsigned int unpackSaturated() const
ICaloAffectedTool is abstract interface for tools checking if 4 mom is in calo affected region.
uint32_t word() const
The "raw" 32-bit word describing the object candidate.
int16_t gFexTobEt() const
TOB ET (decoded from TOB, stored for convenience)
static const int s_statusBit
float phiMin_gFex() const
Central value of phi corresponding to phi index (using gFex convention, phi in [0,...
float phiMax_gFex() const
Low value of phi corresponding to phi index (using gFex convention, phi in [0, 2pi]).
setScaleOne setStatusOne setSaturated int16_t
int iPhiTopo() const
High value of phi corresponding to phi index (using ATLAS convention, phi in [-pi,...
void setStatus(uint8_t value)
unsigned int unpackPhiIndex() const
Setter for the above.
float phi() const
High value of phi corresponding to phi index (using gFex convention, phi in [0, 2pi]).
static const int s_statusMask
@ gBlockSub
This object is a TOB (32 bit word)
uint8_t status() const
phi index in the range used by L1Topo (0->127)
uint8_t iPhi() const
Floating point.
void setEta(uint8_t value)
getter for integer eta index (0-63)
static const std::vector< float > s_EtaCenter
int16_t unpackEt() const
setter for the above
void setPhi(uint8_t value)
Getter for integer phi index (0-32) --> check numbers for gFEX.
Class describing properties of a LVL1 gFEX jet Trigger Object (TOB) in the xAOD format.
int gFexType() const
retrieves the Saturated info from the 32-bit word
static const int s_etaBit
static const int s_etaMask
uint8_t iEta() const
floating point value (GeV, TOB scale)
static const int s_resBit
float et() const
retrieves the Et index from the 32-bit word
static const float s_PhiWidthFR
static const int s_etMask
int menuEta() const
the eta index to use for looking up thresholds in the menu
static const int s_saturMask
unsigned int unpackStatus() const
static const std::vector< float > s_EtaEdge
@ gJet
This object is a TOB (32 bit word)
float phiMin() const
Central value of phi corresponding to phi index (using ATLAS convention, phi in [-pi,...
Default constructor.
static const int s_phiBit
void initialize(uint32_t word, int tobEtScale)
Initialise the object with its most important properties: only the word for gFEX.
void setSaturated(uint8_t value)
static const int s_resMask
bool isgBlockLead() const
Identification of object type with flags.
static const int s_saturBit
Constants used in decoding TOB words For TOB word format changes these can be replaced by arrays in t...
static const int s_tobIDBit
static const float s_PhiWidth
Constants used in converting to ATLAS units.
Base class for elements of a container that can have aux data.