- Author
- shaun.nosp@m..roe.nosp@m.@cern.nosp@m..ch, Susum.nosp@m.u.Od.nosp@m.a@cer.nosp@m.n.ch
This package contains tools which access and provide conditions data for SCT detector elements: modules, wafers, chips and strips. The various tools each have a specific purpose, but all inherit from ISCT_ConditionsTool, which provides an interface (specifically, the isGood(...) methods) which can be used by the SCT_ConditionsSummaryTool to summarise the total status and report this to clients. SCT_ConditionsSummaryTool in turn inherits from IInDetConditionsTool, the common interface for Pixels and TRT as well as SCT.
Class Overview
SCT_ConditionsTools contains the following classes:
- ISCT_ConditionsTool: Base class for the various conditions tools, the interface provides the isGood() methods to be used by clients.
- SCT_ByteStreamErrorsTool: Used to convey errors in the bytestream. In addition to the common interface provided by ISCT_ConditionsTool, it has methods for retrieving error conditions for modules which display communication/datastream errors. The tool provides the 'isGood' methods to clients based on this information.
- SCT_ChargeTrappingTool: Used for special digitisation with charge trapping.
- SCT_ConditionsParameterTool: Used to give numerical parameters in standalone tests.
- SCT_ConditionsSummaryTool: This class can be configured to loop over the other tools in the package, providing an eventual status which is a summary of the component tools. The tools to be used are decided in job options.
- SCT_ConfigurationConditionsTool: Reads the configuration data for SCT modules which are stored in the COOL database in CoraCool format, and provides module or channel mask information to clients.
- SCT_DCSConditionsTool: Reads DCS data such as power supply status and temperature, and decides on this basis (and some internal criteria) whether a module is good or bad at a particular instant.
- SCT_ElectricFieldTool: Used for special digitisation with charge trapping.
- Interface: ISCT_ElectricFieldTool
- Conditions data: None
- Conditions folder: None
- Conditions algorithm: None
- Test algorithm: None
- Test script: None
- Configuration script: None
- SCT_FlaggedConditionTool: Used for retrieving bad wafers with more than 384 fired strips. Those bad wafers are declared by clustering algorithms/tools.
- SCT_LinkMaskingTool: Analogous to the SCT_ModuleVetoTool, this provides a way to turn off individual Front-End links.
- SCT_MajorityConditionsTool: Used for retrieving majority of DCS state in Barrel, Endcap A, Endcap C.
- SCT_ModuleVetoTool: A class which enables one to manually veto modules, either by providing the identifiers in job options or by specifying the module identifiers in the /SCT/Manual/BadModules folder of the Cool database.
- SCT_MonitorConditionsTool: Retrieves data from the database folder /SCT/Derived/Monitoring, which is created by monitoring jobs on the processing farm and contains data concerning occupancy/noise during data taking.
- SCT_RadDamageSummaryTool: Used for special digitisation with radiation damage.
- Interface: ISCT_RadDamageSummaryTool
- Conditions data: None
- Conditions folder: None
- Conditions algorithm: None
- Test algorithm: None
- Test script: None
- Configuration script: None
- SCT_ReadCalibChipDataTool: Used for retrieving chip calibration parameters.
- SCT_ReadCalibDataTool: Accesses the calibration folders of the cool database, which are updated as a result of SCT calibration runs. Provides data on defects and noise determined by calibration.
- SCT_ReadoutTool: Interface for the SCT_ReadoutTool, used to determine which chips are read out from a module, taking bypass/redundancy configuration into account
- SCT_RODVetoTool: Analogous to the SCT_ModuleVetoTool, this provides a way to turn off individual ReadOut Drivers.
- SCT_SensorsTool: Provides depletion voltage, crystal orientation and manufacturer
- SCT_SiliconConditionsTool: Inheriting from ISiliconConditionsTool (a common interface for Pixels and SCT), this gives information needed to calculate the Lorentz angle, such as bias voltage, depletion voltage and silicon temperature. For the moment, the silicon depletion voltage is hard coded.
- SCT_StripVetoTool: Analogous to the SCT_ModuleVetoTool, this provides a way to turn off individual strips manually via job options. Intended for testing and Monte Carlo studies in particular.
- Interface: ISCT_ConditionsTool
- Conditions data: None
- Conditions folder: None (spcified by "BadStripIdentifiers" in job option)
- Conditions algorithm: None
- Test algorithm: SCT_StripVetoTestAlg
- Test script: testStripVeto.py
- Configuration script: SCT_StripVetoToolSetup.py
- SCT_TdaqEnabledTool: Provides enabled RODs (only for data)