Loading [MathJax]/extensions/tex2jax.js
ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
12 CUDA_HOSTDEV CaloDetDescrElement_Gpu(
const long long identify,
const long long hash_id,
const int calosample,
const float eta,
const float phi,
const float deta,
const float dphi,
const float r,
const float eta_raw,
const float phi_raw,
const float r_raw,
const float dr,
const float x,
const float y,
const float z,
const float x_raw,
const float y_raw,
const float z_raw,
const float dx,
const float dy,
const float dz) {
float m_z
cartesian coordinates : Z
float m_y_raw
cartesian coordinates : Y raw
CUDA_HOSTDEV float z() const
cell z
CUDA_HOSTDEV Identifier_Gpu identify() const
cell identifier
CUDA_HOSTDEV float phi_raw() const
cell phi_raw
float m_cosPhi
cache to allow fast px py pz computation
float m_dz
cartesian coordinates : delta Z
CUDA_HOSTDEV float r() const
cell r
float m_y
cartesian coordinates : Y
float m_volume
cylindric coordinates : r
float m_sinTh
this one is cached for algorithm working in transverse Energy
float m_r
cylindric coordinates : r
float m_x
cartesian coordinates : X
CUDA_HOSTDEV float phi() const
cell phi
CUDA_HOSTDEV int getSampling() const
CUDA_HOSTDEV float deta() const
cell deta
float m_dy
cartesian coordinates : delta Y
CUDA_HOSTDEV CaloDetDescrElement_Gpu()
CUDA_HOSTDEV float eta() const
cell eta
CUDA_HOSTDEV float dr() const
cell dr
CUDA_HOSTDEV ~CaloDetDescrElement_Gpu()
virtual destructor
float m_dphi
cylindric coordinates : delta phi
CUDA_HOSTDEV float dz() const
cell dz
CUDA_HOSTDEV float z_raw() const
cell z_raw
CUDA_HOSTDEV float dphi() const
cell dphi
CUDA_HOSTDEV float x_raw() const
cell x_raw
float m_r_raw
cylindric coordinates : r_raw
float m_phi_raw
cylindric coordinates : phi_raw
CUDA_HOSTDEV float y() const
cell y
float m_eta_raw
cylindric coordinates : eta_raw
CUDA_HOSTDEV float dy() const
cell dy
float m_dr
cylindric coordinates : delta r
CUDA_HOSTDEV float r_raw() const
cell r_raw
float m_cosTh
this one is cached for algorithm working in transverse Energy
CUDA_HOSTDEV long long get_compact() const
CUDA_HOSTDEV unsigned long long calo_hash() const
CUDA_HOSTDEV float x() const
cell x
CUDA_HOSTDEV CaloDetDescrElement_Gpu(const long long identify, const long long hash_id, const int calosample, const float eta, const float phi, const float deta, const float dphi, const float r, const float eta_raw, const float phi_raw, const float r_raw, const float dr, const float x, const float y, const float z, const float x_raw, const float y_raw, const float z_raw, const float dx, const float dy, const float dz)
float m_dx
cartesian coordinates : delta X
CUDA_HOSTDEV float eta_raw() const
cell eta_raw
float m_deta
cylindric coordinates : delta eta
CUDA_HOSTDEV float dx() const
cell dx
float m_eta
cylindric coordinates : eta
float m_z_raw
cartesian coordinates : Z raw
float m_phi
cylindric coordinates : phi
float m_x_raw
cartesian coordinates : X raw
CUDA_HOSTDEV float y_raw() const
cell y_raw
float m_sinPhi
cache to allow fast px py pz computation