ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 # Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
3 # AnaAlgorithm import(s):
4 from AnalysisAlgorithmsConfig.ConfigBlock import ConfigBlock
5 from AthenaCommon.SystemOfUnits import GeV
6 from AthenaConfiguration.Enums import LHCPeriod
7 from AnalysisAlgorithmsConfig.ConfigAccumulator import DataType
8 from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
10 import ROOT
12 # E/gamma import(s).
13 from xAODEgamma.xAODEgammaParameters import xAOD
17 class PhotonCalibrationConfig (ConfigBlock) :
18  """the ConfigBlock for the photon four-momentum correction"""
20  def __init__ (self, containerName='') :
21  super (PhotonCalibrationConfig, self).__init__ ()
22  self.setBlockName('Photons')
23  self.addOption ('containerName', containerName, type=str,
24  noneAction='error',
25  info="the name of the output container after calibration.")
26  self.addOption ('ESModel', '', type=str,
27  info="flag of egamma calibration recommendation.")
28  self.addOption ('decorrelationModel', '1NP_v1', type=str,
29  info="egamma energy scale decorrelationModel. The default is 1NP_v1. "
30  "Supported Model: 1NP_v1, FULL_v1.")
31  self.addOption ('postfix', '', type=str,
32  info="a postfix to apply to decorations and algorithm names. "
33  "Typically not needed here since the calibration is common to "
34  "all photons.")
35  self.addOption ('crackVeto', False, type=bool,
36  info="whether to perform LAr crack veto based on the cluster eta, "
37  "i.e. remove photons within 1.37<|eta|<1.52. "
38  "The default is False.")
39  self.addOption ('enableCleaning', True, type=bool,
40  info="whether to enable photon cleaning (DFCommonPhotonsCleaning). "
41  "The default is True.")
42  self.addOption ('cleaningAllowLate', False, type=bool,
43  info="whether to ignore timing information in cleaning "
44  "(DFCommonPhotonsCleaningNoTime). The default is False.")
45  self.addOption ('recomputeIsEM', False, type=bool,
46  info="whether to recompute the photon shower shape fudge "
47  "corrections (sets up an instance of CP::PhotonShowerShapeFudgeAlg). "
48  "The default is False, i.e. to use derivation variables.")
49  self.addOption ('recalibratePhyslite', True, type=bool,
50  info="whether to run the CP::EgammaCalibrationAndSmearingAlg on "
51  "PHYSLITE derivations. The default is True.")
52  self.addOption ('minPt', 10*GeV, type=float,
53  info="the minimum pT cut to apply to calibrated photons. "
54  "The default is 10 GeV.")
55  self.addOption ('forceFullSimConfig', False, type=bool,
56  info="whether to force the tool to use the configuration meant for "
57  "full simulation samples. Only for testing purposes. "
58  "The default is False.")
59  self.addOption ('splitCalibrationAndSmearing', False, type=bool,
60  info="EXPERIMENTAL: This splits the EgammaCalibrationAndSmearingTool "
61  " into two steps. The first step applies a baseline calibration that "
62  "is not affected by systematics. The second step then applies the "
63  "systematics dependent corrections. The net effect is that the "
64  "slower first step only has to be run once, while the second is run "
65  "once per systematic. ATLASG-2358")
68  def makeCalibrationAndSmearingAlg (self, config, name) :
69  """Create the calibration and smearing algorithm
71  Factoring this out into its own function, as we want to
72  instantiate it in multiple places"""
73  # Set up the calibration and smearing algorithm:
74  alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::EgammaCalibrationAndSmearingAlg', name + self.postfix )
75  config.addPrivateTool( 'calibrationAndSmearingTool',
76  'CP::EgammaCalibrationAndSmearingTool' )
77  # Set default ESModel per period
78  if self.ESModel:
79  alg.calibrationAndSmearingTool.ESModel = self.ESModel
80  else:
81  if config.geometry() is LHCPeriod.Run2:
82  alg.calibrationAndSmearingTool.ESModel = 'es2023_R22_Run2_v0'
83  elif config.geometry() is LHCPeriod.Run3:
84  alg.calibrationAndSmearingTool.ESModel = 'es2022_R22_PRE'
85  elif config.geometry() is LHCPeriod.Run4:
86  logging.warning("No ESModel set for Run4, using Run3 model")
87  alg.calibrationAndSmearingTool.ESModel = 'es2022_R22_PRE'
88  else:
89  raise ValueError (f"Can't set up the ElectronCalibrationConfig with {config.geometry().value}, "
90  "there must be something wrong!")
