ATLAS Offline Software
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This class provides information about an overlaid event. It extends EventInfo with a list of sub-evts...
virtual void transToPers(const TRANS *transObj, PERS *persObj, MsgStream &log) const =0
Convert transient representation to persistent one.
This class is the persistent representation of PileUpEventInfo_p2.
virtual void transToPers(const PileUpEventInfo *transObj, PileUpEventInfo_p2 *persObj, MsgStream &log) const override
virtual void persToTrans(const PERS *persObj, TRANS *transObj, MsgStream &log) const =0
Convert persistent representation to transient one.
This class provides information about an overlaid event. It extends EventInfo with a list of sub-evts...
virtual void persToTrans(const PileUpEventInfo_p2 *persObj, PileUpEventInfo *transObj, MsgStream &log) const override