ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 # Copyright (C) 2002-2022 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
3 import glob
4 import os
5 import shutil
6 import subprocess
7 from AthenaCommon import Logging
8 from ...decorators import timed
9 from ...utility import LHE, ProcessManager, SingleProcessThread
12 logger = Logging.logging.getLogger("PowhegControl")
15 @timed("MadSpin post-processing")
16 def MadSpin(process, powheg_LHE_output):
17  """! Move output to correctly named file.
19  @param process External MadSpin process.
20  @param powheg_LHE_output Name of LHE file produced by PowhegBox.
22  @author James Robinson <>
23  """
24  process.expose()
25  __construct_inputs(powheg_LHE_output, process)
26  __run_executable(process.executable)
27  __prepare_outputs(powheg_LHE_output)
30 def __construct_inputs(input_LHE_events, process):
31  """! Construct MadSpin runcard.
33  @param input_LHE_events Input LHE file name.
34  @param process MadSpin process.
36  @author James Robinson <>
37  """
38  # Find insertion point for MadSpin header
39"Constructing MadSpin runcard header")
40  pre_header = "\n".join([elem for elem in [LHE.opening_tag(input_LHE_events), LHE.comment_block(input_LHE_events)] if elem])
41  header_contents = LHE.header_block(input_LHE_events).replace("<header>", "").replace("</header>", "").strip("\n")
42  post_header = LHE.init_block(input_LHE_events)
43  postamble = LHE.postamble(input_LHE_events)
45  # Write events to LHE file with MadSpin information
46  with open("madspin_LHE_input.lhe", "w") as f_madspin_LHE:
47  f_madspin_LHE.write("{}\n".format(pre_header))
48  f_madspin_LHE.write("<header>\n")
49  f_madspin_LHE.write("<mgversion>\n")
50  f_madspin_LHE.write("{}\n".format(os.environ["MADPATH"].split("/")[-1].split("v")[-1].split("_p")[0].replace("_", ".")))
51  f_madspin_LHE.write("</mgversion>\n")
52  f_madspin_LHE.write("<mg5proccard>\n")
53  f_madspin_LHE.write("set group_subprocesses Auto\n")
54  f_madspin_LHE.write("set ignore_six_quark_processes False\n")
55  f_madspin_LHE.write("set loop_optimized_output True\n")
56  f_madspin_LHE.write("set gauge unitary\n")
57  f_madspin_LHE.write("set complex_mass_scheme False\n")
58  f_madspin_LHE.write("import model {}\n".format(process.MadSpin_model))
59  if int(process.MadSpin_nFlavours) == 4:
60  f_madspin_LHE.write("define p = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~\n")
61  f_madspin_LHE.write("define j = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~\n")
62  elif int(process.MadSpin_nFlavours) == 5:
63  f_madspin_LHE.write("define p = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~\n")
64  f_madspin_LHE.write("define j = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~\n")
65  else:
66  raise ValueError("'MadSpin_nFlavours' must be set to 4 or 5")
67  if process.MadSpin_taus_are_leptons:
68  f_madspin_LHE.write("define l+ = e+ mu+ ta+\n")
69  f_madspin_LHE.write("define l- = e- mu- ta-\n")
70  else:
71  f_madspin_LHE.write("define l+ = e+ mu+\n")
72  f_madspin_LHE.write("define l- = e- mu-\n")
73  f_madspin_LHE.write("{}\n".format(process.MadSpin_process))
74  f_madspin_LHE.write("output tchan\n")
75  f_madspin_LHE.write("</mg5proccard>\n")
76  f_madspin_LHE.write("<mgruncard>\n")
77  f_madspin_LHE.write("#0.01 = req_acc_FO ! needed for determining LO/NLO - see AGENE-1459\n")
78  f_madspin_LHE.write("{} = nevents\n".format(LHE.event_counter(input_LHE_events)))