92  alg.calibrationAndSmearingTool.decorrelationModel = self.decorrelationModel
93  alg.calibrationAndSmearingTool.useFastSim = (
94  0 if self.forceFullSimConfig
95  else int( config.dataType() is DataType.FastSim ))
96  alg.egammas = config.readName (self.containerName)
97  alg.egammasOut = config.copyName (self.containerName)
98  alg.preselection = config.getPreselection (self.containerName, '')
99  return alg
102  def makeAlgs (self, config) :
104  log = logging.getLogger('PhotonCalibrationConfig')
106  postfix = self.postfix
107  if postfix != '' and postfix[0] != '_' :
108  postfix = '_' + postfix
110  if self.forceFullSimConfig:
111  log.warning("You are running PhotonCalibrationConfig forcing full sim config")
112  log.warning("This is only intended to be used for testing purposes")
114  if config.isPhyslite() :
115  config.setSourceName (self.containerName, "AnalysisPhotons")
116  else :
117  config.setSourceName (self.containerName, "Photons")
119  cleaningWP = 'NoTime' if self.cleaningAllowLate else ''
121  # Set up a shallow copy to decorate
122  if config.wantCopy (self.containerName) :
123  alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgShallowCopyAlg', 'PhotonShallowCopyAlg' + postfix )
124  alg.input = config.readName (self.containerName)
125  alg.output = config.copyName (self.containerName)
127  # Set up the eta-cut on all photons prior to everything else
128  alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgSelectionAlg', 'PhotonEtaCutAlg' + postfix )
129  alg.selectionDecoration = 'selectEta' + postfix + ',as_bits'
130  config.addPrivateTool( 'selectionTool', 'CP::AsgPtEtaSelectionTool' )
131  alg.selectionTool.maxEta = 2.37
132  if self.crackVeto:
133  alg.selectionTool.etaGapLow = 1.37
134  alg.selectionTool.etaGapHigh = 1.52
135  alg.selectionTool.useClusterEta = True
136  alg.particles = config.readName (self.containerName)
137  alg.preselection = config.getPreselection (self.containerName, '')
138  config.addSelection (self.containerName, '', alg.selectionDecoration)
140  # Setup shower shape fudge
141  if self.recomputeIsEM and config.dataType() is DataType.FullSim:
142  alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::PhotonShowerShapeFudgeAlg',
143  'PhotonShowerShapeFudgeAlg' + postfix )
144  config.addPrivateTool( 'showerShapeFudgeTool',
145  'ElectronPhotonVariableCorrectionTool' )
146  if config.geometry is LHCPeriod.Run2:
147  alg.showerShapeFudgeTool.ConfigFile = \
148  'EGammaVariableCorrection/TUNE25/ElPhVariableNominalCorrection.conf'
149  if config.geometry is LHCPeriod.Run3:
150  alg.showerShapeFudgeTool.ConfigFile = \
151  'EGammaVariableCorrection/TUNE23/ElPhVariableNominalCorrection.conf'
152  alg.photons = config.readName (self.containerName)
153  alg.photonsOut = config.copyName (self.containerName)
154  alg.preselection = config.getPreselection (self.containerName, '')
156  # Select photons only with good object quality.
157  alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgSelectionAlg', 'PhotonObjectQualityAlg' + postfix )
158  alg.selectionDecoration = 'goodOQ,as_bits'
159  config.addPrivateTool( 'selectionTool', 'CP::EgammaIsGoodOQSelectionTool' )
160  alg.selectionTool.Mask = xAOD.EgammaParameters.BADCLUSPHOTON
161  alg.particles = config.readName (self.containerName)
162  alg.preselection = config.getPreselection (self.containerName, '')
163  config.addSelection (self.containerName, '', alg.selectionDecoration)
165  # Select clean photons
166  if self.enableCleaning:
167  alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgSelectionAlg', 'PhotonCleaningAlg' + postfix)
168  config.addPrivateTool( 'selectionTool', 'CP::AsgFlagSelectionTool' )
169  alg.selectionDecoration = 'isClean,as_bits'
170  alg.selectionTool.selectionFlags = ['DFCommonPhotonsCleaning' + cleaningWP]
171  alg.particles = config.readName (self.containerName)
172  alg.preselection = config.getPreselection (self.containerName, '')
173  config.addSelection (self.containerName, '', alg.selectionDecoration)
175  # Change the origin of Photons from (0,0,0) to (0,0,z)
176  # where z comes from the position of a vertex
177  # Default the one tagged as Primary
178  alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::PhotonOriginCorrectionAlg',
179  'PhotonOriginCorrectionAlg' + postfix )
180  alg.photons = config.readName (self.containerName)
181  alg.photonsOut = config.copyName (self.containerName)
182  alg.preselection = config.getPreselection (self.containerName, '')
184  if not self.splitCalibrationAndSmearing :
185  # Set up the calibration and smearing algorithm:
186  alg = self.makeCalibrationAndSmearingAlg (config, 'PhotonCalibrationAndSmearingAlg')
187  if config.isPhyslite() and not self.recalibratePhyslite :
188  alg.skipNominal = True
189  else:
190  # This splits the EgammaCalibrationAndSmearingTool into two
191  # steps. The first step applies a baseline calibration that
192  # is not affected by systematics. The second step then
193  # applies the systematics dependent corrections. The net
194  # effect is that the slower first step only has to be run
195  # once, while the second is run once per systematic.
