ATLAS Offline Software
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1 # Copyright (C) 2002-2023 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
3 from AthenaMonitoringKernel.GenericMonitoringTool import GenericMonitoringTool
5 def getMETMonTool(flags, name = "MonTool"):
6  """
7  Return configured GenericMonitoringTool instance for EFMissingETAlgMT
8  """
9  mon = GenericMonitoringTool(flags, "MonTool")
10  mon.defineHistogram( "TIME_Total", path='EXPERT', title="Time spent Alg", xbins=100, xmin=0, xmax=100 )
11  mon.defineHistogram( "TIME_Loop", path='EXPERT', title="Time spent in Tools loop", xbins=100, xmin=0, xmax=100 )
13  # signed log-scale: 0.15/bin = 1.413X/bin (factor of ~2 each two bins)
14  # central bin is +/- 0.075 and contains values whose abs < 1.189 GeV
15  # limits are +/- 1.189 TeV
16  mon.defineHistogram('EF_MEx_log', path='EXPERT', title="EF Missing E_{x};sgn(ME_{x}) log_{10}(ME_{x}/GeV)", xbins=41, xmin=-3.075, xmax=3.075)
17  mon.defineHistogram('EF_MEy_log', path='EXPERT', title="EF Missing E_{y};sgn(ME_{y}) log_{10}(ME_{y}/GeV)", xbins=41, xmin=-3.075, xmax=3.075)
18  mon.defineHistogram('EF_MEz_log', path='EXPERT', title="EF Missing E_{z};sgn(ME_{z}) log_{10}(ME_{z}/GeV)", xbins=41, xmin=-3.075, xmax=3.075)
20  # signed log-scale: 0.15/bin = 1.413X/bin (factor of ~2 each two bins)
21  # bin centered on zero is +/- 0.075 and contains values whose abs < 1.189 GeV
22  # limits are -74.99 GeV and 2.371 TeV
23  mon.defineHistogram('EF_SumEt_log', path='EXPERT', title="EF Sum E_{T};log_{10}(SumE_{T}/GeV)", xbins=40, xmin=-1.875, xmax=4.125)
24  mon.defineHistogram('EF_SumE_log', path='EXPERT', title="EF Sum E;log_{10}(SumE/GeV)", xbins=40, xmin=-1.875, xmax=4.125)
26  # unsigned (i.e. normal) log-scale: 0.15/bin = 1.413X/bin (factor of ~2 each two bins)
27  # limits are 708 MeV and 2.818 TeV
28  mon.defineHistogram('EF_MET_log', path='EXPERT', title="EF |Missing E_{T}|;log_{10}(ME_{T}/GeV)", xbins=24, xmin=-0.15, xmax=3.45)
29  mon.defineHistogram('EF_ME_log', path='EXPERT', title="EF |Missing Energy|;log_{10}(ME/GeV)", xbins=24, xmin=-0.15, xmax=3.45)
31  # linear-scale
32  mon.defineHistogram('EF_MET_lin', path='EXPERT', title="EF |Missing E_{T}|;ME_{T} (GeV)", xbins=205, xmin=-13.5, xmax=601.5)
33  mon.defineHistogram('EF_ME_lin', path='EXPERT', title="EF |Missing Energy|;ME (GeV)", xbins=205, xmin=-13.5, xmax=601.5)
34  mon.defineHistogram('EF_SumEt_lin', path='EXPERT', title="EF Sum E_{T};SumE_{T} (GeV)", xbins=305, xmin=-27., xmax=1803.)
35  mon.defineHistogram('EF_XS', path='EXPERT', title="EF Significance; (XS/GeV^{1/2})", xbins=40, xmin=-0.025, xmax=20.025)
36  mon.defineHistogram('EF_MET_phi', path='EXPERT', title="EF MET #phi;MET #phi (rad)", xbins=32, xmin=-3.1416, xmax=3.1416)
37  mon.defineHistogram('EF_SumE_lin', path='EXPERT', title="EF Sum E;SumE (GeV)", xbins=305, xmin=-27., xmax=3500.)
38  mon.defineHistogram('EF_MEx_lin', path='EXPERT', title="EF Missing E_{x};ME_{x} (GeV)", xbins=199, xmin=-298.5, xmax=298.5)
39  mon.defineHistogram('EF_MEy_lin', path='EXPERT', title="EF Missing E_{y};ME_{y} (GeV)", xbins=199, xmin=-298.5, xmax=298.5)
40  mon.defineHistogram('EF_MEz_lin', path='EXPERT', title="EF Missing E_{z};ME_{z} (GeV)", xbins=199, xmin=-298.5, xmax=298.5)
42  return mon
def getMETMonTool(flags, name="MonTool")