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ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
float m_seedCalo_eta
eta of TauJet calculated from calorimeter
float m_mEflow
mass from energy flow
float m_seedTrk_etIsolEM
Transverse energy in EM calo (at EM Scale) in 0.2 < dR < 0.4.
This file contains the class definition for the ElementLink_p1 class.
HepLorentzVector_p1 m_sumPi0Vec
Pi0 energy sum vector.
float m_seedTrk_etResNeuEM
Correction term for eflow calculations.
float m_seedTrk_etNeuEM
Transverse energy of EM cells (at EM scale), within "core" cone around tau1P3P axis after subtraction...
float m_seedTrk_etChrgHad
Charged transverse energy in narrow window around track(s) in hadronic calorimeter.
float m_seedCalo_etEMCalib
Calibrated EM transverse energy.
float m_seedTrk_etHadAtEMScale
Hadronic E_T at EM scale.
float m_leadLooseTrkPt
p_T of leading loose track - for Trigger
float m_seedCalo_nIsolLooseTrk
Number of isolated tracks.
ElementLinkIntVector_p1 m_looseConvTrk
Loose Conversion tracks.
float m_seedTrk_etEMCL
Transverse energy of cells classified as "pure electromagnetic" seeded by egamma or topo cluster (ste...
float m_leadTrkPt
p_T of leading loose track - for Trigger
float m_seedTrk_stripWidth2
Strip width squared.
float m_etOverPtLeadTrk
Ratio of E_T of TauCandidate to p_T of leading track.
float m_Ele_E237E277
Members for electron LLH calculation.
float m_seedTrk_secMaxStripEt
Secondary maximum.
float m_seedTrk_sumEMCellEtOverLeadTrkPt
Ratio of sum Et of LAr Cells to the pT of leading track.
float m_seedCalo_isolFrac
Ratio of the uncalibrated transverse energy of cells within 0.1<dR<0.2 and cells within 0<dR<0....
std::vector< float > m_seedTrk_etResChrgEMTrk
Correction term for eflow calculations (evaluated for each track separately)
int m_seedCalo_nStrip
Number of Strip cells within dR < 0.4, with energy above specified threshold.
TPObjRef m_secVtx
Secondary vertex.
float m_ipSigLeadTrk
Impact parameter significance of leading track.
float m_etEflow
E_T from energy flow.
float m_seedCalo_hadRadius
Uncalibrated hadron calorimeter weighted radius.
ElementLinkIntVector_p1 m_pi0
Pi0 clusters.
int m_seedTrk_nStrip
Number of strip cells.
unsigned int m_numTopoClusters
float m_Ele_PresamplerFraction
fraction of EM cluster energy in presampler
ElementLinkIntVector_p1 m_looseTrk
Loose tracks.
Default constructor.
int m_seedTrk_nIsolTrk
Associated, "not good" quality tracks in core region.
float m_trkWidth2
Width of tracks momenta.
Persistent class for Analysis::TauCommonDetails.
float m_seedTrk_etEMAtEMScale
EM E_T at EM scale.
float m_ipZ0SinThetaSigLeadTrk
Significance of z0 sin(Theta)
float m_seedCalo_etEMAtEMScale
Uncalibrated Sum of Cell Transverse energy in the Presampler + EM1 + EM2 within dR < 0....
float m_seedTrk_etIsolHad
Transverse energy in HAD calo (at EM Scale) in 0.2 < dR < 0.4.
float m_seedCalo_etHadAtEMScale
Uncalibrated Sum of Cell Transverse energy in the Presampler + EM1 + EM2 within dR < 0....
float m_effTopoMeanDeltaR
float m_seedCalo_phi
phi of TauJet calculated from calorimeter
float m_seedTrk_etChrgHadOverSumTrkPt
charged hadronic transverse energy over sum of transverse momenta of all tracks
float m_seedTrk_isolFrac
Isolation fraction.
float m_seedTrk_isolFracWide
Ratio of Transverse Energy in 0.2 < dr < 0.4 to total transverse energy at EM scale.
float m_seedCalo_stripWidth2
Uncalibrated transverse energy weighted width in the strip layer within dR < 0.4.
float m_Ele_ECALFirstFraction
fraction of EM cluster energy in first layer of ECAL
float m_trFlightPathSig
Transverse flight path significance for taus with at least 2 associated tracks.
float m_seedCalo_trkAvgDist
average track distance from calorimeter seed
float m_seedTrk_EMRadius
EM radius.
This file contains the class definition for the ElementLinkVector_p1 class.
int m_seedTrk_nOtherCoreTrk
Associated, "not good" quality tracks in core region.
std::vector< float > m_seedTrk_etChrgEM01Trk
Transverse energy in narrow window around the track(s), EM layers 0 1 only.
float m_seedCalo_EMRadius
Uncalibrated Et weighted radius in the Presampler + EM1 + EM2 within dR < 0.4.
float m_seedTrk_etChrgEM
Transverse energy of EM cells (at EM scale) classified as "charged electromagnetic" collected in narr...
ElementLinkInt_p1 m_cellEM012Cluster
EM calorimeter cell cluster.
float m_seedCalo_centFrac
Centrality fraction (ET(dr<0.1)/ET(dr<0.4) for all calos.
Transient Persistent class converter for Analysis::TauCommonDetails.
float m_seedTrk_hadLeakEt
hadronic leakage in Et summed over cells
float m_etOverPtLeadLooseTrk
Ratio of E_T of TauCandidate to p_T of leading loose track.
float m_seedCalo_etHadCalib
Calibrated hadronic transverse energy.
float m_chrgLooseTrk
Charge of loose tracks.
float m_seedCalo_trkRmsDist
RMS of track distance from calorimeter seed.
float m_numEffTopoClusters
float m_ipSigLeadLooseTrk
Impact parameter significance of leading loose track.