2 Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
5// defining this class is just used for testing since class LArCalibCalculatorSvc is a abstract class which needs to be instatiated in my test code
6// actually the class(i.e. IService) that LArCalibCalculatorSvc inherits is also abstract, which means I also need to override the pure virtual functions in class IService
7// To make matters more complicated, the classes(i.e. INamedInterface and IStateful) that IService inherits are also abstract, so I need to override the pure virtual functions in classes INamedInterface and IStateful
8// In addition, since INamedInterface and IStateful all inherit the class IInterface, which is abstract. Therefore, I also override the pure virtual functions in the class IInterface.
145returntrue; //returning true aims to make "m_calculator->Process( a_step, identifier, vtmp, LArG4::kOnlyID)" return true in the tested code LArG4CalibSD.cc