79  f_madspin_LHE.write("1 = lpp1 ! beam 1 type (0 = no PDF)\n")
80  f_madspin_LHE.write("1 = lpp2 ! beam 2 type (0 = no PDF)\n")
81  f_madspin_LHE.write("{} = ebeam1 ! beam 1 energy in GeV\n".format(process.beam_energy))
82  f_madspin_LHE.write("{} = ebeam2 ! beam 2 energy in GeV\n".format(process.beam_energy))
83  f_madspin_LHE.write("{} = bwcutoff\n".format(process.bwcutoff))
84  f_madspin_LHE.write("</mgruncard>\n")
85  f_madspin_LHE.write("<slha>\n")
86  if process.MadSpin_paramcard != "":
87  with open(process.MadSpin_paramcard) as file:
88  for line in file:
89  f_madspin_LHE.write(line)
90  else:
91  f_madspin_LHE.write("######################################################################\n")
92  f_madspin_LHE.write("## PARAM_CARD AUTOMATICALY GENERATED BY MG5 ####\n")
93  f_madspin_LHE.write("######################################################################\n")
94  f_madspin_LHE.write("###################################\n")
95  f_madspin_LHE.write("## INFORMATION FOR LOOP\n")
96  f_madspin_LHE.write("###################################\n")
97  f_madspin_LHE.write("BLOCK LOOP #\n")
98  f_madspin_LHE.write(" 1 {:e} # mu_r\n".format(process.mass_Z))
99  f_madspin_LHE.write("###################################\n")
100  f_madspin_LHE.write("## INFORMATION FOR MASS\n")
101  f_madspin_LHE.write("###################################\n")
102  f_madspin_LHE.write("BLOCK MASS #\n")
103  f_madspin_LHE.write(" 1 0.000000e+00 # d : 0.0\n")
104  f_madspin_LHE.write(" 2 0.000000e+00 # u : 0.0\n")
105  f_madspin_LHE.write(" 3 0.000000e+00 # s : 0.0\n")
106  f_madspin_LHE.write(" 4 0.000000e+00 # c : 0.0\n")
107  f_madspin_LHE.write(" 5 {:e} # mb\n".format(process.mass_b))
108  f_madspin_LHE.write(" 6 {:e} # mt\n".format(process.mass_t))
109  f_madspin_LHE.write(" 11 0.000000e+00 # e- : 0.0\n")
110  f_madspin_LHE.write(" 12 0.000000e+00 # ve : 0.0\n")
111  f_madspin_LHE.write(" 13 0.000000e+00 # mu- : 0.0\n")
112  f_madspin_LHE.write(" 14 0.000000e+00 # vm : 0.0\n")
113  f_madspin_LHE.write(" 15 {:e} # mta\n".format(process.mass_tau))
114  f_madspin_LHE.write(" 16 0.000000e+00 # vt : 0.0\n")
115  f_madspin_LHE.write(" 21 0.000000e+00 # g : 0.0\n")
116  f_madspin_LHE.write(" 22 0.000000e+00 # a : 0.0\n")
117  f_madspin_LHE.write(" 23 {:e} # mz\n".format(process.mass_Z))
118  f_madspin_LHE.write(" 24 {:e} # w+\n".format(process.mass_W))
119  f_madspin_LHE.write(" 25 {:e} # mh\n".format(process.mass_H))
120  f_madspin_LHE.write(" 82 0.000000e+00 # gh : 0.0\n")
121  f_madspin_LHE.write("###################################\n")
122  f_madspin_LHE.write("## INFORMATION FOR SMINPUTS\n")
123  f_madspin_LHE.write("###################################\n")
124  f_madspin_LHE.write("BLOCK SMINPUTS #\n")
125  f_madspin_LHE.write(" 1 {:e} # aewm1\n".format(process.alphaem_inv))
126  f_madspin_LHE.write(" 2 {:e} # gf\n".format(process.G_F))
127  f_madspin_LHE.write(" 3 {:e} # as\n".format(process.alphaqcd))
128  f_madspin_LHE.write("###################################\n")
129  f_madspin_LHE.write("## INFORMATION FOR YUKAWA\n")
130  f_madspin_LHE.write("###################################\n")
131  f_madspin_LHE.write("BLOCK YUKAWA #\n")
132  f_madspin_LHE.write(" 5 {:e} # ymb\n".format(process.mass_b))
133  f_madspin_LHE.write(" 6 {:e} # ymt\n".format(process.mass_t))
134  f_madspin_LHE.write(" 15 {:e} # ymtau\n".format(process.mass_tau))
