ATLAS Offline Software
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15 #include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
62 template<
class CONT,
class AUXCONT>
64 const std::vector<int>& resultVec)
StringProperty m_cutBKCName
The name of the resulting xAOD::CutBookkeeperContainer.
std::vector< std::size_t > m_selToolIdxOffset
The list of pairs of the tool index of the AsgSelectionTools and the starting index of the correspond...
ParticleSelectionAlg(const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator)
Constructor with parameters:
unsigned long m_nEventsProcessed
Internal event counter.
contType_t m_contType
The variable that holds the value that we find for the input container.
ToolHandleArray< IAsgSelectionTool > m_selTools
The list of IAsgSelectionTools.
StatusCode selectParticles(const xAOD::IParticleContainer *inContainer, const std::vector< int > &resultVec) const
Private function to perform the actualy work.
StringProperty m_inCollKey
Input container name.
virtual StatusCode execute() override
Athena algorithm's execute hook.
StringProperty m_outOwnPolicyName
Defines the ownership policy of the output container (default: 'VIEW_ELEMENTS'; also allowed: 'OWN_EL...
describes the possible element ownership policies (see e.g. DataVector)
SG::OwnershipPolicy m_outOwnPolicy
The internally used translation for the ownership policy.
::StatusCode StatusCode
StatusCode definition for legacy code.
StringProperty m_outCollKey
Output collection name (deep copies of the original ones)
bool m_doCutFlow
If true (deault: false), do the bookkeeping of how many particles passed which selection cuts.
virtual StatusCode start() override
Athena algorithm's beginRun hook (called once before running over the events, after initialize)
virtual ~ParticleSelectionAlg()
StringProperty m_evtInfoName
Name of the EventInfo object.
virtual StatusCode initialize() override
Athena algorithm's initalize hook.
An enumaration for the actual container type.
std::size_t m_idxSelParster
Store the index of the CutBookKeeper in the CutBookkeeperContainer for the selection using the Expres...
BooleanProperty m_writeSplitAux
Decide if we want to write a fully-split AuxContainer such that we can remove any variables.
virtual StatusCode finalize() override
Athena algorithm's finalize hook.
std::size_t m_cutBKStartIdx
The starting index of where in the CutBookkeeperContainer our new CutBookkeepers start.
StringProperty m_selection
The selection string that will select which xAOD::IParticles to keep from an xAOD::IParticleContainer...