196  #
197  # For now (22 May 24) this has to happen in the same job, as
198  # the output of the first step is not part of PHYSLITE, and
199  # even for the nominal the output of the first and second
200  # step are different. In the future the plan is to put both
201  # the output of the first and second step into PHYSLITE,
202  # allowing to skip the first step when running on PHYSLITE.
203  #
204  # WARNING: All of this is experimental, see: ATLASG-2358
206  # Set up the calibration algorithm:
207  alg = self.makeCalibrationAndSmearingAlg (config, 'PhotonBaseCalibrationAlg')
208  # turn off systematics for the calibration step
209  alg.noToolSystematics = True
210  # turn off smearing for the calibration step
211  alg.calibrationAndSmearingTool.doSmearing = False
213  # Set up the smearing algorithm:
214  alg = self.makeCalibrationAndSmearingAlg (config, 'PhotonCalibrationSystematicsAlg')
215  # turn off scale corrections for the smearing step
216  alg.calibrationAndSmearingTool.doScaleCorrection = False
217  alg.calibrationAndSmearingTool.useMVACalibration = False
219  if self.minPt > 0:
220  # Set up the the pt selection
221  alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgSelectionAlg', 'PhotonPtCutAlg' + postfix )
222  alg.selectionDecoration = 'selectPt' + postfix + ',as_bits'
223  config.addPrivateTool( 'selectionTool', 'CP::AsgPtEtaSelectionTool' )
224  alg.selectionTool.minPt = self.minPt
225  alg.particles = config.readName (self.containerName)
226  alg.preselection = config.getPreselection (self.containerName, '')
227  config.addSelection (self.containerName, '', alg.selectionDecoration,
228  preselection=True)
230  # Set up the isolation correction algorithm.
231  alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::EgammaIsolationCorrectionAlg',
232  'PhotonIsolationCorrectionAlg' + postfix )
233  config.addPrivateTool( 'isolationCorrectionTool',
234  'CP::IsolationCorrectionTool' )
235  alg.isolationCorrectionTool.IsMC = config.dataType() is not DataType.Data
236  alg.isolationCorrectionTool.AFII_corr = (
237  0 if self.forceFullSimConfig
238  else config.dataType() is DataType.FastSim)
239  alg.egammas = config.readName (self.containerName)
240  alg.egammasOut = config.copyName (self.containerName)
241  alg.preselection = config.getPreselection (self.containerName, '')
243  # Additional decorations
244  alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgEnergyDecoratorAlg', 'EnergyDecorator' + self.containerName + self.postfix )
245  alg.particles = config.readName (self.containerName)
247  config.addOutputVar (self.containerName, 'pt', 'pt')
248  config.addOutputVar (self.containerName, 'eta', 'eta', noSys=True)
249  config.addOutputVar (self.containerName, 'phi', 'phi', noSys=True)
250  config.addOutputVar (self.containerName, 'e_%SYS%', 'e')
254 class PhotonWorkingPointConfig (ConfigBlock) :
255  """the ConfigBlock for the photon working point
257  This may at some point be split into multiple blocks (29 Aug 22)."""
259  def __init__ (self, containerName='', selectionName='') :
260  super (PhotonWorkingPointConfig, self).__init__ ()
261  self.addOption ('containerName', containerName, type=str,
262  noneAction='error',
263  info="the name of the input container.")