135  f_madspin_LHE.write("###################################\n")
136  f_madspin_LHE.write("## INFORMATION FOR QNUMBERS 82\n")
137  f_madspin_LHE.write("###################################\n")
138  f_madspin_LHE.write("BLOCK QNUMBERS 82 # gh\n")
139  f_madspin_LHE.write(" 1 0 # 3 times electric charge\n")
140  f_madspin_LHE.write(" 2 1 # number of spin states (2s+1)\n")
141  f_madspin_LHE.write(" 3 8 # colour rep (1: singlet, 3: triplet, 8: octet)\n")
142  f_madspin_LHE.write(" 4 1 # particle/antiparticle distinction (0=own anti)\n")
143  if "ckm" in process.MadSpin_model or "CKM" in process.MadSpin_model:
144"Adding Wolfenstein parameters in param_card for model {}".format(process.MadSpin_model))
145  f_madspin_LHE.write("###################################\n")
146  f_madspin_LHE.write("INFORMATION FOR WOLFENSTEIN\n")
147  f_madspin_LHE.write("###################################\n")
148  f_madspin_LHE.write("Block wolfenstein\n")
149  f_madspin_LHE.write(" 1 {:e} # lamWS\n".format(process.Wolfenstein_lambda))
150  f_madspin_LHE.write(" 2 {:e} # AWS\n".format(process.Wolfenstein_A))
151  f_madspin_LHE.write(" 3 {:e} # rhoWS\n".format(process.Wolfenstein_rho))
152  f_madspin_LHE.write(" 4 {:e} # etaWS\n".format(process.Wolfenstein_eta))
153  f_madspin_LHE.write("#\n")
154  f_madspin_LHE.write("#*************************\n")
155  f_madspin_LHE.write("# Decay widths *\n")
156  f_madspin_LHE.write("#*************************\n")
157  f_madspin_LHE.write("#\n")
158  f_madspin_LHE.write("# PDG Width\n")
159  f_madspin_LHE.write("DECAY 1 0.000000e+00\n")
160  f_madspin_LHE.write("#\n")
161  f_madspin_LHE.write("# PDG Width\n")
162  f_madspin_LHE.write("DECAY 2 0.000000e+00\n")
163  f_madspin_LHE.write("#\n")
164  f_madspin_LHE.write("# PDG Width\n")
165  f_madspin_LHE.write("DECAY 3 0.000000e+00\n")
166  f_madspin_LHE.write("#\n")
167  f_madspin_LHE.write("# PDG Width\n")
168  f_madspin_LHE.write("DECAY 4 0.000000e+00\n")
169  f_madspin_LHE.write("#\n")
170  f_madspin_LHE.write("# PDG Width\n")
171  f_madspin_LHE.write("DECAY 5 0.000000e+00\n")
172  f_madspin_LHE.write("#\n")
173  if "ckm" in process.MadSpin_model or "CKM" in process.MadSpin_model:
174"Top decay modes not set in param_card for model {} - BRs will be calculated at LO by MadSpin".format(process.MadSpin_model))
175  f_madspin_LHE.write("# PDG Width\n")
176  f_madspin_LHE.write("DECAY 6 {:e}\n".format(process.width_t))
177  f_madspin_LHE.write("#\n")
178  else:
179  # Scale t BRs down so that sum is 1.0
180  BR_t_to_any = process.BR_t_to_Wb + process.BR_t_to_Ws + process.BR_t_to_Wd
181  f_madspin_LHE.write("# PDG Width\n")
182  f_madspin_LHE.write("DECAY 6 {:e}\n".format(process.width_t))
183  f_madspin_LHE.write("# BR NDA ID1 ID2 ...\n")
184  f_madspin_LHE.write(" {:e} 2 5 24 # 1.32\n".format(process.BR_t_to_Wb / BR_t_to_any))
185  f_madspin_LHE.write(" {:e} 2 3 24 # 1.32\n".format(process.BR_t_to_Ws / BR_t_to_any))
186  f_madspin_LHE.write(" {:e} 2 1 24 # 1.32\n".format(process.BR_t_to_Wd / BR_t_to_any))
187  f_madspin_LHE.write("#\n")
188  f_madspin_LHE.write("# PDG Width\n")
189  f_madspin_LHE.write("DECAY 11 0.000000e+00\n")
190  f_madspin_LHE.write("#\n")
191  f_madspin_LHE.write("# PDG Width\n")
192  f_madspin_LHE.write("DECAY 12 0.000000e+00\n")
193  f_madspin_LHE.write("#\n")
194  f_madspin_LHE.write("# PDG Width\n")
195  f_madspin_LHE.write("DECAY 13 0.000000e+00\n")
196  f_madspin_LHE.write("#\n")
197  f_madspin_LHE.write("# PDG Width\n")
