ATLAS Offline Software
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def PixelAthClusterMonAlgCfg.PixelAthClusterMonAlgCfg (helper, alg, **kwargs)


string PixelAthClusterMonAlgCfg.path = '/Pixel/TrackOnTrack/'
 end status histograms begin track histograms More...
string PixelAthClusterMonAlgCfg.pathLowStat = '/Pixel/LumiBlockOnTrack/'
string PixelAthClusterMonAlgCfg.histoGroupName = 'TSOSMeasurement'
string PixelAthClusterMonAlgCfg.title = 'TSOS of type Measurement'
string PixelAthClusterMonAlgCfg.yaxistext = ';hit efficiency'
 PixelAthClusterMonAlgCfg.trackGroup = helper.addGroup(alg, 'Track')
string PixelAthClusterMonAlgCfg.varName = 'res_phi'
 end cluster ToT and charge More...
string PixelAthClusterMonAlgCfg.pathTiming = '/Pixel/Timing'
dictionary PixelAthClusterMonAlgCfg.clusterGroup
 begin cluster timing More...
 PixelAthClusterMonAlgCfg.pathGroup = addOnTrackToPath(pathTiming, ontrack)
 end cluster timing begin cluster sizes More...
string PixelAthClusterMonAlgCfg.xaxistext = ';LVL1A'
string PixelAthClusterMonAlgCfg.groupname = histoGroupName + '_{0}'.format(layer)
string PixelAthClusterMonAlgCfg.fulltitle = title + ', {0}'.format(layer) + runtext + xaxistext + yaxistext
 PixelAthClusterMonAlgCfg.layerGroup = helper.addGroup(alg, groupname)
string PixelAthClusterMonAlgCfg.fullvarstring = varName + ';' + groupname
string PixelAthClusterMonAlgCfg.var1Name = addOnTrackTxt('ClusterSize', ontrack) + '_em'
string PixelAthClusterMonAlgCfg.var2Name = addOnTrackTxt('ClusterSize', ontrack) + '_clsize'
int PixelAthClusterMonAlgCfg.xmax1D = 20000 if ontrack else 80000
int PixelAthClusterMonAlgCfg.xbins1D = 2000
int PixelAthClusterMonAlgCfg.binsizes1D = 25 if ontrack else 100