ATLAS Offline Software

Calibration constants and cabling description for the TileCalorimeter.

Nils Gollub Nils..nosp@m.Goll.nosp@m.ub@ce.nosp@m.rn.c.nosp@m.h
Alexander Solodkov
Karl Gellerstedt Karl..nosp@m.Gell.nosp@m.erste.nosp@m.dt@c.nosp@m.ern.c.nosp@m.h
Andrei Artamonov Andre.nosp@m.i.Ar.nosp@m.tamon.nosp@m.ov@c.nosp@m.ern.c.nosp@m.h

Package Structure

This package consists of a set of tools which provide TileCal conditions data to clients running in the Athena framework. In addition to AlgTools also two Services are provided: TileCablingSvc (see also TileCablingSvc below) and TileInfoLoader.


In the following list the currently available TileCondTools are listed, describing briefly their purpose. For more details see the individual descriptions within each tool.

All the tools listed above use the following three (two) unsigned integers to address a specific ADC (channel):

  • drawerIdx [0,...,275]: The drawer index (hash) as described in TileCalibBlobObjs/TileCalibUtils
  • channel [0,...,47]: The channel number
  • adc [0,1]: The gain (0=low gain, 1=high gain)

The helper tool TileCondIdTransforms provides functions to translate HWIdentifiers to the (drawerIdx, channel, adc) triplet. This helper tool should be used in the user code if only HWIdentifiers are available and need to be translated. Since the translation is time consuming if repeated many times, the decision was taken to expose the user to this step, rather than to provide additional TileCondTool functions which accept HWIdentifiers as input.

Sources of Conditions Data

For reconstruction jobs, the conditions data is usually read from the COOL conditions database where it is associated to an Interval Of Validity (IOV). The currently valid IOV is automatically selected and the associated data loaded to StoreGate by the IOVDbSvc. TileCal stores conditions data in Binary Large OBjects (BLOBs) in the COOL database using a set of translator classes which provided de- and encoding of data into the BLOBs (see TileCalibBlobObjs package).

For MC production, default conditions data values are read from text files (share/TileDefault.*), which can also be used for testing purposes in reconstruction jobs. In order to decouple the TileCondTools code from the source of conditions data (COOL DB or text file), the TileCondTools access conditions data BLOBs through TileCondProxies: Either a TileCondProxyCool or a TileCondProxyFile. The TileCondProxies are themselves AlgTools and are set as Properties to the different TileCondTools. A Python function (see is usually used to instantiate TileCondProxies, specifying the technology to be used ("FILE" or "COOL"), the type of the TileCalibDrawer object (see TileCalib/TileCalibBlobObjs package) and the source of the conditions data. If "COOL" technology is chosen, the source specifies the COOL folder path. If "FILE" is selected, then an arbitrary filename can be specified.

For each TileCondTool, a "getter" function is provided which returns a fully configured tool, reading input either from COOL or a text file (see Of course, the individual TileCondProxies attached to the TileCondTool as Properties can be exchanged later, reading conditions data from a mix of COOL databases and text files. See the example configuration shown in the section.

Text File Format

The format of the text file (usually containing default conditions data used for simulation) follows two rules:

  • All lines not starting with either "0x" or "OBJVERSION" are ignored.
  • At least one line specifying the OBJVERSION of the BLOB has to be present.

Individual ADCs are addressed by specifying 3 numbers: fragId, channel and gain. All following numbers are interpreted as conditions data. In interpreting the data specified in the text files, the TileCal conditions data default policy is followed as specified in the TileCondBlobObjs package. The TileDefault.* files in the share subdirectory should give good examples of valid formats. The following specifies the detector-wide CIS constant defaults (in share/TileDefault.cisFitLin):

- This file contains the global CIS defaults:
- low  gain:  1.27875 ( = 1023./800.       )
- high gain: 81.84    ( = 1023./800. * 64. )
0x000   0   0   1.27875
0x000   0   1   81.84

TileInfoDump Algorithm

An Athena Algorithm called TileInfoDump is provided to print TileCal conditions data as it is seen by the Athena framework for a given run number. Example job options exist in share/, giving also hints about how to configure TileCondTools and the access to the COOL database.

TileInfo, TileInfoLoader, etc...

In the past, a single monolithic TileInfo object was created and placed into the Detector Store. This instance of the TileInfo class held all possible TileCal conditions data and provided access to it. In going to the new more modular package structure, providing AlgTools to load and access only specific parts of the total conditions data volume, the TileInfo object (and its TileInfoLoader) should be phased out. However, TileInfo is used in various places throughout the TileCal code and a clean break transition was not possible. Therefore, TileInfo is kept alive and provides wrapper functions around the individual TileCondTools. The usage of TileInfo is strongly discouraged for new code developments and old code should be migrated to use the TileCondTools directly were possible.

Package Configuration

Python helper classes and functions exist in the python subdirectory, helping with the configuration of the TileCondTools and Services. Their usage is illustrated in TileInfoDump_jobOptions.

This Python module is a mini-database, keeping track of TileCal conditions data sources. It assigns a logical name to the data source and attaches the COOL folder name, the default database connection string and the default COOL folder tag to it. If this Python module is included, an instance called "tileCoolMgr" is automatically created and is used for all configuration purposes. By default, the database connection string is looked up from the IOVDbSvc.CondDB object (providing automatic configuration based on the input data type). No individual folder tags are set, triggering the use of the IOVDbSvc.GlobalTag property instead. The TileCoolMgr class provides functions to modify the folder path, database connection string and folder tag, enabling the configuration of the source of conditions data individually for each logical data name.

