ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
26 else if (this->
size() > 1)
48 this->
58 if ( this->
contains(theContainer,theIndex) )
63 this->
67 this->
83 return (this->
virtual const constituent_type * getConstituentPtr(constituent_iter iter) const
void putElement(const MuonContainer *objectContainer, const constituent_type *constituentObject, const double &objectParameter=double(), size_t sizeHint=0)
virtual object_iter begin() const
NRpcCablingAlg reads raw condition data and writes derived condition data to the condition store.
bool contains(const constituent_type *aConstituent) const
void setName(const name_t &name)
const constituent_coll & getConstituents() const
bool remove(const constituent_type *aConstituent)
definition of StoreGate container holding a vector of Analysis::Muon
Navigable< MuonContainer, double >::external_index_type index_type
virtual JetAssociationBase * clone() const
a clone method for the proper workings of the copy constructor
The namespace of all packages in PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging.
double getParameter(const constituent_type *aConstituent) const
virtual unsigned int size() const
void set_muon(const MuonContainer *theContainer, const Muon *the_muon, double weight=1)
const Muon * muon() const
get muon directly without token
double getMuonWeight(const Muon *the_muon) const