264  self.addOption ('selectionName', selectionName, type=str,
265  noneAction='error',
266  info="the name of the photon selection to define (e.g. tight or "
267  "loose).")
268  self.addOption ('postfix', selectionName, type=str,
269  info="a postfix to apply to decorations and algorithm names. "
270  "Typically not needed here as selectionName is used internally.")
271  self.addOption ('qualityWP', None, type=str,
272  info="the ID WP (string) to use. Supported ID WPs: Tight, Medium and Loose.")
273  self.addOption ('isolationWP', None, type=str,
274  info="the ID WP (string) to use. Supported isolation WPs: "
275  "FixedCutLoose, FixedCutTight, TightCaloOnly, NonIso.")
276  self.addOption ('closeByCorrection', False, type=bool,
277  info="whether to use close-by-corrected isolation working points")
278  self.addOption ('recomputeIsEM', False, type=bool,
279  info="whether to rerun the cut-based selection. The default is "
280  "False, i.e. to use derivation flags.")
281  self.addOption ('doFSRSelection', False, type=bool,
282  info="whether to accept additional photons close to muons for the "
283  "purpose of FSR corrections to these muons. Expert feature "
284  "requested by the H4l analysis running on PHYSLITE. "
285  "The default is False.")
286  self.addOption ('noEffSF', False, type=bool,
287  info="disables the calculation of efficiencies and scale factors. "
288  "Experimental! only useful to test a new WP for which scale "
289  "factors are not available. The default is False.")
290  self.addOption ('forceFullSimConfig', False, type=bool,
291  info="whether to force the tool to use the configuration meant "
292  "for full simulation samples. Only for testing purposes. "
293  "The default is False.")
295  def makeAlgs (self, config) :
297  log = logging.getLogger('PhotonWorkingPointConfig')
299  # The setup below is inappropriate for Run 1
300  if config.geometry() is LHCPeriod.Run1:
301  raise ValueError ("Can't set up the PhotonWorkingPointConfig with %s, there must be something wrong!" % config.geometry().value)
303  if self.forceFullSimConfig:
304  log.warning("You are running PhotonWorkingPointConfig forcing full sim config")
305  log.warning("This is only intended to be used for testing purposes")
307  postfix = self.postfix
308  if postfix != '' and postfix[0] != '_' :
309  postfix = '_' + postfix
311  if self.qualityWP == 'Tight' :
312  quality = ROOT.egammaPID.PhotonTight
313  elif self.qualityWP == 'Medium' :
314  quality = ROOT.egammaPID.PhotonMedium
315  elif self.qualityWP == 'Loose' :
316  quality = ROOT.egammaPID.PhotonLoose
317  else :
318  raise Exception ('unknown photon quality working point "' + self.qualityWP + '" should be Tight, Medium or Loose')
320  # Set up the photon selection algorithm:
321  alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgSelectionAlg', 'PhotonIsEMSelectorAlg' + postfix )
322  alg.selectionDecoration = 'selectEM' + postfix + ',as_bits'
323  if self.recomputeIsEM:
324  # Rerun the cut-based ID
325  config.addPrivateTool( 'selectionTool', 'AsgPhotonIsEMSelector' )
326  alg.selectionTool.isEMMask = quality
327  if config.geometry() is LHCPeriod.Run2:
328  if self.qualityWP == 'Tight':
329  alg.selectionTool.ConfigFile = 'ElectronPhotonSelectorTools/offline/mc20_20240510/PhotonIsEMTightSelectorCutDefs_pTdep_mc20_smooth.conf'
330  elif self.qualityWP == 'Loose':
331  alg.selectionTool.ConfigFile = 'ElectronPhotonSelectorTools/offline/mc15_20150712/PhotonIsEMLooseSelectorCutDefs.conf'
332  elif self.qualityWP == 'Medium':
333  alg.selectionTool.ConfigFile = 'ElectronPhotonSelectorTools/offline/mc20_20240510/PhotonIsEMMediumSelectorCutDefs_pTdep_smooth.conf'
334  if config.geometry() is LHCPeriod.Run3:
335  if self.qualityWP == 'Tight':
336  alg.selectionTool.ConfigFile = 'ElectronPhotonSelectorTools/offline/20180825/PhotonIsEMTightSelectorCutDefs.conf'
337  elif self.qualityWP == 'Loose':
338  alg.selectionTool.ConfigFile = 'ElectronPhotonSelectorTools/offline/mc15_20150712/PhotonIsEMLooseSelectorCutDefs.conf'
339  elif self.qualityWP == 'Medium':
340  raise ValueError('No Medium menu available for Run-3. Please get in contact with egamma')
341  else:
342  # Select from Derivation Framework flags
343  config.addPrivateTool( 'selectionTool', 'CP::AsgFlagSelectionTool' )
344  dfFlag = 'DFCommonPhotonsIsEM' + self.qualityWP
345  alg.selectionTool.selectionFlags = [ dfFlag ]
346  alg.particles = config.readName (self.containerName)