198  f_madspin_LHE.write("DECAY 14 0.000000e+00\n")
199  f_madspin_LHE.write("#\n")
200  f_madspin_LHE.write("# PDG Width\n")
201  f_madspin_LHE.write("DECAY 15 0.000000e+00\n")
202  f_madspin_LHE.write("#\n")
203  f_madspin_LHE.write("# PDG Width\n")
204  f_madspin_LHE.write("DECAY 16 0.000000e+00\n")
205  f_madspin_LHE.write("#\n")
206  f_madspin_LHE.write("# PDG Width\n")
207  f_madspin_LHE.write("DECAY 21 0.000000e+00\n")
208  f_madspin_LHE.write("#\n")
209  f_madspin_LHE.write("# PDG Width\n")
210  f_madspin_LHE.write("DECAY 22 0.000000e+00\n")
211  f_madspin_LHE.write("#\n")
212  f_madspin_LHE.write("# PDG Width\n")
213  f_madspin_LHE.write("DECAY 23 {:e}\n".format(process.width_Z))
214  f_madspin_LHE.write("#\n")
215  if "ckm" in process.MadSpin_model or "CKM" in process.MadSpin_model:
216"W decay modes not set in param_card for model {} - BRs will be calculated at LO by MadSpin".format(process.MadSpin_model))
217  f_madspin_LHE.write("# PDG Width\n")
218  f_madspin_LHE.write("DECAY 24 {}\n".format(process.width_W))
219  f_madspin_LHE.write("#\n")
220  else:
221  # Scale W BRs down so that sum is 1.0
222  BR_W_to_any = process.BR_W_to_hadrons + process.BR_W_to_leptons
223  f_madspin_LHE.write("# PDG Width\n")
224  f_madspin_LHE.write("DECAY 24 {}\n".format(process.width_W))
225  f_madspin_LHE.write("# BR NDA ID1 ID2 ...\n")
226  f_madspin_LHE.write(" {:e} 2 -1 2\n".format((process.BR_W_to_hadrons / 2.) / BR_W_to_any))
227  f_madspin_LHE.write(" {:e} 2 -3 4\n".format((process.BR_W_to_hadrons / 2.) / BR_W_to_any))
228  f_madspin_LHE.write(" {:e} 2 -11 12\n".format((process.BR_W_to_leptons / 3.) / BR_W_to_any))
229  f_madspin_LHE.write(" {:e} 2 -13 14\n".format((process.BR_W_to_leptons / 3.) / BR_W_to_any))
230  f_madspin_LHE.write(" {:e} 2 -15 16\n".format((process.BR_W_to_leptons / 3.) / BR_W_to_any))
231  f_madspin_LHE.write("#\n")
232  f_madspin_LHE.write("# PDG Width\n")
233  f_madspin_LHE.write("DECAY 25 {:e}\n".format(process.width_H))
234  f_madspin_LHE.write("#\n")
235  f_madspin_LHE.write("# PDG Width\n")
236  f_madspin_LHE.write("DECAY 82 0.000000e+00\n")
237  f_madspin_LHE.write("</slha>\n")
238  f_madspin_LHE.write("{}\n".format(header_contents))
239  f_madspin_LHE.write("</header>\n")
240  f_madspin_LHE.write("{}\n".format(post_header))
241  for event in LHE.event_iterator(input_LHE_events):
242  f_madspin_LHE.write(event)
243  f_madspin_LHE.write(postamble)
245  # Rename LHE files
246  shutil.move(input_LHE_events, "{}.undecayed".format(input_LHE_events))
247  shutil.move("madspin_LHE_input.lhe", input_LHE_events)
249  # Write MadSpin runcard
250  with open("madspin_runcard.txt", "w") as f_madspin_runcard:
251  f_madspin_runcard.write("import {}\n".format(input_LHE_events))
252  f_madspin_runcard.write("set spinmode {}\n".format(process.MadSpin_mode))
253  if process.MadSpin_max_weight_ps_point>0:
254  f_madspin_runcard.write("set max_weight_ps_point {}\n".format(int(process.MadSpin_max_weight_ps_point)))
255  if process.MadSpin_Nevents_for_max_weight>0:
256  f_madspin_runcard.write("set Nevents_for_max_weight {}\n".format(int(process.MadSpin_Nevents_for_max_weight)))
257  for decay in process.MadSpin_decays:
258  f_madspin_runcard.write("{0}\n".format(decay))
259  f_madspin_runcard.write("launch\n")
260  f_madspin_runcard.write("quit\n")
263 @timed("MadSpin executable")
264 def __run_executable(executable):
265  """! Run MadSpin executable.
