Loading [MathJax]/extensions/tex2jax.js
ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
75 const std::string& nam,
DbStatus open(const DbTypeInfo *typ)
Open the container.
virtual ~DbContainerObj()
Standard destructor.
DbObjectHolder(DbObject *p)
const Token * m_tokH
Container token.
DbStatus retire()
Retire the container.
DbStatus update(DbContainer &cntH, const void *object, ShapeH shape, const DbObjectHandle< DbObject > &objH)
Update existing object in the container.
DbStatus update(DbContainer &cntH, const void *object, ShapeH shape, const Token::OID_t &linkH)
Update an object to the container identified by its handle.
DbStatus save(DbContainer &cntH, const void *object, ShapeH shape, Token::OID_t &linkH)
Save new object in the container and return its handle.
DbStatus getOption(DbOption &refOpt)
Access options.
DbStatus update(DbSelect &sel)
Perform UPDATE select.
IDbContainer * m_info
Pointer to interface of the technology dependent part.
DbStatus allocate(DbContainer &cntH, const void *object, ShapeH shape, Token::OID_t &oid)
In place allocation of object location.
DbStatus addShape(const DbTypeInfo *typ)
Add persistent type. Returns error if the type is not supported.
DbStatus fetch(DbSelect &sel)
Fetch next object address of the selection to set token.
DbObjectHandle< DbObject > ObjHandle
void cancelTransaction()
Cancel transaction flag.
DbStatus free(void *ptr, DbContainer &cntH)
In place free of raw memory.
DbStatus remove(ObjHandle &objH)
Remove the transient representation of the object from memory.
This class provides a token that identifies in a unique way objects on the persistent storage.
bool hasAccess()
Check database access.
bool isReadOnly() const
Check if database is in read-only mode.
DbStatus save(DbObjectHandle< DbObject > &objH, const DbTypeInfo *typ)
Add an object to the container identified by its handle.
const class Shape * ShapeH
DbAccessMode mode() const
Access mode.
void * allocate(unsigned long siz, DbContainer &cntH, ShapeH shape)
In place allocation of raw memory.
const DbTypeInfo * objectShape(const Guid &nam)
Retrieve persistent type information by name.
uint64_t size()
Size of the Database container (=# of objects)
bool updatesPending() const
Query the pending transaction stack.
DbStatus destroy(const Token::OID_t &linkH)
Destroy an existing persistent object identified by its handle.
const IDbContainer * info() const
Access to internals.
DbStatus load(void **ptr, ShapeH shape, const Token::OID_t &linkH, Token::OID_t &oid, bool any_next)
Select object in the container identified by its handle.
DbStatus destroy(DbSelect &sel)
Perform DELETE statement.
DbStatus setOption(const DbOption &opt)
Pass options to the implementation.
DbStatus transAct(Transaction::Action)
Execute Database Transaction Action.
DbStatus close()
Close the container.
bool m_isOpen
Flag indication DbStatus of technology dependent container.
This class provides a encapsulation of a GUID/UUID/CLSID/IID data structure (128 bit number).
DbStatus select(DbSelect &sel)
Perform selection. The statement belongs to the container afterwards.
DbContainerObj(DbDatabase &dbH, const std::string &nam, const DbType &dbtyp, DbAccessMode mod)
Standard constructor of a container object using the Database handle as a clustering hint.
const Token * token() const
Access the token of the container object.
DbDatabase & database()
Handle to Database (CONST)
This file contains the class definition for the Token class (migrated from POOL).
DbDatabase m_dbH
Handle to hosting Database.
DbStatus checkAccess()
Check if we can access the container.
bool isOpen() const
Flag if container was opened.