347  alg.preselection = config.getPreselection (self.containerName, self.selectionName)
348  config.addSelection (self.containerName, self.selectionName, alg.selectionDecoration)
350  # Set up the FSR selection
351  if self.doFSRSelection :
352  # save the flag set for the WP
353  wpFlag = alg.selectionDecoration.split(",")[0]
354  alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::EgammaFSRForMuonsCollectorAlg', 'EgammaFSRForMuonsCollectorAlg' + postfix + '_ph') # added extra postfix to avoid name clash with electrons
355  alg.selectionDecoration = wpFlag
356  alg.ElectronOrPhotonContKey = config.readName (self.containerName)
358  # Set up the isolation selection algorithm:
359  if self.isolationWP != 'NonIso' :
360  alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::EgammaIsolationSelectionAlg',
361  'PhotonIsolationSelectionAlg' + postfix )
362  alg.selectionDecoration = 'isolated' + postfix + ',as_bits'
363  config.addPrivateTool( 'selectionTool', 'CP::IsolationSelectionTool' )
364  alg.selectionTool.PhotonWP = self.isolationWP
365  if self.closeByCorrection:
366  alg.selectionTool.IsoDecSuffix = "CloseByCorr"
367  alg.isPhoton = True
368  alg.egammas = config.readName (self.containerName)
369  alg.preselection = config.getPreselection (self.containerName, self.selectionName)
370  config.addSelection (self.containerName, self.selectionName, alg.selectionDecoration)
372  # Set up the ID/reco photon efficiency correction algorithm:
373  if config.dataType() is not DataType.Data and not self.noEffSF:
374  alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::PhotonEfficiencyCorrectionAlg',
375  'PhotonEfficiencyCorrectionAlgID' + postfix )
376  config.addPrivateTool( 'efficiencyCorrectionTool',
377  'AsgPhotonEfficiencyCorrectionTool' )
378  alg.scaleFactorDecoration = 'ph_id_effSF' + postfix + '_%SYS%'
379  if config.dataType() is DataType.FastSim:
380  alg.efficiencyCorrectionTool.ForceDataType = (
381  PATCore.ParticleDataType.Full if self.forceFullSimConfig else
382  PATCore.ParticleDataType.Fast)
383  elif config.dataType() is DataType.FullSim:
384  alg.efficiencyCorrectionTool.ForceDataType = \
385  PATCore.ParticleDataType.Full
386  if config.geometry() >= LHCPeriod.Run2:
387  alg.efficiencyCorrectionTool.MapFilePath = 'PhotonEfficiencyCorrection/2015_2025/rel22.2/2022_Summer_Prerecom_v1/map0.txt'
388  alg.outOfValidity = 2 #silent
389  alg.outOfValidityDeco = 'ph_id_bad_eff' + postfix
390  alg.photons = config.readName (self.containerName)
391  alg.preselection = config.getPreselection (self.containerName, self.selectionName)
392  config.addOutputVar (self.containerName, alg.scaleFactorDecoration, 'id_effSF' + postfix)
394  # Set up the ISO photon efficiency correction algorithm:
395  if config.dataType() is not DataType.Data and self.isolationWP != 'NonIso' and not self.noEffSF:
396  alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::PhotonEfficiencyCorrectionAlg',
397  'PhotonEfficiencyCorrectionAlgIsol' + postfix )
398  config.addPrivateTool( 'efficiencyCorrectionTool',
399  'AsgPhotonEfficiencyCorrectionTool' )
400  alg.scaleFactorDecoration = 'ph_isol_effSF' + postfix + '_%SYS%'
401  if config.dataType() is DataType.FastSim:
402  alg.efficiencyCorrectionTool.ForceDataType = (
403  PATCore.ParticleDataType.Full if self.forceFullSimConfig else
404  PATCore.ParticleDataType.Fast)
405  elif config.dataType() is DataType.FullSim:
406  alg.efficiencyCorrectionTool.ForceDataType = \
407  PATCore.ParticleDataType.Full
408  alg.efficiencyCorrectionTool.IsoKey = self.isolationWP.replace("FixedCut","")
409  if config.geometry() >= LHCPeriod.Run2:
410  alg.efficiencyCorrectionTool.MapFilePath = 'PhotonEfficiencyCorrection/2015_2025/rel22.2/2022_Summer_Prerecom_v1/map0.txt'
411  alg.outOfValidity = 2 #silent
412  alg.outOfValidityDeco = 'ph_isol_bad_eff' + postfix
413  alg.photons = config.readName (self.containerName)
414  alg.preselection = config.getPreselection (self.containerName, self.selectionName)
415  config.addOutputVar (self.containerName, alg.scaleFactorDecoration, 'isol_effSF' + postfix)
421 def makePhotonCalibrationConfig( seq, containerName,
422  postfix = None,
423  crackVeto = None,
424  enableCleaning = None,
425  cleaningAllowLate = None,
426  recomputeIsEM = None,
427  forceFullSimConfig = None):
428  """Create photon calibration analysis algorithms
430  This makes all the algorithms that need to be run first befor
431  all working point specific algorithms and that can be shared
432  between the working points.