All existing COOL folders should be entered into the tileCoolMgr. The currently known setup is:

#=== determine default DB connection string from IOVDbSvc
from IOVDbSvc.CondDB import conddb
defConnStr = conddb.dblist['TILE']

#=== fill with default folders:
tileCoolMgr = TileCoolMgr()
#--- energy calibration
tileCoolMgr.addSource('oflCisFitLin', '/TILE/OFL01/CALIB/CIS/FIT/LIN', defConnStr, "")
tileCoolMgr.addSource('oflCisFitNln', '/TILE/OFL01/CALIB/CIS/FIT/NLN', defConnStr, "")
tileCoolMgr.addSource('oflLasLin'   , '/TILE/OFL01/CALIB/LAS/LIN'    , defConnStr, "")
tileCoolMgr.addSource('oflLasNln'   , '/TILE/OFL01/CALIB/LAS/NLN'    , defConnStr, "")
tileCoolMgr.addSource('oflCes'      , '/TILE/OFL01/CALIB/CES'        , defConnStr, "")
tileCoolMgr.addSource('oflEms'      , '/TILE/OFL01/CALIB/EMS'        , defConnStr, "")
tileCoolMgr.addSource('onlCisLin'   , '/TILE/ONL01/CALIB/CIS/LIN'    , defConnStr, "")
tileCoolMgr.addSource('onlLasLin'   , '/TILE/ONL01/CALIB/LAS/LIN'    , defConnStr, "")
tileCoolMgr.addSource('onlCes'      , '/TILE/ONL01/CALIB/CES'        , defConnStr, "")
tileCoolMgr.addSource('onlEms'      , '/TILE/ONL01/CALIB/EMS'        , defConnStr, "")
#--- noise
tileCoolMgr.addSource('oflNoiseAdc', '/TILE/OFL01/NOISE/SAMPLE', defConnStr, "")
tileCoolMgr.addSource('oflNoiseAcr', '/TILE/OFL01/NOISE/AUTOCR', defConnStr, "")
tileCoolMgr.addSource('oflNoiseFit', '/TILE/OFL01/NOISE/FIT'   , defConnStr, "")
tileCoolMgr.addSource('oflNoiseOf2', '/TILE/OFL01/NOISE/OF2'   , defConnStr, "")
#--- timing
tileCoolMgr.addSource('oflTimeCfib', '/TILE/OFL01/TIME/CELLFIBERLENGTH'  , defConnStr, "")
tileCoolMgr.addSource('oflTimeDlas', '/TILE/OFL01/TIME/DRAWEROFFSET/LAS' , defConnStr, "")
tileCoolMgr.addSource('oflTimeClas', '/TILE/OFL01/TIME/CHANNELOFFSET/LAS', defConnStr, "")
#--- status
tileCoolMgr.addSource('oflStatAdc', '/TILE/OFL01/STATUS/ADC', defConnStr, "")
tileCoolMgr.addSource('onlStatAdc', '/TILE/ONL01/STATUS/ADC', defConnStr, "")

This Python module provides "getter" functions to obtain fully configured TileCondTools, specifying either "COOL" or "FILE" as technology. The following section of illustrates the use of these functions:

#=== configure TileCondTools
#=== The lines below show how to configure individual
#=== tools directly, without the use of TileInfoConfigurator
from TileConditions.TileCondToolConf import *
ToolSvc += getTileCondToolEmscale()
#--- to switch off the usage of online cache, do
#    ToolSvc.TileCondToolEmscale.OnlCacheUnit="Invalid"
#--- a single proxy can be exchanged, for example like this...
#    from TileConditions.TileCondProxyConf import getTileCondProxy
#    ToolSvc.TileCondToolEmscale.ProxyOflEms = getTileCondProxy('FILE','Flt','TileDefault.ems','TileCondProxyFile_OflEms')
#--- ... or directly in the creation of the Tool like this:
#    from TileConditions.TileCondProxyConf import getTileCondProxy
#    ToolSvc += getTileCondToolEmscale('COOL',
#                                      ProxyOflLasLin = getTileCondProxy('FILE','Flt','TileDefault.cisFitLin','TileCondProxyFile_OflLasLin'),
#                                      ProxyOflCisLin = getTileCondProxy('FILE','Flt','TileDefault.cisFitLin','TileCondProxyFile_OflCisLin'))
ToolSvc += getTileBadChanTool()
ToolSvc += getTileCondToolNoiseSample()
ToolSvc += getTileCondToolTiming()

This Python module provides a "getter" function for TileCondProxies. A TileCondProxyFile is returned if "FILE" is passed in the technology argument and a TileCondProxyCool is returned if "COOL" is specified. If "COOL" is specified, the COOL folder path (specified in the source argument) is automatically added to the list of COOL folders in IOVDbSvc.Folders. If the folder has already been added to this list, it is not added again, preventing multiple requests for the same COOL folder.


The class providing actual TileCal cabling information is called TileCablingService and is placed in the Detector Store using a singleton pattern. However, TileCablingService is not an Athena Service and thus not initialized at the beginning of the job. In order to keep the current TileCablingService class and its functionality, a wrapper Athena Service TileCablingSvc has been created which does nothing else than creating the singleton instance of the TileCablingService class and configuring it properly. It has to be added to the ServiceMgr in the jobOptions by doing something like this:

svcMgr += CfgMgr.TileCablingSvc()