267  @author James Robinson <>
268  """
269  if not os.path.isfile(executable):
270  raise OSError("MadSpin executable {} not found!".format(executable))
271"MadSpin executable: {}".format(executable))
272  with open("madspin_runcard.txt", "r") as runcard_input:
273  processes = [SingleProcessThread(['python', executable], stdin=runcard_input, ignore_output=["INFO:","MadSpin>"],
274  error_output=["Command \"launch\" interrupted with error:","MadSpinError"],
275  info_output=["generating the production square matrix element"],
276  warning_output=["stty: standard input: Invalid argument",
277  "stty: standard input: Inappropriate ioctl for device",
278  "no version information available",
279  "CRITICAL: Branching ratio larger than one for"])]
280  manager = ProcessManager(processes)
281  while manager.monitor():
282  pass
285 def __prepare_outputs(input_LHE_events):
286  """! Prepare MadSpin output.
288  @author James Robinson <>
289  """
290"Preparing MadSpin output")
292  # Unzip MadSpin events
293"gunzip pwgevents_decayed.lhe.gz 2> /dev/null", shell=True)
294  shutil.move("pwgevents_decayed.lhe", "{}.decayed".format(input_LHE_events))
296  # Get appropriate header sections from Powheg and MadSpin LHE
297  powheg_LHE, madspin_LHE = "{}.undecayed".format(input_LHE_events), "{}.decayed".format(input_LHE_events)
298  pre_header = "\n".join([elem for elem in [LHE.opening_tag(powheg_LHE), LHE.comment_block(powheg_LHE)] if elem])
299  header = LHE.header_block(madspin_LHE)
300  post_header = LHE.init_block(powheg_LHE)
301  postamble = LHE.postamble(powheg_LHE)
303  # Write events to LHE file with MadSpin information
304  with open("pwgevents_with_MadSpin.lhe", "w") as f_combined_LHE:
305  f_combined_LHE.write("{}\n".format(pre_header))
306  f_combined_LHE.write("{}\n".format(header))
307  f_combined_LHE.write("{}\n".format(post_header))
308  for event in LHE.event_iterator("{}.decayed".format(input_LHE_events)):
309  f_combined_LHE.write(event)
310  f_combined_LHE.write(postamble)
312  # Rename output file
313  if os.path.isfile(input_LHE_events):
314  shutil.move(input_LHE_events, "{}.undecayed_ready_for_madspin".format(input_LHE_events))
315  shutil.move("pwgevents_with_MadSpin.lhe", input_LHE_events)
317  for LHE_tarball in list(set(glob.glob("*lhe*.gz") + glob.glob("*events*.gz"))):
318"Cleaning up MadSpin tarball: {}".format(LHE_tarball))
319  os.remove(LHE_tarball)
std::string replace(std::string s, const std::string &s2, const std::string &s3)
Definition: hcg.cxx:307
def timed(name)
Decorator to output function execution time.
def __construct_inputs(input_LHE_events, process)
Construct MadSpin runcard.
def __run_executable(executable)
Run MadSpin executable.
def list(name, path='/')
def __prepare_outputs(input_LHE_events)
Prepare MadSpin output.
constexpr std::enable_if_t< is_bitmask_v< E >, E & > set(E &lhs, E rhs)
Convenience function to set bits in a class enum bitmask.
Definition: bitmask.h:232
std::string join(const std::vector< std::string > &v, const char c=',')
Definition: Trigger/TrigT1/L1Topo/L1TopoCommon/Root/StringUtils.cxx:10
def MadSpin(process, powheg_LHE_output)
Move output to correctly named file.
@ open
Definition: BinningType.h:40
@ split
Definition: LayerMaterialProperties.h:38