434  Keywrod arguments:
435  postfix -- a postfix to apply to decorations and algorithm
436  names. this is mostly used/needed when using this
437  sequence with multiple working points to ensure all
438  names are unique.
439  crackVeto -- Whether or not to perform eta crack veto
440  enableCleaning -- Enable photon cleaning
441  cleaningAllowLate -- Whether to ignore timing information in cleaning.
442  recomputeIsEM -- Whether to rerun the cut-based selection. If not, use derivation flags
443  forceFullSimConfig -- imposes full-sim config for FastSim for testing
444  """
446  config = PhotonCalibrationConfig (containerName)
447  config.setOptionValue ('postfix', postfix)
448  config.setOptionValue ('crackVeto', crackVeto)
449  config.setOptionValue ('enableCleaning', enableCleaning)
450  config.setOptionValue ('cleaningAllowLate', cleaningAllowLate)
451  config.setOptionValue ('recomputeIsEM', recomputeIsEM)
452  config.setOptionValue ('forceFullSimConfig', forceFullSimConfig)
453  seq.append (config)
457 def makePhotonWorkingPointConfig( seq, containerName, workingPoint, selectionName,
458  recomputeIsEM = None,
459  noEffSF = None,
460  forceFullSimConfig = None):
461  """Create photon analysis algorithms for a single working point
463  Keywrod arguments:
464  workingPoint -- The working point to use
465  selectionName -- a postfix to apply to decorations and algorithm
466  names. this is mostly used/needed when using this
467  sequence with multiple working points to ensure all
468  names are unique.
469  recomputeIsEM -- Whether to rerun the cut-based selection. If not, use derivation flags
470  noEffSF -- Disables the calculation of efficiencies and scale factors
471  forceFullSimConfig -- imposes full-sim config for FastSim for testing
472  """
474  config = PhotonWorkingPointConfig (containerName, selectionName)
475  if workingPoint is not None :
476  splitWP = workingPoint.split ('.')
477  if len (splitWP) != 2 :
478  raise ValueError ('working point should be of format "quality.isolation", not ' + workingPoint)
479  config.setOptionValue ('qualityWP', splitWP[0])
480  config.setOptionValue ('isolationWP', splitWP[1])
481  config.setOptionValue ('recomputeIsEM', recomputeIsEM)
482  config.setOptionValue ('noEffSF', noEffSF)
483  config.setOptionValue ('forceFullSimConfig', forceFullSimConfig)
484  seq.append (config)
std::string replace(std::string s, const std::string &s2, const std::string &s3)
Definition: hcg.cxx:307
Definition: PATCoreEnums.h:21
def __init__(self, containerName='')
def __init__(self, containerName='', selectionName='')
def makeAlgs(self, config)
def makeAlgs(self, config)
def makePhotonCalibrationConfig(seq, containerName, postfix=None, crackVeto=None, enableCleaning=None, cleaningAllowLate=None, recomputeIsEM=None, forceFullSimConfig=None)
def makePhotonWorkingPointConfig(seq, containerName, workingPoint, selectionName, recomputeIsEM=None, noEffSF=None, forceFullSimConfig=None)
def makeCalibrationAndSmearingAlg(self, config, name)